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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1971)
. !. it.Mu . V 4, i v.,iH .tfHlW There will be a Treasurers' Information Workshop sponsored by the Office of Student Activities on Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Small Auditorium. The Lincoln Group of Nebraska Organization for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NORAL) will be held tonight at 8 p.m. at the Unitarian Church, 6300 A St. A panel will speak on various aspects of abortion. The Teacher's College Advisory Board will be interviewing for one new member on Thurs. Oct. 7 at 3:30 p.m. in Rm. 43, Henzlik Hall. There are still openings on the Student Activities flight to London December 26 to January 17 at $183. Deadline for signing up in Student Activities office is Thursday. "AN KOTO O LISTS 3ENTK5f !" t 11 -Judith Critl, NBC-TV V J -J jjff 20tti Century-Fox presents '" ''iOMr:m rJiUAABODI 1 &m jypggs j "Tjf TlkZ' Released by MARON FILMS LIMITED If Tf J mW?2ft ( IPfplf J JAMES GARNER UAJIIIS IS STRQtCTUFF! (III fP CT" m 1(4 r Ml - " j VThis is the unadulterated raw story of JJ what life and love are ready like III in the HELL of an 80a day habit. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, The Office of Student Activities will sponsor a Treasurers' information workshop on Thurs. Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Small Auditorium. Burt Wallrich, of the Institute Mountain-West for the Study of Non-Violence in Denver, will have a talk and rap session on "Living Revolution" at Centennial College today at 9 p.m. Physical Therapy majors are invited to the Physical Therapy Club meeting Thurs. Oct. 7 in the Nebraska Union. The University of Nebraska Coalition for Peace and Justice is sponsoring an October 1 3th Moratorium with Nebraskans for Peace. There will be a booth in the Union all day Wed., Thurs. and Fri. for students who would like to be one of the 407 Nebraskan who V3 1971 will meet in front of the State Capitol on the 13th in memorial to Nebraskans who have died in the Southeast Asian conflict. The University Amateur Radio Club will hold an organizational meeting at 7 p.m. in Bancroft Hall. (Meet in main Hallway.) CSL . . Continued from page 1. student fee issue. In court Tuesday, the two students attepted to block student fee support for the Time-Out and World Revolution Conferences and The Daily Nebraskan. Three members of CSL were appointed to "sort through the student fee question" and report Thursday to the Council with recommendations on how to proceed. There currently isn't an organization on campus where individuals can appeal the use of student fees, said Council member Ely Meyerson, interim executive dean of Student Affairs l STARTS THURSDAY! the producer and the director of -joe" have done now? SPOUTS WEikU you choose your design . . we apply it right then and there Takes less than a minute! $1.57 (price includes one printed design) CAMPUS iOOECSTOHi 13th & n plow open Thurs. & Fri. night till 9:00 pm THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Court ruling. . Another ruling said the only reason for restricting an off-campus speaker is if there is imminent danger the speaker will cause unlawful actions. WRIGHT ARGUES THAT the plaintiff must show either a potential of great or irreparable damage or a need for personal relief to get an order. He added that the $3000 used for the conference is not enough to be considered a matter of great or irreparable damage and the plaintiffs had not shown a need of personal relief. The action against the conference can only be taken as an act of censorship, Wright said. Prior restraint of speech is not allowed under the Constitution, he said. And the burden of proof of imminent danager is strong on those who seek such restraints, Wright added. In his statement on refusing to issue the order Judge Ronin said there are "rather impelling precedents on these matters which uphold the first amendment." He added that it is not for the court to decide whether the conference is in good taste. A HEARING FOR a permanent injunction against the use of fees for conferences and publications is to be scheduled in the near future. No date has been set for a hearing on a similar move by State Senator Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff. Time Out Wednesday: Anselma Dell'Olio 9 a.m. -10:20 a.m. Union Lounge, "A Rap on Feminist Theatre." 1:30 - 2:30, a rap session at Tri-Delts, 1601 R, 5:30-6:45, rap session at Alpha Tau Omega, 1433 R, 9 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. rap session at Harper-Schramm-Smith. HoooId eoDQooity Gooeorfs o 5 THRILLING NATIONAL BALLET OF WASHINGTON November 21,1971 3:00 P.M. COMPANY February 26.1972 8:00 P.M. TUCSON ARIZONA BOYS CHORUS March 26, 1972 3:00 P.M. RICHARD TUCKER May 13,1972 8:00 P.M. Please send me Adult enclosed is my checkmoney order Name.. Adress City State MAIL TO: Lincoln Community Concerts 1910 Dakota Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68502 Continued from page 1. Dr. Alan Bell - 9 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Burr-Fedde Hall on East Campus. Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon - 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m. -Harper-Schramm-Smith. Diane Schulder - 6 p.m. -7:30 p.m. rap session at Burr-Fedde. 8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Unitarian Church, 6300 A St. EVENTS THE RAMSEY LEWIS TRIO One of the country's most popular jazz trios. A leader in presenting this true American art form and winner of the National academy of Recording Arts and Sciences Grammy (recording industry's Oscar) for "The In Crowd." They have eppeared on the country's top shows and concert tours. Octobar 20,1971 8:00 P.M. Student memberships. In payment for $ Phone... Zip.. ADULTS $ 10.30 STUDENTS S 5.15 PAGE 3