NU housss largest TV film library The largest distributor of educational films and tapes in the nation is headquartered below the stands of the west end of Memorial Stadium on the UNL Campus. The Great Plains National Instructional Television Library is a self-supporting agency of the University's television department, soon to leave the stadium for the new liTV building on liast Campus. Instituted in 1962, the Great Plains Library is a self-supporting agency and is the c ountry's largest distributor of educational films and tapes. More than 75,000 separate recorded lesson-units have been distributed by the Library since 1962 according to Richard Spence, information coordinator. The Library operates on a u s e -1 c a s c plan. The "telecourse" user pays the Lr W , It s. I ".-s, -J v i5 ;,. ft.- I J ate I 'ut-m. Mill rin I . '. 1 ,,rt-4''"8'' The back storeroom of the Great Plains Library bulges with educational tapes and films. duplication and service fees plus a royalty payment which is returned to the original producer. "The Library serves only to distribute material, not to produce it," Spence said. Programs range from "Sounds like Magic", a series of thirty 15-minutc lessons for primary grades, t o "Shakespeare," thirty 45-minute lessons making up a Literature 2 1 1 course. A University survey made in 1960-61 found that many schools around the country had produced television courses for their own use, many of these courses are preserved on high quality video tape. For both the economic and educational benefits of sharing such courses the U.S. Office of Education (USOE) financed regional distribution centers. 472-2988 472-2589 472-2590 FOR SALE Two Keystone Mags. Fits Chevy 14 In. 434 4389. 1968 Ford good condition, $950 or best offer, 434 0228, Rich or Norman Jedlicka. Roberts reel-to-reel 8 track tape recorder and player. 120 wts. Stereo. 435 8584. Ask tor Tom Hofterber. 1967 Dodge Van. Runs good-automatic. Low mileage. $625 or best offer. Call 4 7 5-1041. Leave message at desk if interested for Rm. 1122. 1971 male 5-speed, burgundy Schwinn. $85. 432-3905. 1965 4 -door Chevrolet Bel-Air, 6 stick, excellent condition. $550. Call 475 0231. Stereo Components. Discount prices. Fisher, Dual, Kenwood, Ampex. 466-0930. Beer Steins Mugs Mugs Mugs. Cliffs Smoke Shop. 12th and O Streets. HELP WANTED We need two waitresses to work Mf, 11 a.m. -2 p.m. 'at our downtown location. Please apply at 4701 "O" St. King's Food Host. M-F, 8:30 5:00 p.m. WANTED: F loorsa lesman for leading retail electronics company. Electronic knowledge not necessary. Salary, commission, and opportunity to grow with company. Send resume to Box 80203. ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate wanted $32 50mo. Cleaning deposit. 475 9665. Girl wanted to share apt. with 2 others. 1740 D St. 475 5715. Female roommate wanted $55mo. Ride to and from East Campus. Call 8:00 5:00. 472 2904 or 466 7703. Ask tor Pam. SERVICES So you want to play the guitar? Learn from an expert. Classes begin October 4 at Hospe's 432 4421. 1140 "O" St. French girl will give French lessons & tutoring. 475 9283. FOOTBALL SPECIAL: CHILD CARE Ages 2 7, Open 10 00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. N U. HOME FOOTBALL GAMES WEE CARE DAY CENTER 265 South 84th. Phone 489 9102. Sewing and Alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799 2615. Watch Repair. All makes -including Timex. Campus Bookstore -East side, look for yellow door. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted: Lionel Electric train and accessories. Ext. 2705 ask for Higgins. Get rich quick. No joke! Dave, 435 6002, 9 5. YOUTH COALITION FOR MUSKIE Anyone interested call 438 5252 or 434 2684. YOU HAVE A SPLENDID FACE. FRAME IT AND HANG IT. YOUR PORTRAIT DONE AT THE SNACK SHO" "ONITE, WEDNESDAY, AFTER 11:00 P.M. NO CHARGE. At 10th & P. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Mon. thru Fri. 1 :00 pm to 5:30 pm 4 lines bowling $2.00 1 hour pool or snooker .60 18 holes indoor golf .50 HONEST VALUE $3.10 MATINEE SPECIAL!! ALL for $1.00 SNOOKER BOWL 48th & Dudley 434-9822 AT-1145, 1:20 3.4:40,6:20 8:00,9:35 HE CONQUERED THE HILLS.PIECZ BY PIECE! Y'ALL COME TO liSH THIS LAUGH RIOT ACE FURNITURE 2429 "0" 432-4466 RENT-A- TV Reliable TV, Radio, Stereo Repair PSYCHIATRY RESIDENCY NO INTERNSHIP REQUIRED Excellent training in general psychiatry in intensively supervised eclectic, dynamic university centered program. Three years fully approved. Broad training with increasing emphasis on family, community involvement and group therapy. Stipened: $1 1,000 to $14,000 plus finge benefits and dependency allowance. Write Robert F. Shannon, M. D. University of Arkansas Medical Center, Little Rock, Arkansas Phone: (501) 664-5000; KARATE & COXIISEQ BUM BELT IfMlillSTBB INSTRUCTION FOR EVERYONE "SOPHISTICATED SELF-DEFENSE" FOR ALL AGES PRIVATE & GROUP INSTRUCTION - HOURS - AM - 9 PM 2117 "O" Street Mjt A I Lincoln, Nebraska B A I Phone 475-0726 f I Qg$y ypt to JO HARRY NOVAK PRtSl NTb MATINEES DAILY! Starrtng COLOR DIXIE DONOVAN JOHNNY R0CC0 Introducing stationery for people who think saving a tree is important. Earthnotes is 100 recycled quality stationery. It's made entirely from waste material. Trash. Using recycled paper saves trees, reduces pollution, and cuts down on waste. But recycling only works when there is a demand for waste material. And this demand is created only when people buy recycled products. By buying Earthnotes, and other recycled paper products, you create a market for recycled paper. And help to save more trees. Each box contains 50 Monarch size sheets, 30 matching envelopes and 30 "Save- a-Tree" stickers so you can soread the buy recycling message. It's available tfTff?Tfflm'mW( in white or pastel "earth colors". LLubri U u,rsJL,l..J and help save-a-tree Andrew Netcon Whitehead 7 Lalght Street New York, New York 10013 3. N W PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1971 V " J!V-. 11 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN