i irr-rn fp Nebraska loses third game HOUSTON-Nebraska lost its third straight outing here Wednesday, dropping a 4-2 decision to Houston University. For the third consecutive game Nebraska relief pitching failed to hold up. Nebraska scored two runs in the opening inning but Houston tied the score in the fifth and added two more runs in the last of the seventh for a 4-2 lead. John Husman went the first six and two-thirds for the Huskers and gave up all four runs. Bruce Cramer relieved Husman in the last of the seventh and yielded a single which scored Houston's two final runs. The two teams will play a double header Thursday and have single games Friday and Saturday. Dave Mason (left) . . . heads into contact session. Fast starting defense heads drill I W.Mr Iff rinnv will K an eninvahle task. by JIM JOHNSTON Sports Editor Bob Devaney found nothing to get alarmed about Wednesday. He's used to his defense being ahead of the offense during early spring drills. . "Again it looks like the defense is ahead of the offense," said Devaney after the Cornhuskers went through their first scrimmage sessions on the AstroTurf Wednesday. "We're always concerned if our offense isn't performing at its best, but it's nothing to get excited about." The most pleasing part of the defense wa middle guard. And that was kind of a surprise. John Peterson, a non-scholarship player from Alma, added a fourth dimension to the battle for middle guard. "Peterson's pretty tough," observed Devaney. "He really hit some people out there." Monte Johnson and John Bell are also battling for the middle guard spot. So is Bob Pabis, but he's sidelined for another week while'recovering from knee surgery. Devaney also had praise for the offensive backfield-.especially the I-backs. It now appears that finding a partner for veteran I-back Jeff Kinney will be an enjoyable task. "Some of those kids looked good at I-back," said Devaney. "They showed us something. But of course Jeff Kinney continues to do a good job." The fullback situation was not as pleasing. Finding a replacement for the blocking ability of Dan Schneiss still appears to be the No. 1 task in the offensive backfield. The Huskers will go through drills again Friday and Devaney has scheduled split scrimmage sessions on the AstroTurf Saturday. Saturday's drills will be at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. At 2 p.m. Sunday workout is also planned. The only injury during the first contact session Wednesday was suffered by linebacker Bruce Hauge. Hauge was knocked out, but it was not believed serious. Redshirt Randy Butts, sophomore Don Westbrook and junior college transfer Gary Dixon ran well in the first scrimmage. Dave Goeller, also an I-back contender, worked out in sweat clothes while recovering from the flu. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 SPRING GENERAL ELECTION ASSOCIATION OF STUDENTS OF THE J UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA (ASUN) I The following issue will be on the April 7 Spring ballot In the past year the student fee support for the Daily Nebraskan " has amounted to SL25 per full-rime student. This is combined with ' support from advertising revenues. Do you favor continued student fee support for the Daily Nebraskan? YES ! NO TTm vow ft J new of fwpng overall wudcot opinwn ommif the muc of continued ttudent fee support of I the Diitt Nchratm At the purpMC of Ac wt mark . to dctcmunc widen opauan. die cnuin jnr m no I binding. Hotttw. Ac- tctulrs iB he rjfccn into conudcr- it ton bv Ac Board of Rtfcim cn Art deal iA Ac wwie of com inued enidcm ice support of Ac Dailt Xcbradtall. I Agriculture and Home Economics srudenrs vote at Em Union from 800 jii.-5O0 pm. I and then at Grv I nion Lounge from 500 pjn.-$)0 pjn. J All other students vote wJCitllnion 1 range (rom SflfajnOOjvm. FREE HIT ER II AT 10 11 AL COFFEE HOUSE Fri.7:30 pm Wesley Foundation ) 840 No. 16 St I O 11 CI ItVl I j Lome Ot nave run; Live Music TONIGHT! Reduced prices on pitchers faooopooouuQOOPLiioooooorjuLii.H ii innonnr I. !W L 3927 So. 48th OPEN 10-7SUN.-FRI, claricon 36790 El HE gESUEi Re9$l89.95 I mow VS159.9& 180 watt peak power (90 watt music power) Built in pre-amplifier for magnetic inputs Stereo hsadphone jack Provisions for tape input with tape monitor switch and loudness control Speaker selector switches for choosing remote speakers High filter Jets you listen to old records and effectively eliminates the scratches Switchable automatic frequency control claricon Full Fidelity Stereo Headphones Ml I Perfect stereo at an econ omy price. The Claricon 85 285 headphones provide the best in stereo listening at a price anyone can afford. Foam rubber ear cushions with perfect acoustical seal insure private listening of your favorite stereo record ings. Head band is adjusta ble for maximum comfort Also Save Ore 8 Track Tapes For As Low at-$2.99 Top LP's For As Low ai-$2.8S Reg. $4.98 $538 Our Price $2.89 $3.59 PAGE 3 THURSDAY. AFR1L 1,1971 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN