i AaMT FOR SALE '67 Triumph Spit Fire, Wire wheels, radio, good condition, $1095, 475 2903, 1964 MGB, looks great, runs great, make offer, call Cather Hall 317. 1967 Camaro Convertible. Original owner, excellent condition, low mileage. 434 1806. 1970 Honda 350, Moto-Sport, biue, good condition. 475-1652, after 6 p.m. Must sell. 1970 350 Honda, 112 Trenridge, 434 9069. Sony 530 tape recorder. Eico 80 watt stereo amp. 475 6558. SUNN GUITAR AMPLIFIER andor LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM. Highest offer. 475 6558, 475 6524. 1968 Honda 350, 5,000 miles. High risers, TT pipes. Perfect. 4754347. Do it. . . buy a waterbedl Call International Waterbed at 488-0459 today. Lowest prices in town: $29.95. 1963 Dodge 880, very clean, new tires, $350. Also 8 x 34 Mobile Home, furnished, $1300. 435 2004. Marlette 1 2 x 60 Mobile Home, 2 bedroom, central air, excellent condition, good location. Must sacrifice. Best offer over $4000. 466 2984. Water you waiting for?? Waterbeds $27.95 to $39.95. Call T. J. Enterprises at 488 0459. '63 Corvair van, $300 or best offer. Call 466 5752 after 6 p.m. 1970 Vette, convertible with aux. hardtop. Power & air. 11,000 miles. Best offer. 475-2702. Stereo components. Discount prices. 466 0930. WATERBED EXPERIENCE Wholesaleretail, Mattress $9 $65, 20 mil Union Carbide vinyl, 10 yr. guarantee. Heaters $12 $35, silicone rubber, 400 watt, 115 v. thermostat. Waterbed Experience, 2259 Polk, S.F., Calif. Call (415) 4415111, 4412744 Distributors wanted. Waterbeds groove only when you do. . .$29.95. T. J. Enterprises 488 0459. FOR RENT We need a roomate! (Female) call 434 4939, ask for Carol (summer only). Summer Roomers, new air conditioned building. Contact Cornhusker Coop. 1319 R, or call 432 1410. Want female roommate for apartment close to campus Call 432 8511. ext 238, for Lynn Male roommate to share apartment, 47th & Starr, 466 3698 WANT TO RENT Want apartment to sublet for summer. Must be close to campus. Call Lynn, 435 6320. HELP WANTED Needed now! Part time, full time students for King's Restaurants. Waitresses and car hops. Apply Oeri Cole, 48rh & O. 489 6521 Service Station looking for experienced students for summer work. Apply Pleasant Dale Mobil , Pleasant Dale Interchange, 795-8915. LOST Term paper on "Student Activism" and white spiral notebook. Reward. 475 4871 MISCELLANEOUS Student Tour of Europe. $799. Nine countries, July 24 August 14 from Kansas City. Dr. Trautrimas. Midland College, Fremont, Nebraska. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. Personalized with name, degree and college. GOLDENROD PRINTING CO. 215 No. 14th. Phone 432 2128. I tSTJT APS" i l omlY Bcbnts a word- I URSUE DEGREE REQUIREMENTS THIS SUMMER!!! Study Independently by correspondence. 120 courses through 35 University departments are available. ENROLL NOW. $17.00 per credit hour. Call or visit the University Extension Division for counseling and information, 511 Nebr. Hall, 472 2171. Needed : Omaha. Summer car pool to John Miller 434 0288. WATCH & CLOCK REPAIR CAMPUS BOOK STORE, 13TH & R. Sewing and alterations. Moore at 799 261 5. Call Pat Measles. You're kidding, Leo for the finest in popcorn. . . ; CLIFTON'S CORN CEtIB 1150 No. 48th 1 L(yl( czn get s".:;3y rith murdsr 1 f 'wmmmmms& hneS. smim , g3SJ STUDY INDEPENDENTLY BY CORRESPONDENCE this summer receive College Credit PURSUE Degree Requirements SELECT From 120 Courses ENROLL Anytime STUDY At Your Own Pace ELIMINATE Schedule Conflicts improve Grade-Point Average SHORTEN Time Spent in College JOIN 3500 Other Students "COLLEGE COUNSELOR AVAILABLE" VIEJT, PHONE OR WRITE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA- LINCOLN 511 Nebraska 68508 472-2171 stamps WITH MAX SHULMAN Bikt cxAof of Kail) Round ikt Flag. Bay . . . Oobir Cilu . . . rlr. I Is There Life A If you are looking for the adorable whimsy which has made this column such a popular favorite among my wife and my little dog Spot, you will not find it today. For this is my last column of the school year and therefore a leave-taking, an occasion of sweet solemnity. I will not try to be funny in this final column. (I've been told I often achieved this goal in earlier columns, but those were only lucky accidents. Today it's on purpose.) Further, because of the gravity of the occasion, there will be no commercials today for my sponsor, the brewers of Miller High Life Beer. In this decision the brewers of Miller High Life con curred readily-nay, enthusiastically ! an act of industrial states manship totally typical, you would say, if you knew the brewers of Miller High Life as I know the brewers of Miller High Life; I mean here are gentlemen gray at the temples and heavy with honors who still rush to the brewery as eagerly every morning as if they were youngsters only just beginning; I mean all they care about in the world, the brewers of Miller High Life, is to put the best of all possible beers inside the best of all possible cans and bottles and then go, heads high, into the market place with their wares, confident that the inborn ability to tell right from wrcng, good from bad, meritorious from shoddy, which is the proud herit age of every American, will result in a modest return to themselves, the brewers of Miller High Life, for their long hours and dedicated labors-not, it goes without saying, that money is of any conse quence to the brewers of Miller High Life; all these simple men require is plain, nourishing food, plenty of Miller High Life, and the knowledge that through their efforts the lives of beer drinkers everywhere have become a little more relevant an attitude which I, for one, find heart-wrenching; indeed, so moved am I that I wish to state right here and now-I declare it publicly and proudly-that as long as there is breath in my body, I shall have only the highest regard for the brewers of Miller High Life, no matter how my lawsuit for back wages comes out. (I am only having my little joke. Of course I'm hot suing the brewers of Miller High Life for back wages. They have always paid me promptly and in full. True, they have not paid me in money, but 111 bet you never met anyone who's got as many Miller bottle caps as I do.) But I digress. As I was saying, there will be no commercial today for Miller High Life because of the solemnity of the occa sion. This is goodbye for many of you, especially those who were unable to avoid graduating. To these unfortunates I say, be of good cheer. It will accomplish nothing to slink home and assume the fetal position. Remember. the,re are other good things in the world besides going to college. I admit they don't spring to mind at the moment, but there must be. And if not, here's an easy solu tion : jubt dye your hair, shave your beard, change your name, and start over again at some other college. And so in these last lambent moments, let me say to all of you, my gentle readers, it has been a great pleasure writing this column through the school year. Believe me. pleasure is not a com mon commodity in the life of a writer. There are an appalling number of hazards in this game a drought of ideas, for one; catching your necktie in the roller of your typewriter, for another -so when a writer is blessed, as I have been, with an audience as alert and intelligent as you, he must take his hat in hand and hi necktie out of the typewriter and make a thankful bow. This I now do. Ao revoir, gentle readers. Stay happy. Stay loose. And as you travel down life's highway, remember these lines from Shake speare's immortal Pa jama Game: Up your beer enjoyment, fellow. Raise your pleasure quotient, neighbor. Switch to Miller, bright and mellow. You'll enjoy its groovy fieighbor, Now that the year is over and at Miller High Life would like to enjoyed bringing you this column, lawsuit comes out. fter Commencement ? the brewery hat survived, w say that we Kavs thoroughly no matter how Mr. Shulman's t -t ( v WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 ' - - . .