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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1971)
IfiUU i 1 l . . ' - ' 9E0 it MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 95, NO. 17 AAcGovern draws overflow crowd by Bill Smitherman An overflow crowd at the Nebraska Union cheered presidential hopeful Sen. George McGovern Friday as he gave a brief speech and fielded questions for thirty minutes. McGovern, who last spoke at UNL in 1967, echoed his anti-war sentiments of four years ago. He also spoke of his positions on prejudice, economics and environment. The senator was interrupted by cheers and applause many times during the speech, and received a standing ovation during the questioning when he said that if he were elected he would declare an executive amnesty for all citizens who had gone to jail or into foreign exile because of objections of conscience against the war. MCGOVERN ADDED that he had seen many dispirited soldiers during his recent trip to Vietnam. He said it is also important to provide help for GIs returning from the war. The senator told the crowd there is a double credibility gap in the United States. The first question is if any politician is worthy of people's trust, he said. The second is whether the people have the will and perserverence to defeat the "powers of deception." "This country must change its direction in order to survive," McGovern said. "I ask your support because I think we can change the direction of the country." MCGOVERN SAID the young can now have a much greater influence in politics because of the 1 8-yearrold vote. He added that the 25 million newly enfranchised voters can have a significant effect, considering that the 1968 election was won by a margin of one million votes and the 1960 election was won by a margin of only 100,000 votes. It is no longer possible- to divide the foreign and domestic portions of government policy, McGovern said. The senator traced the problems of unemployment, inflation and credibility to the Vietnam war. The country cannot expect to solve these problems as long as two out of three American tax dollars are being spent for the military and instruments of war, McGovern said. He also spoke on the issue of domestic rascism. "WE CANNOT expect to convince the world that we stand for freedom and peace as long as the cancer of racism exists in our own country. It must be rooted out." McGovern concluded the brief speech by saying that America has the proper ideals, those given by the founders of. Turn to page 11. egents split on Time-Out question by Randy Beam An attempt to block this week's ASUN Time-Out Conference on Human Sexuality failed Saturday at a special meeting of the Board of Regents. A motion by Regent James H. Moylan of Omaha directing the administration "to take whatever action that is appropriate to see that this conference is not held. ..and to see that no student fees or tax money be utilized in sponsorship of this particular conference" was stopped on a vote of 5-1 -1 . Moylan and Regent Robert Prokop of Wilber called the special session. Some Regents objected to participation by homosexuals in the conference. The University of Minnesota student body president and his male marriage partner, and two women who will publish a book this spring titled "Lesbian Women" are scheduled to speak at the conference. Following the vote on Moylan's motion, Regent Ed Schwartzkopf introduced a position statement which was subsequently endorsed by all board members present except Moylan, who abstained. The statement noted that public reaction to the conference was a matter of "grave concern to all of the Regents," but pointed out that all citizens, including college students, are assured the rights of freedom of speech and assembly. These rights "must be respected," the statement continued, "even in cases where the subject matter f k ' ' - i X 1 - - 1 t. ....S-.--.-' df-MI-WiHiT - "1 under consideration or the speakers involved are considered by the Regents to be offensive to a majority of the citizens of the state and damaging to the relationship of the University to its constituents and to the Legislature." The policy statement concurred with the opinion offered by board Jegal counsel Flavel Wright, who stated that Moylan's motion seemed to contradict consititutional guarantees of freedom of speech and assembly. "It is my opinion that neither this board, nor the state of Nebraska, nor the administration has the legal authority at this time to direct that this meeting be canceled," he said. Moylan purported that the conference would infringe on the rights of "the vast majority of students at Nebraska" to have a normal educational experience. Prokop, who seconded Moylan's motion but abstained on the vote, called the conference a "review of aberrant behavior, psychiatrically." In explaining his abstention, Prokop noted that he did not object to the conference's topic (human sexuality), but was unhappy about what he termed the conference's imbalance as far as subject matter was concerned. He criticized the administration-the office of Student Affairs in particular-for not alerting the Regents that homosexuality was to be discussed. The upcoming Time Out Conference on Human Sexuality was the topic of debate at a special Regents meeting Saturday. Regent Moyland initially moved to cancel the conference with Dr. Prokop seconding the resolution. The vcte was 1-5-1. with Moyland voting for. Ratin. Schwarz kopf, Koefoot, Elliot and Wagner voting against, and Prokop passing. Regent Hansen was not present. Prokop asserted that the administration had been instructed to keep the board informed on this topic following last year's controversy on the homophile course. He tagged the lack of communication, and consequently the Regents' lack of input into the conference, a "political albatross" around the board's -neck. After the meeting Prokop said that while he did not feel it was right for the Regents to dictate how Turn to page 2 Koefoot statement Charges that Regents James Moylan and Robert Krokop were either attempting to disrupt the University or seeking their own political gain were leveled by fellow Regent Dr. Robert Koefoot of Grand Island at the Board's special session Saturday. Koefoot. whose remarks were greeted with applause from an audience of mostly students, claimed the welfare of the University was not being furthered by actions of Moylan and Prokop in calling the meeting, after legal counsel for the Board stated "without question or hesitation it would be impossible for them to stop the conference." Turn to page 3 1 fu " r) f v '-i "x f s& :.'V ' 1 "57 J i V; ' Prokop Moylan Koefoot Schwartzkopf