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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1971)
1 - mstmm FTiWmm K Buckley 9 Jr ( A 1 in ixon cjae SAN DH?CO, - -the sStode-nt asked:: Mow do yN!i $et away wtth saying that fh-e left student mflwrncM has -collapsed, in the light -off the nvLVcM iflmonjamions in Washington and San IPwfKJtsoo'? The spta'tor a-frswered:: 1) because th-e anti-war wieA-ewieTit ixs mo longer irti-e iproipcrty of students and -college intelkcTuate; and 2) to lis do ttoTtger., even among yoking ifvcoWie, the (property -of 5 he left, Trwe, n'hre we sTi'H a groat many student who side with Nixon.. IBa. a imany -others, heretofore -of ircse-rvod (Opinions, an3 wen some -off hawkish pinion, have now -come iTounfl tto heheving that we s'hou'14 puU -out night away. If you -saw a "Crowd of O0;OO0 war ipTOfesters two -or three years Jtgo, '"Ou -could safely -conclude that kt 'Cent io' them were Mark RuMs, Dwight MacDona'lds. or Benjamin Spocfcs; (today, they ou'ld include -student athletes, Vietnam veterans, and Hoca'l ibusinessmen, 31e :might have -added a third ipoint. It is that the -extraordinary (development involving "China lis 4i -crucial iptfyc'ho'logical Wow to those w ho ..'.'lieve that tenacity in Viietnam tis indispensable to t'he -stabilization iof Asia. THE POSITION -of Lyndon Johnson and ftkhard Nixon ((and ol -course of their Secretaries of State and Joint Oiiefs 'has Ibeen the -domino theory, If South Vietnam w-erc -co m m u n i zed Iby toree., the resistance tin Cambodia,, Laos -and Malaysia would -cease. $nrroinde-d, Thailand wotul-d -change governments, a nd vote irn one hose toretgn policy was the inst rumen t -of hrna. The ipressures on Undonesia's 'hundred imillion would ibe iinsu:ppo'rta!b.le. Ne'u tf -course, the (Philippines, w'ho cou'ld 'not -easily ibreat'he iin that iron ilung, as 'Western -oriented -enclave. South Korea would Hogicalty !be next, once gain through the satellization -of iits (policies. Then time tor the 'big one, Japan. If the U nited States irnade it plain that it would tnot !ltve mp to its commitments under S'EATO, then Japan's -choice would 'be ito -cooperate w irh the rreaf by great ipower, -ot $o lit alone, Do you tea Fly ibelieve all -of that -domino ttheory ibusiness, -someone .asked President Nixon Jit tfhe (GovernoTs'1 Conference a year 4igo? The SPresident -snapped 'back: As the -dominoes. Indeed. But now the famous iPing Pong -development. It 'has weakened -an indispensible ip'lank in all the -scaffolding. The treason why Mr. Nixon is exdhancinc -pleasantries with Red (China is. althotuglii fiott spolce, q'uiiit -clear: Oiii-na is (different STOiWi ttie Oiina whicli rs mneleS into its present conditio-'H ttiwyugls two (decades of aggresskwi, tottwc, convulsion, an4 enophob-ia: tht China wnicfe was t'he lmaim tTiret to t'he -dominoes. It isn't (dear wfretner lie intended xct5y to -caU attention to t'he (difference, lbiat in effect he did so wlien two wecl;s ago Mr, Nixon was asked w-tiy, Kinder t'he (csremstances, we &em $o ancad and recognize Cuba. We had a iflasn of trie Oka Nixon, Because , he WrnmatCMa, Cuba is -determined to Ibe a ibad meig'hrOT, -detenrnimed to encourage a hatred of .Anjetica, (determined to disrupt :hemispneTic relations. ONE CAN ONLY ASSUME tt!hat, iff Mr, Nixon was thinking irigorous'ly, he no longer Ibdlicves -fluite so much a"bout China. Granted, he hasn't yet recognized China, hat he leaves mis all to Ibelicve that that its mere Normality, What -does that -do to the -domino theory'.? Nothing. But it -docs a $Tcat (deal to those who Ibelieve in the (domino ttheory. Because they have suddenly ibeen asxed to heTieve that we s'hoja'ld tthin'k of Red China as imcTcly another Soviet Union. I happen to think that its -quite fead enoug'h, '-but in fact the Soviet Union has mot overrun any new -countrj', mor lhas tit ((ycti satelilized the ipolitics of any contiguous -country sim-e the Czechoslovakia -coup of l'4f?. And China lhas mot tta'ken any mew tenrit ory since Tihet, if you (don't count a little !gob -of India. Why then is tit necessary to -contain China Iby fighting a surrogate war iin Southeast Asia? Many Americans will suddenly wonder, If Mr, Nixon and Chouu Em-Hai aire prepared to settle their -differences ait a tnegotiating ta'ble, why mot let t'he Southcaifl Asian thing run its -course.? We are (beholden, iin a w-ay, to t'he South Vietnamese people, yes; Ibut we are mot ibeholdem to them ex-ccpt in a grander context which presupposes that iif we llct them -down, little Iby little a whole tier -of nations will Ibecome instruments of an enemy Ibcnt on the destruction of the United States. I -do mot, imyse'lf, -doubt that Mt, Nixon lis playing -chess in China. But he .should be reminded t'hat there are lots and lots of spectators who will mot only be surprised Iby some -of his i moves, but -dismayed. And iif and when !he is iin a posiftion t o -cry -dheck tmate'!, he imay Hook around him amd tfmd that ttihere lis nobody Heft there t o applaud. &lFOPE 7ZU3 ME 7D GO TO MU, SlT YOU fChOW ME MKE 7D DE BEYOND MY MEANS, IfoO m i nww 'mi I"""' ii If&WT AT Tv f2 OF 7tf TUNNEL '..vwt rrp mOi M0R14KTY,di1(iT CONNIE WINKLER, imanaging -edil-w JOHN DVORMCmewsedittfir GENE iHILLM 4N,dvertiing inunutA'er J! 4MES KORNEJL, Chairman, pulilk-ntiom, -ewmmittee 1XH OKI fk!L ST Uf Stuff -wi-iten.: (Ciury 'Suuurettt, THunlliu IHimnurt. U)twe lltriitk, (C:ul Coha)liii,, Sttwe Utntwior., IMiwt IhtujkBr, Mifce W lll-nth, Kliiurlie IWurpHlur., MHrtiu IKulim, "Hltwt iKuridl, IIHuimh. SiwUht, Amu ll'Ulwrwin., !l4-Htnie lRistirk, Viidki lt'UlHi, Stnut: Arvuntuit -Sptitu todiltir: JJ-im Uiitimaiin, $pim vwvnur: Wumrein -Clbr. ll'liitif!TiinhOTK: (C.uil Ifitiiau, IHill (C.unJI . li-nturtuinmum tidttiir. ILurry Hviltimtt. Iljitorury -etintir.: XUlun IHiye. -cuniput. aitlitiir: -Murlune II ininiHrnum. ArtwtK: Uiintlu ll.uku, (tnrug -fiuutt. IDwtijin mdhtir: itum Oruy. dtipy -etlitiin.: torn a.Brmwfirtk, IHill Smithormun., ll.iiurB VWillarfc. Wiyht -ttiiittir: ILu Sc'tiloidliar,, Mint -atfltMmtfl awMtiint: Sm -(itmrdiiiuliir: "Suiillru 'C.uriur ulmmun: jlliwe WuteK. Itiurry ll'll!ut, ilune IKitlwtill, iKun StwuikuT, H um IHluliil. Il'ut-di Hiutule IHuNiiiiMih im.swtuiitt.: iluniiJi- (tiir)liiniHn,(niiui,ltmt'lCwi!iH.. llttlurt,os: u,aiiw: .V2 2H. mem: 2S.. uOMMtm,. H'uhlwhuil -MnndifV HIi.ih!I. -w,aUly -UuMIW (flic ,ll,.ll -exuupl -tliiinu ,u;uti.,n UU a-ni ,uhi..Un WunrtMir ti ntu- lii u,ul Uwmu- ll, -wu , IMUCUI...HUI A-wmtwii. (liilluni-ll'rein-urwiut ' ll'lu- IDull 1W,tt,rimkim, llfl r4.rtw,Hrt;u llliium H tmv.m.i.1!! Hlnhimrim. Ilmiu.llu. 1M.thru.-tt,u n.Slrtt Stay liv.j. Sjyi itMH- 511 !l)Mi. :ti 1S.H gj Rural Nebraskans for peace iiene is ctpf off my Mk mt Ike Pimpks Hemmimg at the empit&l yestenSjiy. Time did mm permit me ta mmplete iL Iff yam thimk it is worthy of the speee you may print it im the towty Nebtwk&M. FUmse semJ me a copy ifyom do.. The UJmiwrstity hex m gmet number off people mho are No.. I im hwmum tomtermx.. Peoples Hearing on Senate Resolatioa No, 32 Memufciers of the. state lagislatae, oomcemeid people of Nebraska, I ana $jpeakiiini; as a reftre-senitatiivie of R aural Nefcrasiamis For Peaoe, Hits MTff;TOiiyatik!ia gias Ibeeim wionrtiinif; 4or peace for otht fwe years.. Forty t3noniisaii!wl Aanwricaim Boys Bnave idieid im vaiiim.. Fooar BniuntnuSinewS Neb, 8wys Bnaw died ineed!lesslly iira Asiia snunce RiuraD Ncibrastamts F-tnr Peace fiiirstt saiiJ, "Tluis its aim iiWkgall war, TMs its ami nmmorafl war, Tltnit its a war tkatt omnittott Ibe wtoaD." Senators, I fDcaJI watiSa i-ohui to Bnrflifin wiitt lb aim wptw smm4 to tlh-e measroaits ttBnits war nnniiiwtt (tmdl NOW.. The sttalenniKcuiitt fttas Ibcenn mma-le nmuumy ttiimmes. ""omi camf tt do amyltlhiiimc albwtt war." It its a!lso ofteiB said, TUn-nre Baas allmas Sweini war aro-J ttiie BuMe sas there will airways Ibe war". However wttthetiBisacwery ff nDuicBear fiower ami the perfection off the att-oimiiiic aanS flay-diroigeiii fcomnfes the piktumre has chamce-fl, - Dr. AD tot EiHiistteiiffli saiij after the ffiirst ttnoumfe was idmoppeJ oaa Hanoshiianoa, "This channges eTCTrjIhimi, Itihe wobM wall mewor he the saame agiiin)'". There has allways teeeim war Bmiutt there caimiin-ott airway" be war. This its imott tibc fiirstt ttiimme the BJblle has Ibeenn wrotmg.. Ab-CMut 400 years a&o a mum numneuS Gahleo iditscowareJ the secret rf the perattikcxm off the sottar system. He pnoweifl that the earth motatteJ rather tthani the sums mowing nan a semii ciimdle acmoMS the sty each ufl.ay. This is cionteary to wamioxiwi statemremts iim She hoDy scriipttiiuire. For this tdisotswnry G-tftikiO was idiHimiiMiSffifl fmwm the unaiiweiisiiry amd natipnisoincJ If-ow teadhiite moukccepteJ truths. What I am tryins to say is this: The discovery of nudear fission has brought people of the world face to face with the staifc leahty that survival of mankind is at stake. A way to live without war must be found or mankind is doomed. Governments and most people refused to accept the truth, so it is today. University teachers are being dismissed for teacbisig the unaccepted truth just as they were 400 years ago. Hundieds are in prison for trying to end war, in America as wei as other countries. The governments of the wtsrid have phinged into the biggest arms race of all time. There wa! allways be war? How long is always? Geologists tell us that if we use the Wasbiiintstom Monument as a measure of time since the earth was being formed, a postage stamp on the top will represent the ttimme man has lived on the earth. The tthiickimess off the gHue on the stamp wflffl represent the time smnce Jesus Christ walked on the earth. Now consider that it has been onOy &(b years since the beginniimg off the techsiKoillogiical age. It has been mBy 23 years since the atom bomb was first dropped on Hiroshima. Senators I leave at (to you to measure the timme m this scale. The ffact that the bommb has mot destroyed us its not so reassuring its it? How long cam the govermmeiHtts off the m-orld continue to imnanufacttuire nnuiKilear bonnabs nerve gas and a vast array off other death dealing sophisticated weapons? Can this continue 20ffl years? ZK0H9 years? or mly 2 years without destroying aM of mis. Some time the direction m i! iuwe to change. The ttikme its mow. It its prunariy the young people otf the world m ho see the damiger facing all off us. It mas the youmg people mho have inffQiiiieimced nmost off mis older people to see the ttniatfflii. Siance the gowfirmimneiints off the m-oxrld have ffailed to face the izit that pmesemtt pc4kaes lead straight to certauor. amd coeipllette ammiihiillattikDm iitt its the ttiinae ffow alii Ithe people If the wobM to jioiim im the counannom camtse off .survTO'al. The people nnaiiiMtt Bne heard.. That its the reasGxm moost off uus are here tofla-y. A Hanng jjouumney ftiegams with the first step. Senators. I beg you to take that first step today, to end war vote Resolution 32. On a recent trip to Paris by 50 Protestant Ministers, they were told by Thjch Nhat Kanh, a Buddhist Monk, "The options that are open to the United States are: Peaceful Co-existance or Co-Non-Existance". There are ISO hydrogen bombs stored in neighboring Missouri. Four Airforce Officers there can trigger the missks without orders from anyone. The Airforce states that our minuteman missiles have no destruct mechanism which can destroy them after an accidental launch. The only real enemy of the United States is their own paramoidal fear of commumism that has caused them to surround themselves with weapons that cannot be used without totally destroying swn country . Peace, Fred Schroeder biological equivalents of a fertilized egg or embryo. In any organism, the sperm or ova are cells of a sexually mature individual of the species; functionally specialized cells in the same sense that a liver ceD is specialized. A fertilized egg, however, has biological uniqueness. It is totipotent, a new and genetically different individual of a species that proceeds inexorably to maturation characteristic of that specks. Few living sperm or ova are brash enough to make that claim. At least I hope not; otherwise, for many species, there goes a large part of the fun in life. J. M Daly Ccmmends NU anti-war activities Life? Dear editor. Professor John McClendon's letter mas a forceful expmesskn vnew tr population but, for as good a pstt as John us. he intentionally must have stretched a point to imply that humun spennm or ova aire the Dear editor, Tm prouder than I was to hve in Nebraska, after the large and warm response at the public hearing on Senator DeCamp's end-fhe-war resolution on Wednesday. On behalf off Nebraskans for Peace, may I commend the students at the University for the dignity and sty le of your own programs these last few days, and thank you for your presence and contriljution to an appeal to the state legislature. PEACE! NOW! Don Reeves President Whirtg will ttlaey vdDtte? 3Iankiewicz and Bnaden WASMINGroN-Whein lile KeHtem weail J-owm tt ttlhe -uowiity cfteirk's office iin Ithaca, N..V. eaiilior this year to megitfteir tto w-oxte, ttlbe dleirk meffuasnd to Italke his regHitFatiom. Slesn en is pflaniiiiiing a lursuiitt to neuguuitue him 1 -do .. an the ewanituall oiutaonne -off that legal Ihattillle will) ttuumn the -cameeas off marine ttham J iccxnpreHsmm , amd penlhaps ttlhe iimmmtidiiate poHitiicall ufl.ncttiioMi of the naaitiffliiL. Kestt-en is fl'S years icild.. He iis, ttlbrmrf-otre, e-Uifsiblle to woKte inn D'972 f-or ?eidemtL, sematow and ctomgresHman, He wannits to we iin Brlhaca, mheme be afflrtnd ComnriU HinfMarsity.. The lloxcall -eHLalbiiishiineantt iin Hthjuai, its ewnrywheme idlse wlheire ttliuOTe aire lampe sttudraitt pfflpulluituawMi, wainits hirnn to tte at his puretnts" hoime-Hin this caHe WeHtpoirt,, Coxnm.. THLStE, IN A NUTSHEll, ik tUhe jgreart iiiiykHTllyimp polLittiiofl -qiiueHtiicBai ff-sir W2. By the mtiutnitt -fleuisiotn -oi' tt!he Supmnme C-fiwuirtt, 0.21- ear-toMt cam vwsxte four t"ireHiiaeinrt a:nd four tteJ-nrall coidfices-strntft-oiir anJ ciompawtiuiiii. Twemity-irs tarl'ir-.od' a reiduired liWhiwe allmaidjc ortiiffiieua ttllie 36ttib Airoeiadimeisitt to ffllxe CoinHtjttuttiicMri, mnidh wiuilld pernm B-yratir-.oMt to v(le Sour a!M Latte atni loxcafl oiffikie m Willi. The cmuaiall ueHtito)in is m llowuit'ir Cirii ttlbey wdeT" hiuH "Whrne can ttlht wofle'.T' The oinsu-er to ttikuit mut?tioim leriniiiinr-- iim Ihcrge idegXtte-wiikettiluir llllu'y wiill vwolte.. If sttiudemtts ame -dimitxd ttihr n!htt to woxle wlhttre ti&u.y llwe-att the cainpius-flibey wiill Irurve to ttaweil to oovoifllheir ffAace sm OwHiM) Jay m tilku-y wiill Ihtwe to wwlte hy tl!lie icumlbrnwinie, (tiime-ttioiimiiinihig pmoitiens off a!buittee lha!Il-(Bt. Efllheir way, alhtiir msiiinlhtirs will Ibe hitrplhy mtdjiimd ainJ the iiungnactt off the fl -2fl-eiiiHtllill worte w;ill he frito -WlijJhillly iif ant aiUIl. I n N-ownmhnr -ctf WH2 lhailf ttlhe mew women wiill Ibe m iaumipwitn. 1 tt- $ imiEUoxn cf Ulluim. Bt nihoMiM he moAnd tt!hil ttllke -uomysrtMwutnn ffincxni tth-ome iditHtoikl w'hiidh inuilude today" einomiivcuHi Cun-ome tflham 2iO.J0iCXIl) rtiudrmisj) iuni-Menittiks aire, a'Lmowt wiitiLojut ccrpiiioit, iuo)inHtiiwaitiwe jmA Bia-fkiMib, I(t amynw AoxuK that Ounimipaiicm ami Canlbomdale, Ell EwjumwiiUle and BmmmM3t&m Auwrtiitt, Ten., Cowalllis anivl Euageme, Ore., State Coiffiege, Pa, lawremce, Kamts.. CipBuaamHwiis. Ohi or Westwood, Caliiff, womiM mot replace theini with s icamJidate ana-ore u umiPiUihrttiw: to the pohtiics off the stuudemtS? rOS THAT MAT ILK. mhatt about local gowtrnDjmemt? mmw, bemilfH. coiN cexuiuu-ilk amd tta atssensoirs ame looSdimg grinmfly at She ipvawciibOe mMbol tihouitsumds off younmg voters omto the roUls. nmoM off whom, it is safe to say, Bnaw a diiffferemtt wiiew off local praomittiie ttham those mho have Swem ao)lnlffoIrtalt, iim power. That is mh$' the uiipcusaniiiiQK couuirt cases are so smnpootaml. Im New Jeirsey.. stadrsil st Selca Kal3 LjriRsrEffj' its see to he rr-girtewd urn cvw-pm. Sintnuiilair siUiBts aire penndiing iim Kemtmcxy amd MutssadbiiiHietls. Not omly stuaJemis icre iitw-oidi'e-di: ttlhe deciuiioans wdi affect the votiimg ihtc of mnigratoiry mocers. ttiMwtm tiurciitirt to hardikatts who waswe wiith the coflOHtiruiic'ttiiom acqml Sonne utatte aiunJksmities ame ptrepamed to go to eictriiovdijmairy Unrngfihs to Ikeep stuudemt waters at bay. Attty. Gem. Ewttle Yomuiitger of Califimnmua has itwiued am lowiinioim tthatt the vouuine wotters are AOMinelbow tUM imimoir" aawJ warned ftie regiistemeJ at the homoe of ttheir parennts, am (oiimiiom mot snOy iEegal CalLif-oumia law hunt iwauiDMMuultiomiil. EM A amd Wahiimgtom legal piiamioxEt haw beem timmi &rwg youumg voters a dboiketo wote at homse tr at a place m heme work or sttakfly &utt guwein themo a reidemce.. Im Jw-w m, wHane tt!tD-e lJla AimemdimniDt Mas mot yet Bneem ofiitneJ, a ihul has been nrnttmoxdiHcted to ff-snnradl somiSemts tromi votimng at ttihnii' caum jrots ioxcatiiom. ISy llW2, the legal untunes mnay mot be emtiiindly renoed. Oirgamiitiioms like Comnmaooi Camtse, as welll as wgaanized lalbw, acre amxiouiis that liitiiptism proceed rapudllly. They haw pw measoaa. Theme ame between) 17 amd 25 mralHioiiii mew v-wteirs eiEigMe iim Bc972 amd they will chamge the pohtiuail mnap iff they vote where they auie. v.- .4 ' V PAGE 4 THE DAI LY TvlEB R ASK ATM TUESDAY. MAY H H. 11971 THE DAILY INEBRASlKATil PAGES TUESDAY. .MAY 1 1. H97B