I C TONIGHT KuBSBIUinD 8 p.m. 'W T iilirWlii.ir-r i ( On the inside looking out. . .or on the outside looking in-there are many ways to look at the geodesic dome in the Sheldon SculptureGarden which is part of Earth Week and Thursday Earth Day activities. Faculty and student speakers will be appearing in the Sculpture Garden Thursday afternoon to speak on various envronmental topics. This is the "Its almost all over with." First Vice President Bob Pfeiffer's comment, made as he grasped his often-pounded ASUN gavel for the last time, seemed to sum up the mixed mood at the 1970-71 Student Senate's last meeting-partly anxious to finish and partly sad that it's over. President Steve Tiwald made the incontrovertible observation that ASUN had seen a "hell of a year" but added it had also been a "fairly successful year and a building year. Not quite ready to give up, the Senate approved the Electoral Commission's report, accepted the nomination of John Hansen to the Presidential Search Committee, and, over Sen." Ron Kurtenbach's objections, approved new appointments to the Student Court. Kurtenbach thought the Senate should have had an opportunity to meet with the appointees as a group before making their approval. Mike Rumbaugh will be the new chief justice. New Student Court associate justices are Al Lewis, John Marker, Lynn Webster, Kathy Lonnquist, Chris Hanus and Mary Langdon. The new Senate also began Hansen, . . way work, starting with Sen. John Theisen's resolution to form an Environmental Task Force. The matter will be decided at next week's meeting. Next week will also mark the beginning of interviews for the various ASUN committees. Those interested in the job of Recording Secretary should apply immediately. Also needed at once are workers for Earth Week and the campaign for new city buses. Anyone interested can see Diane Theisen in the Panellenic Office. Before finally leaving office Tiwald presented several awards. He even commended Sen. Bruce Wimmer, CUE, and other individuals and groups critical of ASUN, saying they had "performed a valuable service in making us continually reassess our position." Sen. Bill Arfmann was named outstanding senator and also given a distinquished service award. Other service award recipients included: Roy Baldwin, Ed Eggleston, Steve Fowler, Georgia Glass, Karen Hutt, Tim Kincaid, Marti Liggett, Nancy Ryan, Sonnie Schone, and Lynn Webster. Tiwald saved two special awards for ASUN's faculty ASUN ends Continued from pace Hansen's appointment because "I don't think the Senate was completely informed" when it made its selection. Hansen was chosen by ASUN from a list of seven candidates. If Eggleston's motion had carried, Hansen's name would have been placed with the four remaining names on the list for reconsideration. Sen. Nancy Ryan cut in sharply with an objection to having the Senate consider Eggleston's motion. A vote was taken in which her objective was defeated. In the debate, Ryan countered Eggleston's statements with "If Hansen is technically acceptable now, what information do you have that makes this reconsideration necessary?" 1. Sen. Harold llcgbs ln'72 THE UNCOMMON COMMON MAN. HE ROSE FROM TRUCK DRIVER TO GOVERNOR OF IOWA TO U.S. SENATOR. NOW HE CHAL LENGES RICHARD NIXON! Campaign Materials Available STUDENTS FOR HUGHES BOX 668 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90053 adviser, Associate Professor Paul Bverly, and Mary Carol Poulsen, the ASUN office secretary. The two received standing ovations from the senators. In a grand understatement, Poulsen summed up the term of the outgoing Senate. "I won't say it's always been a pleasure," she said, "but this is a year I won't forget for a long time." kenny rogers the first edition T and linda ronstadt plus pod ip to V , : JsF BBEW . $3-$4-$5 all seats reserved sponsored by Lincoln Jaycees . How to be beeutifuj, undsmedh ft all. Under your makeup, keep your skin glowing with our two facial discs. They cream, they lotion, they park you up. Logs should ba long and smooth. Sharing should be short and sweet. Our big super-fast Lady Norelco does the job in practically no rime! Shiny hair needs a healthy scalp. .Stimulate yours with our deep massager. Gentle. Relaxing. Mnunm. 7b look great, you hare to feel great. We give you i-o massagers that make you feel great. What a comfort. it , f wi'aa. A lot depends on your feet - Treat them to a proper pedicure with our six handy attachments. Do your nails like a pro with Lady Norelco. 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