Indian Community involvement is tti wi-osi sttiom ifnissitvg ti ftgr-e-d ient ifi the Iti-fiian p-e-ople fight tfor 4 hmet le-u-tt-cistwvn., a-c-c-ordiiig fto yn inland Collegers -director -off Indian SttwSies. "Woiv imany ttewns Mvttli 4 3arge Indian tpornjlatkm haven Indian -on Hheir -schisol !board?" 'Keith Hewitt., -a "Cheyenne $kuv iskf d about 50 ifxwple in the Nebraska Uini-on Ballroom Tuesday . ""Mighty tew 'ho answered? Jewjft, here -during MIT's Indian Culture "Week mivifies, aid ilndian grade schools he is lamihai with -aw taught 'by white people '"They -come tin the morning -and leave -at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. tThev JHELP WANTED Sales girl, full Or .pam time. Apply In perspn before Way Via Vltller Cameras 14-94 Street irvterviews for ASUAl Committee Chair mariships -start Tuesday , April 57th. 'If you are Interested i'n 'be ins t'n-airmeh f the 'Education, iLesai flights, free Whiversfty, Student Servioes and Economic Oevelopmerrt, Human ft igh'ts -or 4.gslative 4-iaison C-o rn m ittees, -sign mp at the ASU0 -office: ftoom 534 'in the Student HJnioh. C-OL4.EGE VtE'N Seven summer fobs available 1,50 ZS inoome. Write "Mr. Balr. Bo 0124, 4inooln 8501. Will 'Interview within week . 'FOR 'SALE Sealpoirn Siamese lelrterts, males and temttet. in.OO. Call 32 96S7 , after ii.m. 4ft 'handed -Golfers 'rej-oioe! excellent, -used, -complete -set. S35 Randy , 126 Selleck . 4eave -phone number It not In. 1968 'Malibu Sports Coupe, low mileage, -4--speed, -buckets, contraction "Must -sell. Doug -Gwin, 602 Schramm Mall T9 69 Cougar Co n-v rt ib e, automatic, -power -steering, radio, road wheels, 26 000 miles. $2750 TJav -472 2944, ves 477 8326 1964 Vol-k-swagon, e-Koellent condition, 434 -3359 Religious books, bibles, greatly reduced. Cotner Religious Book Store 1237 -R Water -you waiting for?? Waterbeds S27 95 to $39 95 Call T J Enterprises at -488-0459. Four Chrome fievurse Rims with two -spinners Rocket Brand, fits General 'Motors -cars. Also car -stereo tape player. 'Must -sell! Gale Henry, 211 Burr Hall, 434 3 111 after 5pm. it i-INCOLTWS Ft VORITE'!! DISCOUNT STORE cans V -yi-.tfr 3tt ; I. m MMl CnmpHitc -Snowmq I ol Antique Bntll Bl IHttiAW STREET II I 1 WEDNECOAY, APRIL 28, 1971 fight needs community Jtelp ' can teach on fhe reservation for US years -and (never kmm what's going oti there.' Me said t'he three areas 5 Nebraska wit'h t'he highest n-cTitTarkTi of Indians -Macys Wii;ne!ba.o., and "Niobrara - have no effective -soco-ndaty acational survpoit. As -a result, he teontitioed, t'he high school -dropout irate in those areas is 74 ipcr cent . Hewitt said Alliance has not graduated -an India n student tin 30 years. "Nebraska is a iracist stated Hewitt said. "In Chadron they vdoti"t even ilet the Ondiati students form a club. 8n 56.. when t hat college was founded , the Ogalala Siov had already !been established for years."'"' 10 -speed Sohwinn Varsity Spom, -one mo.-otd.-S27183, $80. 4Jsed Magnus Chord -organ . Call Sill, Room -620 Schramm "Hall . :Buy -cheaper than 'rent, $k34 "M-obil-e W-om, 6rpted, f urnished. See to -appreciate. $1,300. -L-Ot IS, 125 West '0'"., evenings 1968 "Hurst -Olds, -455, -automatic, 'rally -wheels, Sharp, est -offer. Call -434-0228 end sfc for (Larry ICOhles. Mobile Home, 1966 "Martette 12 x 60 , -2 ibedroom, -central ir, semi-fAjrnrshd. -Best -offer. 466-2984. Guitar end amp. -475-6878 KIATH TUTOR IMS Evans learning Center, 1601 P Street, -435-2168. Tuition S5 -00 per hour. r mmm mm IIP r 4 20th Cemury-fOK presents niTHTT lriI!!f1Ksun!2SLOmi.iirm HAtCM ROOD WMSMmai 1MC!NT CMtf MA lu7TtiWl IW HOWES WCK BRODSKY even m a racist state Sewitl said Indian pecfile could aceomiphsh a Dot simrily by ciowiwvg together snore over tneir jpsroMems. 81 e said it an Indian d-catien confTence just completed in Chadron only 3 Indian students were involved in the planning. ""Hie planning -agency didn't contact anybody tfrom t'he Indian community at aTiJewtttsaid HHo fTogT4Tn cn fee suicesstul (unless t (has tihe com miunity involved trm sett ing tftiUTvJewittdded. fiat -Hewitt sai-d where Indians are $e!trng (more mvdlved in their communities the -dha npes are com mg rapid ty . ""On the (reservations in South ItftlSCEllLAWEOUS WATCH dLOCX 'Rt'r'A'I'R CAVIP-US ifiOOX STOR, 13TM . Sewing end erre rot ions Call ftft Moore t 799-261 5. !PEfiSOI Al, "Ralph, idid togettwr? you nd Tanya et HE-L-P S AV AMERICA'! 4oin the AVIERICATM VIGI-LAXTfS! r information - uy end (Read the -ame-rican vigilamte SY -AlBric. Sranden tpress, 221 -Cokjmbus -Ave., Soston, Mass. i0211.$4S tSPi--E ASEO WITH ILTNCOL"NS JJS SERVICE, 'If you're faculty member -or a sgtudent, end you're -concerned about the -dtrhO-retihfi (bus -service an (Lincoln, tielpius wrrh -our survey. Call -472-2589 anytimeend taeve your 'name. Judith Crist NBC -TV JULES FEIFFEHS JUIS FEIFFfR THE DAILY NEBRA5KAN toaloota in the last few years w can see a (dramatic cnange,'" be said . ""Mow Indians are stinting to teieh Indians in th SSeadstart program.' And Jewitt said Frewontls Midland College is heading oat wit'h a $9,i000 sdholarsliiiip for Indian students. "Its tn-e only college I fcmow ttnat is idoing that wiln unoney tfroun its iown IhwdgeC he said. for the finest in popcorn CLIFTON'S CORN CRIB 1150 0 JJLjXu ! 1 i'-O In the immortal words of General Custer: 'You to eat, the TeePee (ifs a winner) NEW HOURS - OPEN AGAIN TIL MIDNIGHT Monday thru Saturday I 1 Htw Hap Lli!E 4723312 Lvtj im wit v: cm Imp ww m WhlM -twwsllnc 1?h Sm moiim Ot Tim n SuAly use STucnr sounds ClCTRONICMJLV WfOoUCCD SOUNDS CAUSC WIS 1KJ IHAWEN $nl 'OlKU r Wnnny lMr V.6 Kni ounti nnowtts. ilnc.. Itnk ChrU)iiKlli, am. .proof No. 48th ..i'-.---ial-fr. want me where? 99 PAGE 7