The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 06, 1971, Image 1

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NO. 5
July 12th Meeting
Elegante To
By Sana Torgeraoa
Mil Jours alnn Sfwdeat
Coed visitation will he a mnaior
discussion topic at the Judy 12th meeting
of the University of Nebraska Regent.
The Regents wil be censadering a guest
rights policy presented by the Housing
Policy Comnaattee.
What is the hdsttoiry behind the
proposed policy?
What are the proposed visitation
How does the policy provide for those
who do not want cwd ikatalibn?
What do students think of the
What k the attitude toward the policy
in the University Housing Office?
The University of Nebraska has been
moving toward soune fomn of coed
visitation thnough a series of tonal
programs. These programs indude open
loaages, RHA Residence Hall
Association! hours and a coed dormitory.
The open lounge program was
implemented last year on a trial basts in
three dorms: Abel. Sandoz., and
Schramm. This peromitfed the presence of
ciaemltrcrs of the opposite ses in the floor
lounge dwiaag specific houurs decoded on
by a majority of the floor resadents.
Sponsorshiip was the trepaiatuiity of
resident voltaumteers.
RHA hoaaas k a program of the
Resadeaace Hull Assocajfflom. It allows
guests of. the opposite set to be in the
resident's aiooam for as loaag as sax hours
between1 12 moon and 1 am. The decision
to have RHA hoars nmflt be nuade by a
aanajorafly of the floor residents, and the
time must be potted. A member of the
residence hall staff smowa sapesrvke the
pnograan, and there mwstL be some form of
naformiaO eviterSaiiiiuinent
The Gamma Phi Beta sorority
allowed men on the first floor 24 hours a
iday thk sptriaag on a tmtnJ bask. The men
jmiiml be guuests of the bowse iresidents.
The pmogiram k saabject to review by the
:y!tmimmff aaaociiataon. and of approved, it
wjQ coudtiinne nert year..
Duiariaag the 197(9-71 term Schramm
Halll was an erqperimeaiitaB ctoed doran. Mem
and women hned on ailtteirariate Hoots, and
gsaewts of the opposite sex cmiM be
present on the alooas minder the eiatstiaag
RHA hours program.
On Koi. 1. 1971, the staudent
Iloawiijg Policy Comsanutttee formed an ad
hoc committee to irmwfitqgate the exastiiBg
gauest policies and develop a tnrame
siAkfactory policy- Coarnamiitrtee imrmbers
represented ASUJN Residence Hal
Association, fm&itSkmc League, ami
toiter-ffesrteimity OnumuiL
The warIk of thk iiCDtnaamilitof resulted
in a stuudeat gtieta rights poilicy wtach has
been approved by the Mowasiaag Policy
Committee and the ComtmcJI on Stiiiiftent
Life. If the policy k approved by the
Repent it will go into ef fect on a trial
town for the 1971-72 school year.
Ttte poilicy setts imp coed vkaUaom
hoturs 1 p jm.. to 11 patsa. M.onirlny ttaouih
Thturd.iry. 1 p jhl to 1 a.m. on Frailay, 1 1
ajm. to 1 am. on Saturday, ani 1 1 a rm.
to II p jm. om Sunday EKf.airxifjatTit of
the pwiiiy k the rgotMiibilj(ty of the
residents an idcuciperailaoin with the lawiiiqg
titnit staff..
Wiitiuin (Hhk sd&ctdiiulle of bonus eaxh
Imuqe luroiit k aitlcrw ed to dttanniiiiiie its own
"I7e Bombed in Nov Haven"
Questions Aftifudes Toward VJcur
Wton '' fttwuntoed nm w ttmm"
tupem FraHtry at BHtowetll Tiieifflne tdbe
aiudame will be ttmeifi.eii to a fl?' wttaikh k
""decepttwaly irmp:le.'" moDowdittg to
WmUann SlcnTfun,, gmvrtavtux of $xe&Ub md
lArtumutiic aatt mi! danttftorr of the ptltry..
Thane's a lott. sA favtrmg&vy mil irngiag
on thus pliry," TAwrgm sitkifl.. "'Hi xfti of
tfibe tlbirade,, rbcDweMr. we team alrw,y see
tthte nm&mr-aumeitl off seriiwiwuess.'"
"'e BtunAed irn iw WiiwMri,r the
KeiiamS M-se-xstg om the Ktetatt&a Sxttnmttjr
Repertory biill. k a mew OMm&y by
JcSHKgDtb HeUka-, wtifrm of CuiuJb-22..
Morpra) suid the pisy Antm't have a
weill-dettitned pilafl btUt mewolraies antnumd tlbe
exptambatx sk a VS.. Air Fwce tosmpmy..
It's a pixy ltMiit at.oxrt paertemtlait to
be ctmr be said.. The &absm ane
pjvista&mf, to be aiirnnru aarawsu seatt wm!
sm toMriUnnj raids.""
.wm erDtonafi fh.tft (tike amnucs arre
soot otut on fcOTBihtsif miiHwiottH. to plUkues
souSa m CiMDHt.BtLtuail Mjummmui aatd
tw Hirawaa. The mm k to Miteirate the
ttarjutt, he Mid., rod tlbe rjjtrgtett k airways
fiibllotcrated, eveaa when. Hike
CsoHttatutioioplle, at &semt afltnuilDy exM..
TtoosuiftMaut trike pilay." M.w&m said,
"W ame irarofiUtKtJy nemiinded thut war
and ttbe ItUltDwitti: tT war mo be a
dexcptuveOy icarefiree aaad boktemoiiits
Seviiew of Tiir Man wtf La MamSbaTaiif 2
Lettaer to the UAmt ......... Pmse 2
tTV SAmfltike Pl3
Knit Sifl Cfittirse Etewped .Pajie4
Consider Coed
policy by three-fourths vote of the
residents. The visitation hours may be on
a permanent or occasional bask.
Two features of the policy are parental
permission and minority ngJits. If a
student k under 20 be must have the
written consent of hk parents to
participate in the program. This puts the
burden of the decision win the individual
and hk family.
The minority rights clause slates that a
separate living area must be provided for
students who do not want to participate
in the visitation program. Thk could
mean certain dorm f3oors or a complete
dorm would be set aside for those not in
the program.
Student opinion of the pohcy k
varied. Some are skeptical, others fully
support it, and others see it as only a
token gesture.
Pete Jesttrn. an Abel Hal student
assistant and first-year dental student,
lites the proposaL He said be feels that it
should be up to the students to have
guests in their room or not. As a student
assistant be doesn't anticipate much
probkm tin enforcing the policy. Jessen,
who formerly attended a school m en a
visitation policy, fouwd it effective in
developing a rywafl social atmosphere
anaonf students.
Aliiry JasnowsM. a freshman pre-law
major who lives in Schramm Hall, was
"It wouild be oLay, she said, "bant it
wouldm" 1 ht'ip you meet any new people.
Only people you already know would
comme to your room."
A former dorm president, Greg
Ledener, a sophomore preHBed student,
said be worried about the effect visitation
would have on floor unity.
"Riht mow one of the main reasons
guys work together on a flow k to plan
sonata! activities," he said. ""If we had
visitation this would be unnecessary and
the guys wouild soever get to know each
The good mailing about visitation k
you can get to know guys as mdaviduiials
not jmitt as dates, said Sharon Condon.
Mits Condon k a sophomore busmes
amaiior who lives itmt Samfoz Hal. She said
she supported scbediukd coed visitation.
The ncxnwnrtfuis seem gnome interested in
omptemeiiatng the pirogtrain on a smaller
scale than the dormitories. Pawila
Rantlerkm, a senior member of Delta
Defita Dt-ha, said her sorority would open
only the first floor to coed visitation.
Hank brants, A Sdbraanim graduate
assktant, sand he thomtght that in reality
the proposal does mot present a
stgsifiioM chax&e.
These aire mefitltm timkes, he saad.
It's Bike nDOvdetg two milks an hour an a
3$ nudlt an boxur &ome." He said be
thiowfht the poOaty-gmakers hala"t takeas
um to fund ouut what the coed sotmiatiioni
was abouut.
Mary Lynn S'aiUkjugtoa, an East
Ciunnpxut resudeiiit, k a fiugniior an hoxraw
mcoiaKMimt and Ibves in Burr HaE. She smd
she thiomhf the proptOsaD was good.
"it has pmovtHdont fcur those who want
it amd thone who don't, she said. "Samcie
it's their hontiw; they sonruld be able to
Susan Crockett. Schramnra Haifi
meKiilrakce diimectior. saad she thought the
nuaiin mtitam of the pnoptoxal was mOTivwitqg
th earf wrcieameantt rtoamibii)jitatt Smmm the
urtff rniutmuc . Suit we aitoo mutUie tituiit
cestsmnS chur.tkctterrs are dooouetd -they
arte sdlDediulLed im the nnipt to doe..
"As the ptlay progrewtt itliae actors
htfgm to protest the fact that they have to
igo on the bttimibiirg ami jhuiow. They fota&m
to mealhtre tthat they wiill aatimailily due, that
itt's mot jjwttt a play.."
WlOTipaa ifla:ttkf.4 ttlhuat the
reawttves amououtl three mum characters::
Opt.. Slurkey, the naaan who does what
lie's tcottdl amd what the sytitemD denaaauLds of
hiiorn; &pt. Hemdeirson, the aiiraiim who
diHiQWHeas that the men who $o Mitt to the
btonnita mikeikoaEis ane acttiuuiiy dyiaug amd
who hiimisetUI k sitediulled to due; aaadl
Kiwth. SfJaokey's wile aaad the "HkeBBt"" of
the pltay..
""Slrilter k asim ids to Doofc at otur
idea arfcxaiat war." Moagan saud.. "He k
if'urag thtdt we ps aHw& with mt& accept
the death of ywmuf jseoplle for so Hwit
that we &m't ccowoect the d.eth of other
petoipue's dtoiidiren to the death of otur own
thiUtlaen. We don't ireahie tthut a!Q children
' ane otwr tWidrren.."
He added than to the piny Capt..
Sitairkey Miks im a w:lw'tmvttst lor
Hetnderson, who's been -ritkaxt for fft(;
to gto on the nnktuoin. tach tioue the
inegpilaceroieMt,, who k stheiliulleid to due, k
Sins m FonikQy,, Stmalkey reailiiires ttllirtt alDJ
of the mien are hk sons.
i thiwfc that Utitltir k trj'mtif to say
that the Iteted Situfles hm beconne a
biaraaulk soctktfty, ima.uHtiraid'y dependeaut
iwpwt war.. He wants on to aealhtze that one
day we'll wake tup and realture that aauuttty
k gsnmdaaag mas omr utoiktwrm.."
Biiittx; tm the pftvy rniay be pttcrchased
by mittll or to pemw at HtONvei Ihewtre,
II 2th affld tS. Liintxriln. Neflpcai&a.
The price tor nadhnniidhuall titt4t k 12 asid
a seaitMB lttdfcet k
staiff and placing it with tbe residenls.
"Finally, they're rcalizme the floor
officers are just as capable of
responsibility as the staff members," she
In tbe Housing Office approval for the
policy runs high. Wayne Kuncl,
coordinator of residence hall programs,
sard the attitude in the Office of Housing
k that students should be a Sowed the
right of self-del enrnmal ion.
""Residents have actively pursued a
program of visitation for at least four
years." he said, "but there was never a
specific policy for undergraduates. With
the guest rights proposal they've gone
through the university channels of
approval all the way.
Kuncl said he doubted that
enforcement of hours would be a
problem. He said each student lil have
hk own set of values, but because of
pressure from those around him the
student wan feel obligated to follow the
In recent years the residence balk have
been troubled by a low level of
occupancy. Part of each resident's fees
helped pay the debt incurred in build umg
the dorms. Thk amount was assessed on
the bask of fill occupancy, and when
occupancy dropped the amount became
mcreasiingly hard to pay.
In an effort to get money for thk debt
and other expenses the rate has been
ratted M. Each student will pay fll a
year beginning next year.
Kund said be thinks that in spite of
tbe rate irocmease tbe guest rights policy
could make dorm lining mome attractive
and help improve tbe financiaB sgtuatioa.
In a broader sense the question of
visitation k symbolic, be said. It deals
with the right of a stwdent to control hk
own environment.
If tbe Regents approve the guest rights
proposal tbe Llniversity of Nebraska JU
join a long hst of schools that have
implemeiiited guest rights. In a survey of
2'96 school taken by tbe Association of
College and University Housing Offices
Research and Imtformatioa Committee, $6
per cent of the sdnoob had a program
providing for students to entertain guests,
9 per cent had instituted their policy m
the Baft five years, and S$ per cent
reported that students and staff
supervised the program.
Go 1 6 El cl Of"
Alfred Hitchcock Filtai Festival -The
Wromg Man.. 7 .M) p..m., Nebraska Union..
Last day to pay fees for early
eegktraiion for second session.
Repertory Theatre -Tike Man of La
Maacha.. $::3i(S p.m., Howell Theatre.
Instructional Deve&opaaiient -Third
AanmuaD Festival.. '9iM a m. to 3 :08 p..nmi.,
Mebraka UaaiMsa.
Instructional DeveSopameaiit -Third
Aaamiuull Festival. :W0 a.m. to 3 :09 p m.
Nebrratifta Union..
Snuaromer Fata Series "$ex and the
SiaagUe CM.. 7::9 pjna., Nebraska Uaoioiat,
Phi Dtoku K.appa Inatiation ft Donner..
4 Mi pjtta . iaiiiituatikoin) 6 :(0W) p.amL fdinaaerl),
Ihe kta'A Ket.aiiiirant..
Sectoffikdary Fdaiicaiikon Liuaocheon The
Preparation of SecKKniicry ScbwsS
Teachers."" II 2 nooao, Nebaatfta Uaaiomi.
f'mM date tior oral ex.aanis for adaanced
BKerjiwtiWiry Theatre-"we fcoiaaubetd in
New Ilwra.'" ::.&0), Wcuwel Iheatae..
Repertory Thentre-TS'e Roanabed in
New Haven.."" .:3J HoweH Iheatae.
Final dute lor caaaditdates for akdvanced
degrees to degotiit thews and tf:Ar faanaD
report n&eett.
Repertiory Theatre-Ti'e BaotAwd in
New Haven. M:M pjw., ItoweUlheatae..
Rperfcory likcatre-Tk'e KMBibed to
New Haven.." ::.( p.jro., Wowelll Theatre..
General refiittratioin for muiist aaal
inKltTTOMKikwitt. Nebradbi Unuom.
Last day for gradmates and
lUMtofradittat to regieir.
t'mxd emmml ions.
Ciitoencwnwot. 7::3ffl Pers&tog
Reajwrtory Theater-The Man of La
Mamditai." :.Mt pioe., IloweW TTneatre.
Jdjr !2ti c! 23 p. ix
'. 1" - ' Ill, '
'Zimmf' ' " " ' . '""' -M'-im'& ' Vw nmmMjJ. iiimniiiiiiiiirMiiHfiin
Four NU School
Nil Opera Will Be Performed
In the Classic Manner
Because Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte.'
an Dultraiphktk'ated opera. e'erj 8
must be perfectly dome and beaululiuilBy
proportiorjed. said John Zei. W awi;sru
protessoir of voice and dmreittce'r 8 tbe
"In sfflaroe oper,as. Zei expltniifflifi. you
can get away with careljssnew. bti;jiiiie of
the spectacular natmre ot tbe sh-.O)..
Mozart's opera, howerer. dioxes sbo (all
Drug Abuse in Nebraska
Is Subject of Youth Workshop
John Luce. Public Alfliams tiiijeitor of
the Haaght-Ashbury Free Medical Oitaic
in San Frwikcisao and co-aiunhor ot the
book, "Love Needs Care," will be the
guest corasuailtariit at the Youth Worbhop
on Dniagt July 22-25 at the Nebraska
Center for Contaniuirag Cducatnon.
Accordairag to Kren Bucklley. ch.wirmi.)m
off the Yomth Coraimuttee of the
Governor's Drniug Ccimooiiii,. spiorasor of
the event, tbe workshop walll provide a
chance for ""youuths to get t(Ogetber. to
coordaasate pilans for ctQiaanbatong dmiug
abmise. She a!Ho said that the purrxoHe ot
the Wiorkstoop k "to present f.acfliia.aS
onfioraiDiation to youth amid to eracoaurage
and stBinmuiiLate lUneno to get mrwoilved an
ptnojietuts to coawlbtat dming albiutie in
The Caariilay vsKksSvsp wi2S ibru&sJe
one geaaecal sessnon each day plhias rap
session. Mm, fAii:t.lley added that
preiliianamaay plaaas have been made (lioir a
crkk-tr.aiiaDiiit semaon aaad a fitdld trap to
IBorsev LaHnoratioraes.. In add at ion. theire
Grocluof Scholorships
Offered by ITE
Tike official openiiang off the W2-73
coanpetatiisn ffor gmants im gnadanate udly
or research abnoutdl amd for proteMUkonal
traaning in the creative ami prcil.o'iraaiji
arts was annooanced tiOiiay ft'' the
la&titiiMe fj'i lititematiQinal Ediuuaitaon
AnaamalSly, ITF k reowibile for the
recitnaewt and screeniiaag ot candidates
fior U.S. Cicwernniient Faui and Travel
Grants authorized aander the
Fauilbrjght-Ilays Act. For W72-13. Fit
Grants are avaittabte to 29 coamtries and
Travel Graaarts are available to 12
fonntries. Grants ottered by
gwnamwtt, amuiversafaes aaivd private
donors off 14 cowitutries aae allo
adanaaoktered by ITE. Grants are avaiiabne
to every region of the world ,
T9uee awaads are deagned to proniiote
raaatwal sim4lnitt1.asil,roit between the peoptkr
off the VS.. and other coMtrues tfcrotwjlta
tbe echaae M persons, katkowltttitte and
s"r.iiilk. It k expected Ihwl there waill be at
frat Mj9 awards awaiilablke for Itr72-7J.
Ctusdadates tmmi be VS.. cutozens at the
tiaie off ppkaiim have a bcbelor"s
degree or ats ertt.w.itsst before the
fcStiiii date of tie grant and. in mmt
cawKS. be protkamt in the lususmare of t tie
of Music students paint sets for the opera "Cost fan tutte."
into thk categiorj".
"There a danger in thas ium that if the
actors cannot brraig the cpera to lafe. it
will be moltlMKig nnoire itfejin a very sltciSgy
CtHi tan tutlte''. a ctmrGtic opera in two
aits, wall open 'mifly 2 at S::ttH p.m. in
Kmnriballll Rei-jta! H.all.. It wild be rerfnrmed
nightly through July 31.
Zeii espllained that the large.
will be several weJWkraiO'wn authiorirties ina
the dnug abuse prnerdtikoiini area on hand at
the workshop.
The worksbiop k open to aray yotnth of
hagh school! or college age. Mass Buckley
saad.. The ct of the worfltstoop-whach
ifaclaiides rooaia amd bo,ard for the fooinr-d,y
session-wall! mot esceed $2(9.5(9..
ContrabiBtioras are beiirag solicited
nlurosagjikout the state to rediuce the cost
for each perwrn atten.dtnjg the workAop..
Miss Buckley slated that a S5XH0
pre-iregtHt rat aon tee k to be tetrot iai with
each aa!kdiivadu.ars application blank, and
the baiamce as due aapion arrava! at tbe
Mitw Buckley said that the comanattee
hoipes tlhiere walll be at E(0W persoaos at
the wioirkslikop.. S!be added that anyone
iiDteaeH(e.d iaa appk'imig lor the worfc.ihiap
dkwsli seaii fc rstrsr. a.3Jress:, pfcse
Buawber. age, and f5i!9 pre-regktratacon
tee to- Brett B.cklley, 2431 MaraSynn
Ave... LiiatkuoOn. Nebr... 65(92. Checks
shoiiiilid be aira.aiSe pajable to the Uaniversaty
of Ne8rart.a..
host Cioxiantay.. Emcept tor certain speciifac
awards, apphcants aaaay not bold or
etspecf to aeceave the Ph.D.. betlore the
begiiftttiuurjg ot the graaat.
Select ion k bated on tbe aclearnik'
and or prolessaonal record ot the
applicant, the (easabdaity o has proposed
study fBum. has Ua3agni.g prepiaratton aaad
pemnal! 8ttailafacal!ikoins..
PaetleiTence k gavean to caaadudate
between the a$e off 20 to 3$ and to thote
who have not had prior opportwaiiity for
extended stady or resadeaace abroad, with
the exceptton of those who have served in
the armed forces.
Creative and perforating mtiXUi are asot
reqjiauited to have a bacbete degree, but
flkry aaiMUK have four years of protesstonal
stiwdy or cqiwratewt eperneiB after the
M.aer of Social Work degree. Applicants
in the lieild of aweddOiage awnasl have an
M D at the time o' apphcataon.
AppSvsaiiofl torms and iauforanation for
studeaats catrrently eierolUtd in the
Unmersaty of Nebraska mf be obtained
troam the atmpms Fiutbnrught Program
Adwtter, Roberto Lj;aeiBaz-M.ayo, 1(834
OWa&ber Had. The dn;:.!iue lor tilang
applacatiKi'aas through the Fulbrifhl
tsapm Advawr a CtoUxber 1. 1971,
"fcoro by Hkk PartH
spectacuiar operas are presented dairing
the stuinrDimier. rasher r.uiuui dunisig the f jli or
spnimg senmiester$. because nnany of the
veteran singer-actors are able to participate
duararag the sonjiroer.
These sJudemit." he saad. ""have come
nap through tbe ranks and know musical
theatre -aE have daue CTe'ijjg work, built
sets. Dearried basic movement and held
raouMsr roles and have f araaffiy emerged as
experienced saatgier-actors. They know my
direct rung and can anticipate what 1 wall
do with them.
ln other words." he added, ""these
students hive potoJc. Mozart meeds thus
Zei explained that the past most of
the manor role and even tbe snab-leads
have been sung by UaMvetrsaty mmsac
tnaiioas. Often, toonwever. be added.
anouo-Bjiiiiasic aas.aijiors do participate and do
sub major role.
Zei also said that aB of the raajior roles
are domfclc cast astd that both of the
students selected will perform during the
opera season.
Lead sirager-actiors an the play incfaide
Mariyffl Cronim off Hoawtota. Hawaii and
Jeaaaie Daetrich off Liaacoto, who wil play
FiordaJigi. one off the two skiers and
Katby llaraey and Mary Sayre, both of
Lirjcolai, who wal play Iiirall!Ea, tbe
other saster..
The parts of the two officers who are
eimgaged to the sisters. Fernando and
GaaglaeBmo. wal be played by Jeflrey
Sayre of Lincvollai!. Roy Cram off Banrweill.
Jon Grauett off Lincoln arad Tons Oypp&e
ot liastaicigs.. .
Mary Schwaner off Lincoln aaad Carol
Walton ff Aaaaes, Vnw , walll play tbe part
off Despaaaa, the clrjamberamaid to the
sastters.. The roue off Eon AJifoaa, tbe
cyaaacal fetachelor who tricks the scalers
and the officers, wall! be played by John
Brandtetiter of Wayne..
In addition, Zei said, twenty students
walll sang in the choritas aaad others wil
serve on the technkail crews.
Thus opera, be said. k an aanaiesir
sho1 that approaches protessaoaaalkm.. It
k oesharag that everyoaae walll eaBiksyy,
John Nelhardf
To Discuss
"Black Elk Specks"
Nebrka's poet htmeate, John C,
Neihardt, wil be on tbe Universiriy of
Nebra&a exmspm Jw!y
The 90-year-oid writer wall be
dkcttawsirag one ot bk best-knis works.
"Black tJk Speaks", watb tneetbers of
Engltsh I classes at 10:30 a.s. ta
Andrews Hal. room 227. ItsgnSi Uajiors
and aJ oiSter iinteretd persons are
invailed to attend tbe dascstssioai.
First a'poanfed Poet Laweafe of
Nebraska. April 21, 1921. eardt has
coatrtanwsd to produce mjmy works, la
Vt& be was gavea the tele of -paan
Poet Laarrate of Amna" by the Unated
Poets Lamreate ItrteraatioisaL
Before has poetry became Caraons.
Neafeardt worked as a bookkeeper for the
Indsan traders. Tfcs k where be atftraed of hk backgroaind on Indian lore.
He also worked for tbe Federal Office of
Indies Affair froaa 1944 to 194Y.