War critic Lowenstein to speak Allard K. Lowenstein, former New York Democratic congressman and a leading war critic is scheduled to speak in the Union Centennial Room Wednesday, May 19. Lowenstein, currently teaching at Yale University is lecturing around the country asking for a change of priorities by the Nixon administration, according to Fritz Edelstein, spokesman for the University of Nebraska Coalition for Peace and Justice, the group responsible for Lowenstein's Nebraska visit. Edelstein said Lowenstein is particularly interested in visiting Nebraska because of the crucial nature of the 1972 Nebraska primary election. Lowenstein Plans to discuss the issues confronting our nation in his speech and in rap sessions with students. A3MT ADS HELP WANTED Part-time jobt to work on used car lot. One morning and one afternoon shift. Call Roger DeBrown, 432-1023 for appointment. Sales girl, full or part time. Apply in person before May 6. Max Miller Cameras, 1434 O Street. COLLEGE MEN Seven summer jobs available, $1,850 $2,475 income. Write Mr. Bair, Box 80124, Lincoln 68501. Will interview within week. FOR SALE 1970 Charger 500, air conditioned, all power, 434 5473, evenings or weekend. Boys English 3 speed bike Call Betty, 423 3689. $35. Mobile Home, 1966 Marietta 12 x 60, 2 bedroom, central air, semi-furnished. Best offer. 466 2984. Religious books. Bibles, greatly reduced. Cotner Religious Book Store. 1237 R. Sealpoint Siamese kittens, males and females, $10.00. Call 432 9657, after 2 p.m. Guitar and amp. 475-6878 Do it. ..buy a waterbedl Call International Waterbed at 488-0459 today. Lowest prices in town: $29.95. Nice large oak desk. Best offer. 1143 South 1 7th. 475 5747. STEREO SPEAKERS, 8" - 3 way systems. 423 6734 or 435-3853. Stereo components. Discount prices. 466 0930. Panasonic turntable, cassette, and AM FM tuner components. Call 477 4058, after 6 p.m. Best offer over $200. 1968 Malibu Sports Coupe, low mileage, 4 speed, buckets, positraction. Must sell. Doug Gwin, 602 Schramm Hall. 1969 Cougar Convertible, automatic, power steering, radio, road wheels, 26.000 miles, $2750. Day 472 2944, Eves 477 8326 1964 Volkswagon, excellent condition, 434 3359. teft-handed Golfers rejoice! Excellent, used, complete set. $35. Randy. 8126 Selleck. Leave phone number if not in. Waterbeds groove only when you do. .$29.95. T. J. Enterprises--488 0459. FOR RENT Need male roommate for summer. Walk to campus. 432 5074. Ask for Gary. Apartment: Summer only. 4 paneled rooms, 1 bedroom, nicely furnished, private entrance, off street parking, $80 r .v. ..... .x ... i ............ r- "iviiii, an ukiiiici Contact Susi, 488 evenings. paid. 282. MISCELLANEOUS Send checks for ROZMAN LEGAL FUND to: E. Pearlstein 632 Eastborough Lane, Lincoln. WATCH & CLOCK REPAIR CAMPUS BOOK STORE, 13TH & R. Sewing and alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799 2615. PERSONAL HELP SAVE AMERICAI Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES) For information - Buy and Read THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE By Alaric. Branden Press, 221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. 02116. $4.9S.t FRIDAY APRIL 30, 1971 Scholarships for study abroad Applications for a Fulbright-Hays Scholarship will be discussed Monday, May 3 at 3:30 p.m. in 104 Burnet. Students graduating in 1972 with at least a 3.2 average and interested in studying abroad are eligible for the scholarships. The fellowships cover fees, transportation and a subsistance allowance for one year of study abroad. They are awarded in all fields of study and to almost every country in the world. O Smwt It closed Use vine or A to 4ttti Student Tour Of Europe Nine countries, July 24- m I I0II3TER teat 4 nc 4 C3SUfiJT 1 TI15 VAMPIRE I frmiM i CRUESCS3 EnEEl!!! -WW urn uhiicu nrnus 1 J August 14 from Kansaj City. CONTACT: Dr. Trautrimas 5 Midland College Fremont.Nebr. L J. I m Drove Qradn While Devotin The Sam Amount Of Tim To Study USE STUDY SOUNDS Increase Your Concentration And Improve Your Comprehension. Study At A Fatter Rate. ELECTRONICALLY PRODUCED SOUNDS CAUSE THIS TO HAPPEN Please Specify 8 Track Tape, Cassette, Or IP Record Send Check or Money Order $9.95 Each Include 75c Handling and Postage Sound Concepts, Inc., Box 3852 Charlottesville, Va. 22902 fill Bmontf of rhgTmrh Ccsrured Live en film y II Cflfl LFfoSffKT rzz?nf?ns Fazrtrr?K i 1 'k V l li W:Jj- , J I 1 J I Hi L i4 'XJ Y 4 The Master of Space &Ti me 1 1 i METRO-GOLDWYNMAYER presents JOE COCKER MAD DOGS & ENGLISHMEN w.ih I EON RUSSELL Executive Producer JERRY MOSS Associate Producer SIDNEY LEVIN Produced by HARRY MARKS, PIERRE ADIDGE and ROBERT ABEL Directed by PIERRE ADIDGE An A&M Film In Association With Creative Film Associates In Color iCPj LtlHl-liililiill 1 I i I AlSilPJm. LINCOLN 434-7421 54th & 0 Street STARTS FRIDAY Matinees Saturday and Sunday continuous from 1 p.m. Monday thru Friday at 7:15 ad 9' 20 p.m. LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! J ;V,.'. f .1 ', Vi i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 11