The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1971, Image 1

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Co-ed visitation in Centennial College. . . scenes like this
more common at UNL'.
Students misinterpret
The dispute over the UNL dormitory
visitation policy has provoked substantial
discussion among elements of the campus. It
has also produced some misinterpretations
concerning the present policy on visitation.
According to the 1971-72 Campus
Handbook, the present Board of Regent's
policy "does not allow for co-ed visitation in
residence hall rooms, fraternity or sorority
rooms, or co-operative living unit rooms
except as provided for during open houses
and Residence Hall Association (RHA)
hours. Co-ed visitation carried on outside of
RHA hours or open house hours is a
violation of University rules."
RHA Hours may be held any day of the
week for a maximum of six hours between
12 o'clock noon and one-half-hour before
closing hours.
The RHA Hours "shall be open to
residents of the participating groups and
their guests." Although such activities may
be formal or informal, the handbook
emphasizes that the events "stress
educational, social and cultural activities."
The decision to have RHA Hours is left to
the individual floor in accordance with
voting procedure determined by that floor.
The participating floors must also make
arrangements "to insure that the rights of
other floors not participating in RHA Hours
will not be abused."
Kn-ignffgiiiniiiiiiiiii iTl'iniTnl-ii.MMiirTinimilM.Mi
After listening to the
concerns and complaints of
University student leaders
Thursday, Chancellor-elect
James H. Zumberge said it
could be a "new ball game"
when he takes office in
As an outsider who hasn't
come up through the
University's administrative
ranks, Zumberge indicated he
probably wouldn't be tied to
the status quo, a complaint
several of the students leveled
at the Administration.
Zumberge, enroute to a
conference in Washington, D.
C, attended the faculty
member orientation at the
Nebraska Center Wednesday
and talked with the faculty
liaison committee Thursday.
doors "fully open" to provide an
unobstructed view of the room during the
time guests are present in the room and
"faculty andor staff andor par ents shall be
present during the event."
"In order to achieve individua. nd group
responsibility," the handbook says, "the
planning and implementation of the RHA
Hours shall be performed by the students in
cooperation with the residence staff."
All RHA Hours events must be planned
and registered in advance with the Residence
The Open Houses are an open invitation
to the general public to view the student
living quarters and some formal ativity is
required in association with the Open House,
for example, "a party with decorations and
refreshments, or a dance."
The Open Houses may be held week-ends
and other special days, by special
arrangements, for a maximum of three
hours. The special arrangements permit
obervance of holidays and special events.
As with RHA Hours, Open Houses
require that residents keep their doors fully
open during the time guests are present in
the room: faculty, staff or parents must be
present: and the event must be registered in
advance with the Residence Director.
roe ta
Some of the concerns posed
at the meeting by the ASUN,
Council on Student Life,
Greek, dormitory and minority
group representatives were
student attitudes toward the
Administration, discrimination
on campus, educational reform
and the Time-Out conference.
Zumberge said he thought
the Board of Regents' decision
on the conference has
committed , the Regents to a
principle-that of upholding the
constitutional right of free
However, ASUN 1st Vice
Pres. Michele Coyle told
Zumberge the real issue is
whether the Regents made
their decision because they
believe in free speech or
are becoming more and
residents must keen their
ks with
because their lawyer said they
had no choice.
Zumberge described the
conflict between outstate
citizens and students as one
between "the attitudes of the
person who doesn't feel as
impatient for social change"
and the student who is
The citizens who don't see
the social problems as urgent,
who don't see the ghetto or
poverty, view actions like the
Time-Out Conference "as a
way of you rubbing their noses
in the generation Bap." he said.
One" of his tasks Zumberge
said, will be to give the
taxpayer a better
understanding of events at the
oppose visitation
A majority of student
assistants on the UNL
campuses disagrees with the
University's present coed
visitation policy, a Daily
Nebraskan poll shows.
Eighty-eight of the 121 SAs
on Lincoln's East and City
Campuses responded to the
mail poll. Eighty-two Sa's or
93 per cent of the respondents,
said they personally disagreed
with the policy.
Self-determination was a
significant factor for most of
the dissenters. "We don't want
24-hour visitation 7 days a
week, but we'd like to be able
to decide which of the 24
hours to use," commented one
SA. The student assistants were
asked not to sign the poll.
Another predominant
theme among the dissenters
was a disagreement with the
provision requiring SAs to
sponsor floor visitation events.
"I'm not a babysitter," said
one SA.
"SAs are in an awkward
position, enforcing rules they
. don't believe in," answered one
person. "It gets in the way of
CSL delays hour decision
by Carol Strasser
In order to get feedback from students, the Council on
Student Life Thursday delayed action on a proposed change in
the 12-hour rule. Current policy in the Campus Handbook states
that students must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours to
participate in extra-curricular activities.
The proposal, presented to the Council last spring by its
Standing Committee on Student Organizations, recommends that
the rule be changed to read "any student regularly enrolled can
participate in extra-curricular activities."
CSL is asking interested persons to attend next Thursday s
meeting in Abel Hall north lounge. In a straw vote several weeks
ago, ASUN approved abolishment of the 1 2-hour rule.
The impetus for the rule change came last spring when it was
challenged on two occasions by students.
Several CSL members objected to the proposed change
because it might allow "outside agitators" to join campus
activities by enrolling in only one course.
Another objection to the proposal was that someone enrolled
for only a few credit hours can't be considered a student in the
full sense of the word.
The general concept of a student has broadened in the past
few years so that it now includes more part-time students, said
CSL-member Meg Hall who helped draft the proposal.
The reasoning behind the proposal is that participation in
activities shouldn't be denied to those students who for
economic or other reasons, aren't enrolled for 1 2 hours, she said.
The objections to the change center around allowing part-time
students to participate in representative groups, such as ASUN
rather than participation in special interest groups, she said.
Several Council members held that part-time students should
have a voice in campus activities. It was pointed out that students
have the responsibility to elect their representatives, and
restrictions such as the 1 2-hour rule are unnecessary.
Also tabled until next week is a report from the CSL ad hoc
committee on student disciplinary procedures appointed last
spring. ,
In other action, the Council decided to review the Code of
Student Conduct in the Campus Handbook. It was suggested to
the Council last spring that many of the rules aren't specific
enough and that there is no separation of rules enforced by civil
and University authorities.
UNL students
The University may be the
stage on which social change is
presented, he said, but it isn't
"the mastermind of social
change." The goal of the
University is "the knowledge
business," and it can cause
social change if this knowledge
has some impact on the
direction of society, he added.
"The next big thrust is
man's relation to man,"
Zumberge said, since very little
progress in human relations has
been made in comparison with
man's material progress.
Ray Metoyer, ASUN
Senator and member of the
Afro-American Collegiate
Society executive council
extended an invitation to
Zumberge to meet with the
council. But started on that
their real iob because no
student is going to confide his
or her problems to the 'local
policeman.' "
Student assistants, hired by
the University as supervisors on
every dormitory floor, are an
important cog in enforcing the
visitation policy.
Although 90 per cent of the
respondents indicated the
majority of their floor
disaprees with the policy as it
now stands, 81.5 per cent of
the SAs who answered said
they are enforcing the present
Most of the respondents
said since they are employes of
the University it is their duty
to enforce whatever policy is in
effect. Many said they enforce
the policy mainly because
they'd lose their jobs if they
Fifteen per cent of the
respondents said they do not
enforce the present policy.
(The present policy is defined
in another story on this page.)
"The hypocrisy of developing
Turn to page 12.
basis, Zumberge said, "if things
go awry, it will be my fault."
Because of a lack of
information, Zumberge wasn't
in a position to talk specifics,
ASUN Pres. Steve Fowler said.
The students simply presented
the chancellor-elect with a
number of student concerns,
he said.
Fowler said he would send
' Zumberge some of the reports
on campus issues, such as
racism and sexism, to give him
some of the students' ideas and
supporting data.
I hope we can talk frankly
land openly with each other,"
Zumberge told the students,
and "can help each other solve