The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 07, 1971, Image 1
MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA NU. 1 Spare-Time Activities Scheduled Summer school students with time on their hands after classes will find a wide range of activities-both athletic and cultural-to fill their non-study hours. The men's Recreation Department will provide open areas in the fieldhouse and coliseum this summer for students and faculty. The coliseum will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The fieldhouse will be open from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The coliseum pool will be open from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. daily and the weight Toom from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. daily. For women, the swimming pool in the Women's P.E. Building will be open from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday and from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. on Friday. There will also be open gyms for women and men in Room 123 of the Women's P.E. Building on Monday and Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ART A variety of works will be exhibited at Sheldon Art Gallery this summer. The Student Art Show, a display and sale of work by University of Nebraska students, will continue through June 13. The works of Sidney Buchanan, a sculpter from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, will be exhibited in the Sculpture Garden and in the gallery through June 20. The photographs of Edmund Teske will be on exhibit from June 8 through July 4. Teske is an urban photographer who has worked primarily in Chicago and Los Angeles and is one of the pioneers in the development of the abstract photographic image. From June 2 through July 4 the new acquisitions will be on display. This exhibit will consist of gifts received and purchases made during the last year. The works of Robert Henri, a painter and teacher noted for his fresh and realistic character studies and portraits, and some of the works of his students and contemporaries will be exhibited from July 6 through August 29. Other selections from the permanent collection will also be on display during this time. PLANETARIUM Two shows will be presented this summer at the Ralph Mueller Planetarium. "The Sun's Awesome Impact," a skyshow dealing with the sun and its effects on us, is being presented daily through June 30. "Galaxies Galore" will be shown July 1 through September 19. "The Sun's Awesome Impact" explains the nature of sun spots, solar flares, solar prominences and eruptions on the sun. The physical effects of these phenomena on the Earth will also be discussed. Shows are presented at 2:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and at 2:30 and 3:45 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Admission price is $.35 for ' students and $.75 for non-students. Theatre Group To Present Three Plays The Nebraska Summer Repertory Theatre will have something for everyone this year-a musical, a comedy and a tragedy. "The Man of La Mancha," "We Bombed in New Haven" and 'The Tragedy of Macbeth" will be presented during the fourth season of the Repertory Theatre, which begins July 2 and ends August 28. Performances will be presented nightly except Sunday. 'The Man of La Mancha," a musical play by Dale Wasserman, is the tale of Cervantes' legendary knight, Don Quixote, and his companion, Sancho, in their quest for 'The Impossible Dream." Music and lyrics are by Mitch Leigh and Joe Darion. "We Bombed in New Haven" is a new comedy by Joseph Heller, author of Catch-22. According to Dallas Williams, professor of speech and dramatic art at the University of Nebraska, the play is "absorbing with a profound moral concern for what is happening in our theatre of the world." "Macbeth" is Shakespeare's compelling tale of the self-abasement of a once humane and moral man. In the play Macbeth sinks to murder for the sake of personal gain and sets into motion the irrevocable disintegration of his mind, body and soul. 'The Man of La Mancha" will be presented July 2, 3, 5, 6, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 29 and 31, and August 2, 11, 14, 19 23 27 and 28; "We Bombed in New Haven" July 9, 10,12,13,16,22,24,28 and 30, and August 3, 9, 13 and 21; "Macbeth" August 6, 7, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20, 25, and 26. Calendar of activities Page 2 ETV Schedule . . Page 4 In-depth analysis of the problems of the foreign student . Page 5 KRNU experiment Page 6 With tummar fast-approaching, the popularity of the bicycle is increasing daily. Cyclists abound on the University campus and scenes like this are found everywhere. Summer This is the first issue of the Summer Nebraskan, the campus newspaper published for summer school students. It will appear four more times during the first summer session-June 15, 22 and 29 and July 6, and three times during the second session-July 15 and 27 and August 10. ..- The Summer Nebraskan is independent of the Daily Nebraskan, the campus newspaper during the regular school year, and does not profess any tendencies-radical or otherwise. We will wage no crusades this summer (after all, there are only two of usl but will try to tell you, the student, what is happening on campus. We will also try to present articles on subjects which we led would interest the campus reader. Teachers Give Eastridge 'Unstructured Classes' Straight By Dana Parsons NU School of Journalism The teachers affectionately refer to it as organized chaos, although the first-time visitor is more likely to recognize the chaos and wonder about the organization. The kids love it. The teachers give it straight A's. And surprisingly, say the teachers, the parents aren't complaining about it. The scene is Eastridge Elementary School and ""it" is this year's newly adopted differentiated staffing plan, designed to increase the pupil's classroom independence and responsibility. It's not a strange sight at Eastridge 1o see students lying on the floor reading, walking in and out of a room at their leisure or mingling in small groups during classtime. A visitor is surprised to see a first grade boy stride into the library and operate alone an 8 mm single concept projector. The slide is about dinosaurs, and soon others have crowded around to peer over his shoulder. The media specialist explains that the boy may be viewing the slide either for a class project or just for the lun of it. No longer are students conf ined to the same classroom with the same teacher for the entire day. Rigid classroom discipline is not enforced. Inez Baker, Eastridge principal, said the program was begun "in an effort to find more effective ways of dealing with the children." Miss Baker, who has 41 years experience in schoolwork, said increasingly crowded schools have taken away the student's responsibility . and freedom. 41 threw out the .challenge to my faculty. 1 asked them if they thought we could work out something for Eastridge.'" A committe of four teachers spent three months devising a program and then received the go-ahead from the Lincoln Board of Education. The Eastridge faculty voted unanimously to try it, and crossed their fingers. 1'he result is that pupils have learned that the three R's need not be drudgery. Many children, for the first lime, ure finding that school has more to oiler ihim recess. School officials are confident that a more favorable disposition toward learning will improve the students' performances. The Eastridge program, unique lo the Lincoln schools, works like this: Tommy is 12 years old. Instead of being a sixth grader. h by would at another school, he is in Team C at Eastridge. 3 Z2 Ncbraskan Since this is your newspaper, why not submit an article for publication? Perhaps you write poetry or would like to relate a personal experience. Why not write a letter to the editor? The letter can be about anything- what you like or dislike about the Summer Nebraskan or the University or what you feel should be done to correct an annoying situation. Any person or group planning an activity not scheduled on the University calendar should let people know about it. Contact us. For those who are seriously considering getting in contact with us, copy, information, pictures and no forth, can be sent to 319 Nebraska Hall. Oi just call 472-3377 and we'll pick it up. His team is comprised of 125 pupils, corresponding roughly to 5th and 6th grades. T here are four teachers assigned to learn C, beside a part-time associate teacher. Instead of having one teacher, Tommy has lour. Most of his classwoik is done individually. In his morning math class, (or example, he signs a "contract" which commits him to doing a certain amount of work. His goals are kept realistic as a result of conferences with one of his team teachers. If he gels stumped on a problem. Tommy can go to the teacher for individualized instruction. He has relative freedom of movement in and out of the room, but his meariderings are checked by the knowledge that he must complete his assigned work. If Tommy is a slightly below average student, he doesn't have to wony about keeping up with the rest of the class, as he would under the traditional system. He also can get the individual instruct ion he needs when he needs it. The lower five grades are divided into Teams A and B, and use basically the same formal as does Team C Thus, llieie are no "giadcs" at Eastridge. No one passes or flunks in the traditional sense. Miss Baker also hopes that the slanclaid report card becomes as outdated as the duncecap, to be replaced by personal meetings between teacher arid parents. . A key element, according to program coordinator Mrs. Marilyn Peterson, is that the students "are working at the level where they belong." With the emphasis on individual instruction, a teacher rarely stands in the front of the class lo "leach" in the time-honored manner. If she does, the students are just as likely to be sprawled on the floor as sitting in desks. At least one classroom has no desks. "It's ridiculous lo expect a child to sit still without talking for the entire day," one teacher says. "It's the most unnatural thing in the world " Although most ol the teachers say their teaching methods have nct drastically (hanged this year, some have had to make udiustmrrits. "There have been some problems and some blowups," said Dave Rutledge, a learn (' teacher who was on the loiir-mrmber com mil lee. "1 he main problem has been coming to grips with discipline as a unit," he said. The teachers are unanimous about one thing dif lerentiated slatting has made their jobs much more difficult. "I'm working hardei than ever belore in my lite," said Mrs. Mary ( liiire ('cm, A Summer Committee on University Governance, composed of delegations from each of the University's campuses, has been formulated to study campus problems and to designate necessary constitutional revisions. The committee will enumerate the powers, functions and responsibilities of the various parts of the University, including a statement of procedures assuring academic due process for both tenured and non-t en tired faculty members, according to Dr. Wallace C Peterson, NU professor of economics and a member of the committee. Dr. Peterson explained that the need for such a committee became apparent last Spring following the dismissal of Stephan Roman, an untenured faculty member, for participation in the strike act ivities in May of 1 970. 'it was the feeling of many faculty members," he said, "that the proper precedures were not followed in the Rozman case. We felt that we had to develop codified procedures which would be followed in such a case." He added that another reason for formation of the committee was the fact that thee had not been a revision of the by-laws since the University of Omaha merged with the University of Nebraska. The study group is composed of 35 members, representing the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. There are nine faculty members, nine students, nine Wisconsin Pro Arte Quartet To Highlight Music Festival The renowned Pro Arte Quartet of the University of Wisconsin will provide the teaching - performing highlight in a Statewide Chambci Music Festival June 17-23 at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. The Festival, which will draw student and adult siring groups fiom various areas of Nebraska, is supported by NU's Summer Sessions program and the Nebraska Arts Council. It will be directed by Dr. Louis C. Trzinski of the NU School of Music and Mrs. June Moore of the Lincoln Public Schools. The Pro Arte Quartet will conduct a series of master classes and coach the ensembles. They will also hold special conferences with string teachers attending the various sessions of the festival, some devoted 1o student and some to adult string players and groups. NU School ol Music faculty members will provide instruction and preparation for the string groups, in cooperation with the efforts of the Pro Arte Quartet. who has taught in Lincoln since 1952. "I'm doing so many new things." "The way the education world is going, we've got to change," she added. "I'm all for TV. 1 knew years ago we'd be using it in the classroom some day." Mrs. Cox also served on the planning committee and is enthusiastic about the success of the experiment. 'The lid is off for the gifted child. We've held him back for years." "1 he children are able to make choices, and as a result they won't go to pieces so much later on in life," she said. "Give them liberty here and later on they'll be OK." With a many as 30 or 40 children in a classroom working independently, one wonders if a child couldn't get lost in the Sprawled mit . 1 7 W 1 ft WW m h fV V' - - tnrWM. iTi niMihi m'liliii'-i - limit nun ' "J' Jmi & "IT . f lHiiirtiiiiffliariitr - n 'nffiiwai-"" administrators and eight representatives of the Regents on the committee. "An important aspect of this committee," Dr. Peterson said, "is that all parts of the University will play a role in developing a new set of by-laws. These by-laws, as a result, should reflect the needs of the entire University community." Dr. Peterson said that the committee plans to divide into sub-groups to investigate a number of topics including the division of rights and responsibilities within the University, how rights and responsibilities are to be exercised, the appropriate channels of authority and specific problem areas. He explained that the committee will prepare a statement regarding the rights and responsibilities of students, faculties, administrators and Regents. It will also study the internal organization of the University, the role of faculty senates or similar bodies and the place of student bodies for self-government. In investigating the appropriate channels of authority. Dr. Peterson added, the committee will develop procedures to be followed in all cases involving hiring, promotion, tenure, non-rca ppoin t men t and dismissal. Student disciplinary activity will also be discussed. "The fourth heading," he said, "will cover all other matters, including disruptive activity, appropriate sanctions, relations with the legislature, intercarnpus relations and so forth." In addition to working with the festival participants, the members of the Pro Arte will conduct masteT classes for string students attending the University's All-State Fine Arts Course, June 13-July 1. A number of concerts are also being scheduled by the Pro Arte String Quartet - which features Norman Paulu and Thomas Moore, violin; Lowell Creitz, cello, and Richard Blum, viola. They will perform in a formal concert at 3 p.m. Thursday, June 20, in Kimball Recital HaTT and wilr give' their populaT "Dialogue Concerts" at several sites on campus. They will play at noon in the NU Faculty Club on June 1 8; at 8 p.m., June 21 in the Harper, Smilh, Schramm residence hall complex; and at 1:15 p.m. in the Nebraska Union on June 22. Persons interested in taking part in the festival may make arrangements by contacting the School of Music, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. . . . shuffle. Miss Baker denies this, saying that differentiated staffing exposes the child to "greater contact with adults." As a Tesult, she said, "the child has a choice, personality-wise. Now he has lour friends instead of one." A case in point is that of a 1 2-year-old girl at Eastridge, who said she was having trouble with decimals. One of her team teachers wasn't getting through to her, so now she goes to one of the other three in the team. If a happy student is a better student, Eastridge almost assuredly would have the best students in the city. It's hard to find a pupil who dislikes the change to differentiated slaffing. "You don't have to be rushed or en tha floor, Eartndga pwpiti 4mmm ataat i-rJW.' r -j tnKM y-xi;-; . ' " h$ i t f ' i ; V jf ik. f'i ' -: - I .; ' -r- - 1 , ., t:. r,u J 1 1 The results of the committee's work and their recommendations, Dr. Peterson said, will have to go back to the various constituencies-faculty, administrators and students-for their approval. The Regents will then give the final approval. Nancy Ryan, a student member of the committee, explained that the student group is interested in developing policies which outline the student's role in University governance, and especially his role in deciding who should have tenure and who should be reappointed or dismissed. "We sould also like to discus the possibility of an All-University Senate, composed of students, faculty members and administrators, and a better system of making cirriculum policy," she said. She added that the. student members plan to use a team of 20 or 30 students to research various problems and to do in-depth studies of possible causes of and solutions for those problems. "This kind of thing is going on in campuses all over the country," Dr. Peterson said. "There seems to be an attempt being made in many places to determine how authority should be shared in a large and complex institution such as a university." 13,500 To Attend Summer Sessions An estimated 13,500 students will be attending the two summer school sessions this year, according to Dr. Alan Seagran, director of summer sessions. Dr. Seagran said he expects about 8,000 students to enroll first session and 5,500 to enroll second, based on pre-registration figures. About 40 percent of the summer school students are graduate students, he explained, and a big block of these are teachers attending just the summer sessions. A large percentage of th" undergraduates are full-time student attending school year around and incoming freshman. "'In spite of a tuition increase," Dr. Seagran said, "enrollment will probably be up from last year. Then we had 7,720 in the first session and 5,375 in the second." Dr. Seagran explained that summer school students will be paying more tuition and fees per credit hour summeT than they did in 1 970. He said that the 1970 tuition and fees were $19.25 per credit hour, while this year the amount is figured on a slidint scale. Resident students will pay $25.50 for one credit hour, $72.50 for three and $133.75 for six. Non-residents will pay $47.50 for one credit hour, $238.50 for three and $265.75 for six. A's And the Kids Love It slowed down," said sixth grader DeAnne Taylor. "You can work at your own speed." Don't a lot of the pupils take advantage of their new freedom? she was asked. "Some do, but they probably would act the same way under the old system," DeAnne said. She said she thought she was "learning more" this year and that she was being better prepared for junior high. Miss Baker scoffs at the idea that the responsibility is too much for the children. "The kids are champing at the bit to be on their own," she said. "We're not putting more responsibility on them, we're giving them the amount they can Continued on Page 4, Col, 5 1 aaaignmt. t .A : .-S-