The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 07, 1971, Image 1

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Zumberge . , .. ""The younger generation has a good thing going "
Regents appoint
Zumberge chancellor
By Bill Smitherman
Students should be listened to in the university community as
long as they are rational in their approach, according to Dr. James
H. Zumberge, chancellor-elect of .the University of
In a special meeting Saturday the Board of Regents appointed
Zumberge to the post of UNL chancellor and vice-president of
the university system effective Feb, J, J 972.
ZUMBERGE WILL succed Joseph Soshnik who resigned
effective Sept. Ho accept a position with an Omaha investment
firm. C, Peter Magrath, dean of faculties, will continue to act .as
UNL chancellor until Zumberge assumes the job.
Presently dean of the College of Earth Sciences at the
University of Arazona, Zumberge was the chief glaciologist for
the United States Ross Ice Shelf Project in Antarctica for the
International Geophysical Year.
Zumberge's appointment was the result of a search begun
when Soshnik announced his resignation in early spring.
AT THE SPECIAL meeting NU President D. B. Varner said
Zumberge1 name was among seven submitted to the Regents by a
special UNL search committee. Zumberge, Varner said, was the
first choice of the Regents and was the only candidate
approached for the job.
The Arizona dean was reluctant to accept the job and even
publicly announced in July that he had withdrawn his name
from consideration for the UNL post. But a trip to Arizona by
Varner persuaded him to come to Lincoln and look at (the
After an August 27 dinner with the Board of Regents.
Zumberge decided to accept the post.
IN THE SHORT meeting the Regents approved Zumberge"
appointment in a voice vote with seven in favor and one
abstension. Regent Robert Prokop of "Wither was the abstension.
Prokop later -said he had abstained because he was dissatisfied
with the search procedure, since the Regents only interviewed
one candidate on the list.
"'! basically feel that if the search committee sent m a list, we
should have had the opportunity to interview at least two or
three candidates." Prokop said.
ON ADVICE OF legal counsel the Regents later took a roll cull
vote and Zumberge was approved unanimously.
Prokop said his favorable vote on the roll call indicated he was
"supportive of the man they chose."" He said the choice would
have prohably been the same if more than one candidate had
been interviewed.
In a news conference after the meeting Zumberge said students
should be involved in University decision-making to the extent
they can provide relevant input.
POINTING TO THE new IK year-old vote. Zumberge said
youth is being listened to. "The younger generation has a good
thing going und we need to make it even better." he said.
The new chancellor said he hopes the college situation is
stabilizing as students realize they do have a voice. He added
though that public institutions are increasingly under fire by the
'We have failed to maintain our credibility with the people
who pay the bills," he said. Tm not really sure where we have
HE SAID HE WAS reluctant in his decision to lake the
chancellor! hip because of his involvement in geology and plans
lor new Antarctic expeditions.
Zumberge was the chief organizer tl'or expeditions to .the
Turn to page 6.
Registration plans
Controversy over the
constitutional amendment
granting ! 8-year-jlds the right
to vote seems to be settling
mainly into two areas: a
conflict between the two major
parties over registration
procedures for the newly
enfranchised young, and a
conflict in college towns
between local governments and
the masses of potential young
voters on universitv campuses.
Today The Daily Nebraskan
takes a look at inese two
conflicts from both a national
and local vantage point
First is a report and analysis
by staff writer Dennis Snyder,
wh spent a week interviewing
state and local officials of both
State approval of the 26th
Amendment, (lowering the
voting age to J 8 is a positive
attempt to get the young
people of America active in the
political process.
One of the problems
resulting from ratification is
that people are now realizing
the possible effects in local
elections if students were to
start registering in the cities
where they go to school.
" - Voting in a'bJoc,.lhe
students could wield an
immense amount of power. It
is this idealistic and allegedly
irresponsible fervor which
citizens fear. Nebraska
residents are no exception.
As a result of this fear,
many states are requiring
students to register in their
home towns, regardless of
where the students wish to
establish their legal residence.
Nebraska residency
requirements for voting
purposes slate that a person
must 'be a resident of the state
six months, the county 40
days, and the precinct in which
they will vote !1 0 days.
In addition, 'local officials
must also determine the
"intent" of students who
inte nd t o cla i m Lincoln, inst ead
of their home ttown, as their
The Nebraska secretary of
state's office is recommending
that students register and vote
in theiT home towns. They
claim this would prevent
u n n ee de d con f u sion when
students go home in May, and
also keep ;the students" voter
regist rat ion current .
R a il :p h !F n g .11 e r t .
administrative assistant to
Search Committee
seeks medical head
A 1 4 - m e m b e i sea rch
committee has been appointed
by President D.B. Varner to
develop a list of nominees lor
the post of chancellor at the
University of Nebraska Medical
Center in Omaha.
Dr. William Ruegatner,
chairman of Ihe Depart ment of
Biochemistry at the Medical
Center, is :t he search com mitt re
The new chancellor will
succeed Cecil "Wittson, The
present chancellor, who will
retire in a 972.
Nebraska Secretary of State
Allen J. Beerman has said his
office is not going to press the
issue of where a student
registers, but Beerman,
speaking earlier this summer,
warned students of the
differences between registering
in their home town and
registering in Lancaster
"If the students own a
motor vehicle, "Beerman said,
"they must then register their
autos in Lincoln and pay a
higher property tax. They'll
also have to pay the city's
wheel tax, and insurance
premiums also are higher in
Lancaster county," he added.
The 31 -year-old Republican
also explained that once the
students changed their
registration, they would no
longer be permitted to vote in
their home towns.
A check with the Lancaster
County Election Commission
verified this, but the
commission also added that as
long as a person fulfilled the
county and precinct residency
requirements, he could not be
prevented from changing his
registration. Another problem
arises alter the student decides
where he wants to vote and
tries to get registered at his
local county election
commission or county clerk's
One key to a high voter
registration ds convenience, and
while local clerks usually open
branch offices in public places
111 isvi iV
Stumping for votes. . .XLS. Sen. George McGovern (D-SJMl an
announced Presidential candidate, spent almost three hours
shaking hands at the Nebraska State Fair Sunday, He was
escorted by former Nebraska Gov. Frank B. Morrison, The
candidate earned a "Go Big Red"" tie for his afternoon's effort,
and asked bystanders, ""Does this mean I'm Mo. 1 T
prior to elections, very tew
maintain more than normal
office hours the rest of the
A phone survey of
Nebraska's three most
populous contries revealed that
Douglas County is the most
accomodating to the newly
enfranchised voters.
According to "Deputy
Election Commissioner Mike
Boyle, Doulgas County will put
an expanded registration plan
into action sometime after
January 1, and primarily
concentrate on the new voters.
Sarpy County is also
planning to expand registration
locations, but has yet to set a
date. Of the three, only
Lancaster County is lacking
some form of additional
program to get the new voters
Politically, both parties are
in favor of getting the new
voters registered, but neither
can agree on the best method.
T he controversy- followed
Governor J. J. Exon's
recommendation that
everything p.sbk; should be
done to register the new voters.
The governor's plan included
the deputizing of school
officials, who would then
register the students" at their
respective high schools.
Exon was answered by
Republican State Party
Chairman Milan Bish, who
suggested that the governor
had not researched registration
Turn to page 8.
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