Random poll: Fowler leadini Ken Frey helped wash cms at three locations in Lincoln over the weekend to earn money for former NU student Gary Koepke, who is undergoing treatment for Hodgkin's is an Omaha hospital. Dooattons lor Koepke ukjuij oe Harper Hall, City Campus. See US!! LINCOLN'S DISCOUNT STORE a street OPEN TIL 1 AM FftJ-SAT OTHER N PITS TIL MID PTE Step w W V Wf I tmmKmrnmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmw- ISSUE Student Fee Support erf Daily Nebraskan J i KCOU THE ISSUE AND VOTE WTDXESDAY, APRIL 7 SPRING GENERAL ELECTION ASSOCIATION OF STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA (ASUN) I I 1 The fcoBoanac iwr wiB be an die I la die pmx wear die sudow I fee i m Cmy Vmkm 1 ' 0" Umna PAGE 2 hm nwnrn ao SL2S per kJi-atnc ' Hymt iron adwernant tcwcBuev Do warn fawor cnnrwMnrii cadcxx fee mmppon iar I 1 YES j NO V1 mi mm mmmmt ill i llfahiiM fcMil t tw fci.in I. .fc- fcr A i ii j I mm. mmm: W tt laahateU m mmm I I tm m 1 4mVmm 1 thui A fete dollars more Tax problems? Call IRS - Forget the generation gap, the counter culture, and the age-old conflicts between young and old. As the middle of April approaches, students and parents alike will be faced with the same problem. Federal income tax returns must be postmarked and on their way to the Internal Revenue Service by midnight April 15,1971. In an effort to aid taxpayers, the IRS has set up an income tax "Help line through their Omaha and Lincoln branches. By dialing 475-3541. the taxpayer can contact IRS consultants who can handle questions the citiren may have concerning AprJ 7 Spring bafloc tuppart iar die Only Xcbnslua mml mm Hit n combined wn I die Dalf NdmLan? I I m Ejb Vmkm bam im mmm HM aak-SOD ia winy mmm Vm pmM pa. Xtmmmf MM sent 10 ine Kocpkc runu, his tax situation. According to Ken Guest, IRS manager of the Lincoln office, the telephone network allows his staff to handle many more questions. He added that a small percentage of the calls come from students and younger people. Guest said that young people today are better informed about taxes, they have filled out forms their entire life so the tax form is nothing new. The IRS is also teaching high school students basic instruction in bow to file returns. STUDENTS PRIMARILY have tax difficulties when both their parents and themselves provide money for their college and living expenses. Both parties want to claim the student as a dependent. There are two stipulations which allow the parents of students to claim them as exemptions. The parents must have provided over half of the student's support during the post calendar year. This includes the dependent's food, shelter, clothing, education, health, recreation and transportation. l-1M,Mg.i.iilillMl nM'l"ij mnniiin.T.1 in m m Qoing Home For Spring Break?: VILLAGE AIRWAYS w21 fly you to Chicago for only mV r m mm a ar. . za mm your couege Fligtts leave Eppley Air Field at 6 pa Hornby ttun Friday ad 1 am Scaday thru Thursday. Each flight coBBects to all pobaU East. Call Village 345-1010 in Omaha for reservations THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Junior Steve Fowler, an ASUN Senator from Lincoln, has a wide lead in his bid to become ASUN President-but apparently a large number of NU students are still undecided on who they will vote for in Wednesday's Spring Election, according to a poll taken during the last several days by the Daily Nebraskan. Among students who indicated they would vote, Fowler polled 32 per cent, ASUN Sen. Tim Kincaid received 1 2 per cent and Doug Voegler 1 1 percent. Candidates Kent "Rick" Apthorpe and Gary Schkiger received the least support. However, of the students who said they would go to the polls Wednesday, 37 per cent had not yet made a decision on the five-man Presidential race. The 200 NU students who participated in the poll were selected randomly from the official University registration book. The students were personally polled on their Help Line . .... J M. And the student must not be married at the end of the calendar year. Students may now earn up to $1,700 per year without paying any tax on this money. This is an increase from $900 in previous years. If a college student had no federal income tax liability in the previous year and anticipates none this year, he may complete Form W-4E and give it his employer. This will eliminate withholding tax from being taken from student's summer or part-time employment. Social Security benefits will still be withheld however. IF A STUDENT has a scholarship or loan from the University or a private benefactor, he is advised to consult the Financial Aids Office of the University to obtain the tax status of the aid. Students who file long forms claiming deductions in various areas cannot claim educational expenses as deductions in most instances. Only if an employer requires a student to attend school to maintain his present job status may toe costs of education be deducted. Guest also reminded all students who expect refunds to Qe for them. Refunds may be obtained up tc three years after the return was actually filed. Therefore refunds which were filed in 1971 may still be claimed until April of 1974. iu or student travel card. Airways awareness of election issues, candidates and student government in general. More than 40 per cent of the students polled said they planned to vote in the Wednesday spring election. That figure, however, is considerably higher than current predictions by veteran student politicians. Last year, only about 20 per cent of the students voted. All regularly enrolled students on the University of Nebraska's two Lincoln campuses are eligible to cast ballots in the annual election. Among the entire sample, 41 per cent didn't know when ASUN elections were being held, 1 5 per cent were unaware of what ASUN is. When asked what ASUN is, one student said "no one cares. On a scale ranging from excellent to poor, this year's ASUN received a 49 per cent "good rating from those who planned to vote, and 7 per cent "poor. The undecided group gave it 16 per cent "poor" and 28 per cent "good" while students not planning to vote rated it 9 per cent "good," 26 per cent "bad," and 21 per cent "poor." The PACE proposal outpolled the Regents Committee Plan in all three groups but a large number was still undecided. Thirty per cent of the sample could not identify the PACE idea. Students in all three categories -those who said they planned to vote, were undecided, or wouldn't vote-supported retention of student fees for the Da3y Nebraskan and 95 per cent reported that they read the paper either daily or frequently. The Joint Peace Treaty issue got relatively dear approval from the group who said they would vote with 56 per cent favoring it, 15 per cent opposing, and 29 per cent undecided. The other two groups also approved it but almost as many were still undecided. When respondents were questioned to list all the Presidential candidates they could from memory, the results contrasted sharply from their choices for President. Douglas VoegSer, possibly as a result of his widely distributed and easy-to-read posters, was remembered most frequently (31). Following him was Tim Kincaid with 26, 23 for Steve Fowler, 12 for Kent Apthorpe, and Gary Schleiger with 8. The most outstanding result of the poll was the large number of University students who were undecided whether to vote and undecided how to vote if they did cast a ballot. Veteran student election observers predict that the increased election coverage in campus papers and political campaigning since the poll was taken will sway many of the undecideds and determine the ultimate outcome of the election. i M Y J'"r' mm TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1971