The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1971, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    .v i Mmamiaia.... . -
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Students Spring Session . . . President Joseph Soshnik (with sunglasses) and Dean for
Student Development . Russell Brown (upper left, with tie) : rap with students on
problems of University administration.
Students9 Spring Session
osimik talks slioi
When asked if the creation of 20 Centennial
Colleges would be a valuable alternative to the
present University Soshnik replied, "There
aren't enough students on this campus who
would benefit from that type of learning
situation to fill 20 Centennial Colleges."
Russell Brown, Dean for Student
Development, explained that administrators do
not function according to pressures 'from the
outside. . . '
According to Brown the ideal university
would feature greater classroom freedom
resulting in more response from the students.
"The role of an instructor is to create a
situation where students question and learn for
themselves. The present -Situation doesn't
require enough of the student because there
isn't sufficient give and take," he said.
He said the traditional lecture format is
useful only if there is a body of information
that must be gotten across in a hurry.
"There may be more -experimentation in the
public schools now than in the University,"
Brown said. "This is the result of young
teachers who go out of the University with
some new ideas."
However, he pointed out that the University
of Nebraska is showing signs of breaking
traditional habits through the utilization of
such programs as independent study.
The position of University President is one
of "influence instead of power" Joseph
Soshnik, president of the Lincoln campuses
told students Wednesday.
Soshnik, speaking in the sculpture garden at
a Student's Spring Session meeting, said a
campus president doesn't use power in the
usual sense of having power over faculty
members. Only in budgetary terms does he
exercise more influence, Soshnik ex'plained.
"A college President isn't an army general
and he isn't a chairman of a great corpoiation.
In the academic realm the role of the president
is one of support and mediation," he said.
The same thing is true of selection and
promotion of faculty members. According to
Soshnik , a president's job is to steer a
committee without allowing his opinion to
dominate the decision.
"The greater those pressures are, though, the
harder it is to move ahead because people are
always putting roadblocks in front of you. In
value areas there's naturally going to be
disagreement." he said.
Associate Sports Editor
The University weightlifting
team will host the first annual
Nebraska Collegiate
Powerlifting Championships
Saturday in the Men's Physical
Education Building starting at
The three power lifts (bench
press, squat, and dead lift) will
be in the 123, 132, 148, 165,
181, 198, 242, and super
heavyweight classes. The meet
is open to all colleges and
junior colleges in Nebraska
with teams from Chadron,
UN-Omaha, Peru, Midlands,
and Norfolk Junior College
already expected for the meet,
according to Nebraska coach
Boyd Eplcy.
This will be the second
powerlift meet tor the
Cornhuskers (his season
following the recently
completed Olympic lift (press,
snatch, clean and jerk) season.
The University had three state
Olympic champions including
Terry Leslie, Mike Arthur and
Steve Bliss.
Arthur, who went on to wjn.
theRegion-7 (Minnesota. Iowa. "
Wisconsin, Nebraska) 132-lb.
Olympic title, will compete
along with Bliss at the Junior
Nationals in New Jersey this
August. Epley will also be
there competing in the Junior ;
Mr. USA contest.
Epley, a graduate student
working for his masters degree
in physical education, came to
Nebraska from Phoenix Junior
College as a pole vaulter. He
has a 15-6 vault to his credit,
but he hurt his back vaulting
and it was then that he "really
got into weightlifting while I
was trying to get back into
He has since won the state
Olympic, power, and Mr.
Physique championships and
he holds the titles of Mr.
Nebraska, Mr. Region 7, Mr.
Midwestern, and Mr. College.
And he's also coaching
Nebraska's first organized
weightlifting team.
"We've got mostly freshmen
and sophomores on the team
who should get a lot better
when they get older," said
Epley. "1 don't think two of
our freshmen. Bliss and Arthur,
will get beaten while they're in
Following this weekend,
Epley will take his lifters to the
state powerlift meet in Omaha
on May 22.
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President . .
Continued from page 1
is a willingness to have
innovation, "realizing that
different people learn in
different ways, that there's not
just one way to have
Student committee-member
John K. Hansen said he's
looking for a "man of in
tegrity" for NU's new pres
ident, a man who "would put
the education qualities of NU
ahead of other things, such
as his own tranquility, and a
man who would be willing to
put his job on the line."
more pacification programs,"
continued Hansen. Instead of
pacifying people to stop their
protests and go home, the new
president should be willing to
admit that the administration
could be wrong, that the
students' questions could be
just, he explained.
The new president should
have a better understanding of
the relationship of East
Campus to the farmers of the
state, Hansen said. Fast
Campus should be an in-service
facility for small-family
farmers rather than "a
chore-boy for big business and
a relocation center for some
Freshman seminar interviews
Interviews for both undergraduate and
graduate positions on the Faculty Senate,
Human Rights, and Scholarships and Financial
Aids Committees will be held May 17 at 7:30
p.m. Applications and sign-up interview times
are available in the ASUN office, room 334 of
the Nebraska Union. Student who are unable to
appear during the scheduled times may make
other arrangements.
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Daily Nebraska.! Interviews
; Alay 19'
The Subcommittee on student
publications will be interview
ing for these executive
Managing Editor
News Editor
Advertising Manager
Also opening for sophomore member of
Publications Board. Applicants must be a freshman
Apply 3qv3
S'gn Up in Daitv Nshraan Off i
v. -
THURSfAY, MAY 13, 1971
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