Committee rewrites University by-laws amm WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 95, NO. 4 Regents by Carol Strasser "Definite harassment by the more liberal elements of the University community" has prompted a proposal to remove the fraternity system from the control of the Council on Student Life, according to University Regent Robert Prokop. CSL's investigation of alleged discrimination in Greek houses "got Greek alumni quite upset" and probably prompted the proposal, said John W. Robinson, associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and past chairman of CSL. "MANY FRATERNITY and sorority people, more especially the alumni, were considerably disturbed by the interest CSL showed in fraternities and sororities," he' said. "They had the feeling they were a different group not under the control of CSL." Prokop concurred that the alumni were upset. They invest money in fraternities and sororities and, "due to harassment techniques, face the possibility of losing their investment," he said. The proposal, expected to be delivered at the Regents September 13 meeting, calls for the creation of an executive fraternity council The council would be comprised of undergraduates, Greek house I-House promotes understanding by H.J. Cummins "Houseman!" called the uniformed janitor, opening the door on the first floor of Piper Hal! marked "Women's Section." Hearing no feminine protests, he went in to continue cleaning, just as he did last year and many years before. BUT NOT MUCH else at Piper Hall, one of four parts of UNL's Women's Residence Hall, is the same as last year. The first two floors now compose the University of Nebraska's first International House, men on the first floor, women on the second. Able to accommodate 72 students, with openings still available, the International House (I-House) was set up "to foster better international relations and have an international resource center, both human and educational, on this campus," according to Raad Hermes, the student assistant on the men's floor. 1-1 louse participants include studentsfrom Persia, India, Lebanon, Japan, Hong Kong, Iran, France, Liberia, Australia, Italy, Pakistan, the Dominican Republic, Libya and the United States. PROGRAMS AT THE I-House are open to the whole campus community. Ideas include a travel information center with information on all overseas programs, classes in the I-House, language tables where only a certain language can be spoken, Sunday night international dinners and folk dancing, and a guest room which will be open to foreign visitors. The WRH food service has promised to try to add more variety to l-House menus, serving more rice dishes. To date, one of the worst problems for the l-l louse participants has been learning the residents' multi-national names. But that was quickly overcome by "distributing nicknames on the spot," according to Hermes. ZOYA ZEMAN coordinator of the International Information Center, said the orange lounge at Piper Hall will become "the center for anybody who wants any kind of 1 V study Greek plan chapter advisers and representatives from the University at large. THE COUNCIL WOULD be under the authority of the dean of student affairs and Regents and would supervise functions of the fraternities, such as rushing and pledging, now controlled by the Interfraternity Council Chapter Board of Control and Board of Advisers. There is no mention of inclusion of a similar council for the Alumni Panhellenic Advisory Board (sororities) in the proposal, said Corwin D. Moore, chairman of the Alumni Interfraternity Board. There also is no direct reference to CSL in the proposal although it is expected to remove fraternities from CSL control, Moore said. "The internal working of the fraternity system has nothing to do with CSL or their supervision," he added. CLAIMING THAT the creation of CSL is not provided for in the Regents' by-laws, Prokop said an executive fraternity council would combine the authority now held by several fraternity advisory boards a'nd "properly establish where authority lies." CSL, created by executive order two years ago, is charged with responsibility over all non-academic student affairs. international experience." Flu mo Stevens, a graduate student in economics and I-House representative from Liberia, said he lives in I-House because he feels one has to learn about other people to evaluate oneself. "I'd like to see if I can appreciate other people's cultures," he said. "I came to learn about people other than Americans, too," he added. FEELING THAT OTHER foreign students are accepted more quickly than he due to his black skin, the doctoral student stressed the importance of one-to-one relationships, saying, "If we (the world) hope to live together, let me see if I can go in a room and live with an Indian I believe only that can eventually bring world peace." In addition to the cross-cultural knowledge she hopes to gain, American student Penny Kealey has some immmediate plans for her involvement in this international experiment, she said. Concerned about the foreign students' difficult adjustment, and remembering how difficult it was even for her as a freshman, the sophomore from Holdrege said. "If they (foreign students) have a problem, I don't want them to feel they don't have anyone to talk to." THE BULLETIN BOARD in Libyan student Ham id Kamul's room is covered with Playboy pin-ups and pictures of Muhammed Ali. Below the board is a black derby he collected on a trip to Louisana. Kamcl said he wants "to know more about different people and different cultures." Bob Chattock, a sophomore from Omaha, said he is excited about living with a foreign student because, unlike Americans who one can "get to know in two days," it will take a "long time to find out" about foreign students. His roommate, Altaf Malik from Pakistan, also said it was convenient that the I-House will be open during vacations and all summer, times when housing has traditionally been a problem for foreign students. subject to review by the Regents. CSL began considering the question of discrimination in Greek houses following the release of a report by Robinson. Acting as President D. B. Varner's personal representative and not as chairman of CSL, Robinson compiled a report on discrimination in campus organizations which was presented to the Regents in November, 1970. ROBINSON'S report described the Greek system as the "weak link" in the chain of implementing the Board's anti-discrimination policy. It recommended that five fraternities and one sorority be reprimanded for racial discrimination. In the report, Robinson said it was uncertain whether 15 houses on campus are in a position to accept blacks. In reaction to the report, the Interfraternity Council Chapter Board of Advisers issued in June a policy statement on discrimination. In addition to supporting the proposal for an executive fraternity council, the statement recommends some programs to establish interaction between fraternity members and minority groups. These include "adopting" a Turn to page 2. by Bill Smitherman Thirty-six people on the three NU campuses are now formulating a policy which will affect campus life for many years to come. The University of Nebraska Study Committee on Governance, formed in the wake of the Stephen Rozman dispute last year, is now in the process of rewriting the University by-laws. ROZMAN WAS an NU political science teacher who was fired by the Regents after he was cited by a citizen's committee for "actions inappropriate for a teacher" during the campus disturbances of May, 1970. The question of what was inappropriate for a teacher led the faculties, meeting on the Lincoln campus in February, to call for the writing of a "constitution which will become the basic document for governance of the University of Nebraska." The committee has 36 members, representing all campuses as well as representatives of local communities. MERK HOBSON, executive ASUN, CSL hold first meetings The Associated Students of the University of Nebraska (ASUN) will hold its first meeting of the semester in the Nebraska Union today at 4 p.m. The Council on Student Life (CSL) will meet for the first time at S p.m. Thursday, also in the Nebraska Union. I r f Hamid Kamal settles into in Piper Hall. jiff 5 vice-president of the university, said the committee isn't working toward a deadline to complete its work. "This is an important project," Hobson said," and we want to take as much time as is needed to do a eood iob." THE COMMITTEE will probably incorporate many of the suggested changes into the document before sending it to the Regents, he said. The Regents will probably then make changes of their own, he added. Steve Fowler, ASUN president and chairman of the Student Policy Subcommittee, said the by-laws, as they now exist, seldom mention student concerns except discipline. There are other Regent approved statements of Student policy though, such as the Student in the Academic Community document. Fowler said his committee has reviewed these documents to see what material was relevant for by-laws. MOSTLY, THE student policy group has been trying to incorporate appropriate parts of existing policy into the Turn to page 8. MOM 3 i -i.ta. his new international home