Soshnik t4 sees A? V progress Although admitting that much remains to be accomplished, President Joseph Soshnik said Tuesday that "measurable progress" has been achieved at the University in line with the policy of the Board of Regents on discrimination. "Our future efforts will be directed towards accelerating the progress which has been made to this time," he said in a statement released to the Daily Nebraskan. SOSHNIK remarks come at a time when the University has been under sharp attack for an alleged lack of commitment to help minority students and recruit minority faculty. Soshnik backs up his remarks by listing these developments on the Lincoln campuses: -AH campus organizations which are currently active have filed statements of non-discriminatory membership practices. -Minority staff members are now employed in eight areas of student services. -A graduate student position has been authorized with specific responsibility for program development in racial understanding. -A faculty advisory group has been established to provide advice on academic matters to the staff administering the student affairs special program for minority and low-income students. --Soshnik sent a memorandum to all deans and departmental chairmen on Jan. 15, 1971, "reaffirming our interest in recruiting minority faculty and urging that special efforts be undertaken toward this end." The Arts and Sciences Council on Feb. 26, 1971, went on record, through resolution, favoring the setting up of departmental committees for the recruitment of minority faculty and graduate students. A minority person will become chairman of the Department of Home Economics Education July 1, 1971. A minority staff member will serve as a part-time lecturer in the Department of Elementary Education for the purpose of sensitizing elementary teachers to the aspirations and needs of minority group students. -The first summer session of 1971 will include a special seminar in the Teachers College on "Education and Minority Groups in Nebraska." -The office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences has been working for the past two months with the Director of the Special Services Program in developing curricular offerings for minority group students. Agreement has been reached on a program for the American Indian students who will be coming to the Lincoln campuses this fall. Similar efforts will be undertaken shortly to develop a program for Mexican-American students. A special committee was appointed and its report will be available toon relative to setting up a system to deal with reported problems of discrimination. "I BELIEVE it is correct to say that there has been substantial effort on the Lincoln campuses directed Turn to page 4 &' II .' .. : : i ft i I i.J -U I -.. . ...... 3fov. -p. - .,t Interested? . . . 1834 S. 10th St. See "A house is not a home" pages 5-1 2 Photo by Bill Ganzel l irywi .J. ...aV - kj WEDNESDAY. MAY 19, 1971 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL 94 NO. 120 Daily Nebraskan poll: - Sex and the gin by DAVE BRINK and GARYSEACREST Staff Writers Are undergraduates on the Lincoln campuses experiencing sexual freedom? It appears that they are in both attitude and behavior, according to a poll conducted by the the Daily Nebraskan. THE MAIL POLL was sent to 261 undergraduate students earlier this month. More than 85 per cent, or 222 of the students selected randomly from the official University registration list, returned the questionnaire. According to the poll single students are doing more than just studying. Sixty-one per cent of the respondents who are single reported they have engaged in sexual intercourse. Of those students, 91 per cent said they did it this past school year. A -breakdown shows that 49 per cent of the single women and 68 per cent of the single men have engaged in sexual intercourse. A COMPARISON of non-married respondents showed that students living in residence halls and co-ops are less active sexually than students living in Greek houses or off-campus. This could be partly explained by the fact that dormitory residents are generally younger. Only 28 per cent of the women living in residence halls or co-ops reported having sexual intercourse compared with 72 per cent of the off-campus women and 40 per cent of the sorority women. Over on the male side it was a similar story. Fifty-six per cent of the men living a residence halls or co-ops said they have had sexual intercourse compared with 75 per cent of off-campus men and 72 per cent of fraternity men. OF THOSE single students who had experienced sexual intercourse, almost all of those polled said they had done so before their 20th birthday. However, there were differences between the sexual behavior of men and women. Twenty-six per cent of the men who claimed to have engaged in sexual intercourse reported they first did it at 16 or younger compared to only three per cent of the women polled. The largest group of experienced single women (30 per cent) had sexual intercourse for the first time at 18. Over half of the experienced unmarried women (53 per cent ) said they had sexual relations with only one person and only three per cent reported intercourse with more than five partners. Of the single men who had engaged in sexual intercourse ten times as many or 29 per cent, claimed relations e undergraduate with five or more different people and only 22 per cent said they experienced intercourse with only one woman. In response to the question: "Do you think it is permissible for a girl to have pre-martial sexual intercourse?" 1 7 per cent of all those polled answered no, 73 per cent said yes, and 10 per cent were undecided. Eighty-one per cent of all the men polled replied yes compared to 60 per cent of all the women. SIMILAR RESULTS appeared when students were asked: "Do you think it is permissible for a man to have pre-marial sexual intercourse?" According to the poll, the gap between sexes becomes wider when love is introduced into the question of pre-martial sex. When asked : "Do you think it is permissible for a person to have sexual intercourse with someone he or she does not love?", the majority (54 per cent) of all men polled . said yes compared to only 18 per cent of the women. Sixty-eight per cent ot the females turned thumbs down on sex without love while only 37 per cent of the males insisted on romance. Eight per cent of the males and 14 per cent of the females were undecided on the question. OF THE SINGLE students, most respondents claimed they would be "bothered" to some degree if the person they planned to marry had engaged in sexual intercourse with another person. Single men were especially concerned. Thirty-one per cent said it would "moderately" concern them if the potential spouse had previous sexual intercourse with someone else, 26 per cent said "considerably" and five per cent stated it would be enough to prevent marriage. In contrast, 24 per cent of the single women said they would be "moderately" concerned if a potential spouse had engaged in sexual relations with another person, 22 per cent answered "considerably and three p t cent said they would Dump Nixon? Turn to page 15 Allard Lowenstein-anti-war critic, leader of the Dump Johnson, former congressman from New York and chairman of Americans for Democratic Action-will talk Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room. There will be a rap session with Lowenstein at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Union lounge. The June 1 issue of Look magazine quotes Lowenstein as saying 25 million new young voters can assure the repudiation of the Nixon-Johnson coalition.