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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1971)
4722500 For special student World-Herald rates, on campus, call 489-8393. Students, Professors, Interested Bodies. Let me give you an A in your economy. Contact Charles Pelikan. 315 Bruce Dr. f,' 472-2589 Very friendly, brown and white, male springer spaniel. 477-3507. Rolex wrist watch. On campus. $10 reward. 435 5111. Dan Hord. 472-2590 Sewing and Alterations. Moore at 799-2615. Call Pat LOST jTJLTLnjArnj-xruiJiA w FOR SALE Cigars for Pinnings, Cliffs Smoke Shop. 1 2th & O Streets. 1970 SS Chevelle: 4 speed. Extras 13.800 miles. $2,400.00. Evenings: 475 0141. Vox Series 90 Amplifier 4-12"; 2 horns, 140 Watts Rms; infrequently used by fading rock . star. CaH Dan 466 9209. 1967 B.S.A Hornet Customized Overhauled Needs loving care 435 2890 3440 Randolph $750.00 New Steel Tubular Bicycle Rack, 26 Max capacity; Very reasonable; Cornhusker Co op, 705 N 23rd. 475 6796. 1969 Honda CB 350 $375. Excellent condition. Ron after six. 475 7973. '65 Honda CB 160, extras, must sell best offer, Bill, 432 5966 after 9 pm. 1970 Kowasaki. Good condition 4 75 860(i Water bed for sale Oueen size includes pad, liner frame. Best, offer. Over $50.00 477 1908. 2 Keystone Maqs for Chevrolet 14 inch. 475 2215. HELP WANTED SALESGIRL(S) WANTED Part time to fill approximately these hours: Monday and Friday mornings, Tuesday and Wednesday all day, Thursday 3:00 to 5:30 and Saturday. If you can fill a large share of these hours please apply in person at MAX MILLER CAMERAS INC 1434 "0". Before 3:00 p.m. Friday September 17. Students who plan to apply for admission to a medical school in the fall 1972 must have taken the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). The test, prepared by the Psychological Corporation, is given twice a year and all of the accredited medical schools in the United States and Canada require that applicants take the test. The test must be taken at least one year before the date of admission to the medical school. This year the test was given in May and will be given again on October 16th. A student who has not taken the test previously, or one who wants to repeat the test, must apply for admission to the test. Any student who is planning to take the test this fall, October 16, 19 7 1, must have his application returned to New York no later than Sept. 29, 1971. The application must be accompanied by a "2 by 2" photograph. Application forms for the MCAT can be obtained from the premedical advisers, or from Dr. Paul A. Landolt, Room 440, Oldfather Hall. There will be a Transcendental Meditation Introductory Lecture tonight, X p.m in the Nebraska Union. Alpha Zcta, an agricultural honorary will meet tonight at 5:30 at Scott's Pancake House, 13th .ind L Sts. Men. ..Half deysTFull days. We need fellows who can work half or full days on temporary unskilled labor jobs. Work the days you want. Good pay, daily draw. Manpower, 122 No. 11. Freshman wanted as CORNHUSKER YEARBOOK Sales Representatives, Earn Money selling the CORNHUSKER in your living unit and on campus. Sign up Room 34 Student Union.. .or call CORNHUSKER OFFICE at 472-2586 for more information... Needed immediately. Full time baby sitter for one-year-old 475 1ft?Q PERSONAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRIS there are three more words I want to say and I always will. I LOVE YOU. BENNY ROOMMATE WANTED Wanted One female student to fill vacancy at Cornhusker Co-op, 705 N. 23rd. Call 475 6796 and ask for an officer. MALE ROOMMATES WANTED TO SHARE beautiful, fully carpeted, air-conditioned home with double garage and fireplace. 423-8906 After 3 p.m. Female roommate wanted. $41 mo. 475 5715. Call after 5:30 p.m. Female Roommate wanted. $40 plus utilities. Phone 475 9942. Monday -Thursday after 5:30. J '3r 7 The National Bank of Commerce in Lincoln is a great believer in Big Red. So this year, we're giving a FREE Go Big Red-Number One poncho to any student who opens a "Cornhusker" checking account at NBC. Our ponchos are the color of Memorial Stadium on a football Saturday. And they'll last as long as Nebraska's black shirts, well known for their durability. So come in and visit the friendly people at NBC soon. Stop by the main bank, 13th and O, or the drive-in patio office at 10th and O. Both are close to campus and both offer you FREE Big Red ponchos when you open your "Cornhusker" checking account... at the National Bank of Commerce. Member FDIC. Male roommate to share house with 2 bedrooms, air-conditioned. $65mo. utilities included. Would prefer grad student or upperclassman. 4 blocks from Campus. 432-2554. Wanted: Female Housemate. Private room. Call Roxy at 475-5026. MISCELLANEOUS If you have Tuesday nights free and are interested in joining a girl's drill team and social organization, come to Cadence Countess booth at activities mart today and sign up for interviews. Watch Repair All makes -including Timex. Campus Bookstore-East side look for yellow door. FOOTBALL SPECIAL: CHILD CARE Ages 2-7. Open 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p. n. NU HOME FOOTBALL JAMES WEE CARE DAY CENTER. 265 South 84th Phone 489-9102. Wanted to buy Auto Stereo cassette player. 432-0602. PLAY A HALF GAME OF CHESS AT THE SNACK SHOP. MAYBE TOMORROW'S CUSTOMER WILL PLAY THE OTHER HALF, 10th & P. OPEN AFTER 8:00 NITELY Live better with pollution control cleaning products; natural food supplements; and natural cosmetics. Also need distributors, excellent part time with high returns. 423-2875. f. I. I -r 3. Hi ft fib & - , lh PAGE11 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1971 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN