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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1971)
MJDD2 vV jnpn WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 95 NO.8 s "J X o Report claims tenure adequate Harvey S. Perlman... "The primary purpose of tenure is to protect academic freedom." The Faculty Senate, in its first meeting of the year Tuesday, rejected a proposal for an experimental midyear commencement program which would have decentralized commencement activities on the Lincoln campus. Roland Peterson, chairman of the Commencement Committee, placed two motions before the Senate. The change in the calendar for the 1 97 1-72 academic year prompted the review of the midyear commencement program. The committee recommended that each college on the UNL campus conduct its own program. The college could then determine the type of ceremony, attendance requirements and the type of dress. It was proposed that midyear commencement be held on the afternoon and evening of December 22, 1971. The experimental program would have been reviewed and evaluated before spring commencement. The Senate, however, raised several questions about the procedure. One problem anticipated was that of administering exams to graduating seniors. The exam period is scheduled through December 23. Another problem, discussed at length, was that of the in absentia fee which a graduating student is required to pay. It was suggested that the fee might be waived or otherwise Regents fill development posts by Bill Smitherman The Board of Regents in its Monday meeting appointed two men to the job of dean for student development. When Russell H. Brown, dean for student development, resigned early this month, interim Executive Dean for Student Affairs Ely Meyerson was faced with the need to fill the vacancy. RATHER THAN try to get a new man for the job just as the school year opened, Meyerson and his staff decided to recommend appointing two men to interim posts. Hal Smith, union program director, was given the additional appointment of interim assistant dean for student development programs. Harry Cannon, director of the counseling center, was appointed interim assistant dean for student development services. The programs section of Student Development will in;lu(?i the departments of student activities, recreation and intramurals, IFC and Panhellenic advising and foreign student advising, Meyerson said. THE SERVICES portion will include the counseling center, examination service, social services program (minority student services), scholarship and financial aids, discipline and placement, he said. Both Smith and Cannon will retain their current posts as well as the new positions, he said. "There will be no great shake-ups in administration," he said. Meyerson said the student development job was split for several reasons. FIRST, IT WAS necessary to quickly find a replacement for Brown, he said. Also, since there is now no permanent dean of student affairs, Meyerson and his staff didn't think a permanent dean for student development should be appointed. "We also thought it might be a good idea to experiment with the form of development services," Meyerson said. "We weren't unhappy with the current Turn to page 12. altered. After rejecting the proposal the Senate referred the problem back to the Commencement Committee for further study. In other action the Senate elected Jerry L. Petr, Professor of Economics, Senate secretary. Petr succeeds Robert Narveson who completed his stint in the two-year position. A report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure was presented by Harvey S. Perlman, Associate Professor of Law. The report indicated that the present tenure system is adequate. Said Perlman: "The primary purpose of tenure is to protect academic freedom." Perlman also noted that the "faculty has taken dramatic steps.. .to improve the quality of the faculty." , He said the function of the Ad Hoc committee was to prepare a reasoned explanation of tenure and to keep the faculty informed of progress on the tenure question. The Senate also heard a brief welcome from interim UNL Chancellor C. Peter McGrath. Love makes debut as lady temptress The film "Love at First Sight" will be shown to about I 20 sections of beginning English students Ih is semester. Believe it or not the film is really about Love Library. The film contains some imaginative art work and personifies Love Library as a female who has a lot to offer. Lively guitar music accompanies the narrator, who occasionally makes more subtle plays on words about the library. Brief glimpses of the facilities at Love Library, Nebraska Hall, and C. Y. Thompson Library on Last Campus are shown, and according to the film "The library will help you get it all together". The film is designed to better orient students to library facilities at UNL. It will be shown by library staff members who will answer questions about the library facilities. The film was produced by University Instructional Media personnel working in cooperation with the staff of UNL libraries. James Buterbaugh,, head of the Instructional Media Center, a department ot the txtension Division, said, "There are a wide variety of films available to stuuents, faculty and community organizations. The wide range of films includes movies on drugs, sex education, and even a new instructional film for churches on "Church Ushering". The films are catalogued and there is a preview room at the film library in Nebraska Hall where films can be viewed before checking them out. Just about anyone who can pay the rental fee may check films out Rental fees are based on the amount of time the user has the film. , . If) ; AUfJ IO !7'- fcsr : !. . , , , ,.- -J The traditional Resents Reception, sponsored by UNL each year to acquaint the University faculty and staff, was held Monday night in the Nebraska Union decorated with hundreds of fresh flowers. This year, for the first time, ASUN senators and presidents of campus-wide organizations were invited to attend. Waiting in the reception line are (left to right) ASUN Sen. Kirk Sayre, followed by Coach Bob Devaney. Bowling, movies, cards, refreshments and dancing in the ballroom were offered to some 1500 quests. Michele Coyle, ASUN 1st Vice Pres., said if the point was to get acquainted with faculty and Regents, the reception was "not the way to do it." The only place to talk was in the reception line, as faculty and students remained in separate croups. she said. I . 1 I 'H V;