Four seniors win Boucher accolades Four University seniors were awarded Boucher Awards for scholastic excellence at NU's 43rd Honors Convocation Tuesday in the Coliseum. The awards, named for former NU Chancellor C. S. Boucher, are given to the man and woman with the highest 4-year average and the major sport letterman with the highest average. Woman with the highest cumulative average is Kathleen Felton, who is majoring in French in Arts and Sciences and has a 4.186 average. George Look has the highest average among senior men, 4.131. He is majoring in physics in Arts and Sciences. ROTC Cadet with the highest average is Ronald Diffendaffer who is majoring in agricultural economics in the College of Agriculture; he has a 4.059 average. The award to a letterman-scholar went to John Decker, who earned three letters as defensive back for the Cornhuskers. A history major in Arts and Sciences, Decker has a 3.500 average. Help wanted . . Y-Pals needs male volunteers. Call 432-1251 for Judy Seward. . , How fast can your group (sorority, fraternity, living unit, organization) organize a popcorn ball sale to raise funds for low-income conference. Call Joyce Bradley, 475-4961 . . . Can y ou converse in German? A man at Lincoln Regional Center needs you to teach him English. Call Mrs. Katz. 477-3971. . . .Nebraskans for Peace needs dynamic office help. Phone Nick Meinhardt, 475-1400. . . . Indian Boy, 1 5 years old, needs tutor in English and Math. . . . Volunteers needed to take part in social hour with patients at Regional Center, at least two hours per month. . . .Need a ceramics assistant to help therapist prepare projects for class at Regional Center .Tutor needed to help young man in reading program at the Lincoln Regional Center, one evening per week 7 to 8. Call Mrs. Kate, 477-3971. For more information, call Zoya Zeman, Student Activities. 472-2487. 3927 So. 48th OPEN 10-7SUN.-FRI. claricori 36820 AR3RL1 STEREO RECEIVER 240 watt peak power (120 watt music power B Built in pre-amphlier for magnetic inputs Stereo headphone jack Provisions for tape input with tape monitor switch and switohable loudness control Speaker selector switches for choosing remote speakers High f ilter lets you listen to old records and effectively eliminates the scratches Muting switch allows you to tune in local FM stations without interference from other stations Loudness switch assures good bass response regaraless of volume setting VISTA recruiters here Wednesday Changes , conflicts , disappointments and confusion-that is what VISTA is all about. Yet is it more than that. It is helping the disadvantaged find ways to work their own way out. Representatives of VISTA will be on the University of Nebraska campus Wednesday recruiting individuals for the program and answering questions. VISTA representatives will be available to students at the Placement Office in the Nebraska Union from 9 to 5 p.m. VISTA workers are volunteers for one year working in the heart of urban ghettos and in the misery and despression of poverty found in rural areas. Their job is a simple one-find out what the poor need and want most and try to respond. During the time representatives will be on campus, free movies will be shown nightly at 7 p.m. in the Union. Representatives will be emphasizing VISTA's current need for law, business, architecture, education and liberal arts majors. Reg $229.9b I NOW $1 79.95 Daily Nebrasltan vote Continued from Page 1 "will be helpful to find out how many students are against student fees going to the paper." However, he said the Regents survey will probably be a better gauge of student sentiment because there is a history of low turnouts for student government elections. "Rather than reduce the question to a simple yes-no question concerning student fees," he said, "it would be more beneficial if the Regents decided to take some action in assisting the newspaper to become independent." It is estimated that it would take at least three years to change from student- fee subsidy to an independent basis, according to J-school students win contest Two more journalism students at the University have won cash prizes in the William Randolph Hearst Foundation College Writing Contest. Steven F. Strasser of Lincoln, a sophomore, placed sixth in the February competition in the field of investigative reporting. He earned $200 for a story concerning a woman who has been a recipient of Welfare most of her life. Mike Hay man of Lincoln, a senior, placed seventh and received $150 for a story on industrial pollution of Salt Creek. The NU School of Journalism will receive a sum matching the individual prizes from the Hearst Foundation and the points earned by the two tudents advanced NU to third place in a yearlong competition with other accredited schools of journalism from throughout the country. Both Hayman and Strasser are Daily Nebraskan staffers. claricon Full Fidelity Stereo Headphones Perfect stereo at an econ omy price. The Ciaricon 85 285 headphones provide the best in stereo listening at a price anyone can 2fford. Foam rubber ear cushions with perfect acoustical seal insure private listening of your favorite stereo record ings. Head band is adjusta ble for maximum comfort Also Save On: 8 Track Tapes For A Low as-S2.99 Top LP's For As Low as-$2.89 Reg. Our Prict $4.98 $2.89 $.98 $3.59 $4.99 Moriarty. He said until a feasible plan is developed and implemented to make the Daily Nebraskan independent, the newspaper will need student fees o continue publishing. The Daily Nebraskan. has been under fire from many circles because of its use of student fees. LA ST FALL CONSERVATIVE groups such as the Committee for Undisrupted Education and the Young Americans for Freedom criticized the liberal stance of the newspaper as well as its use of student fees. They argued that no student should be forced to suosenDe to a . " I YOSI TO PENNEYS 10-SPEED LIGHTWEIGHT RACING BIKE COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY lO-SPEED HURET-ALLVIT DERAILLEUR (RACING-STYLE GE ARSI 38 TO 94 GEAR RATIO BuiCK-GRIPPING.FRONT AND REAR CALIPER HANDBRAKES FOR "STOPPING ON A DIME" fn-WIN-TRIGGERTYPE SHIFT LEVER FOR EASY. QUICK RESPONSE SHORTENED CHROME-PLATED FENDERS AND GOOD LOOKS WITH LITTLE EXTRA WEIGHT PROFFESSIONAL-STYLE LEATHER RACING SADDLE DEPENDABLE STEEL-CLEATED RACING PEDALS FOR SURE, FIRM FOOTING TAPED RACING-STYLE HANDLEBARS FOR SURE r.aiP cnnnCONTRDL ASSEMBLY CHARGE 2.50 newspaper. In January State Sen. Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff introduced a bill in the Legislature to prohibit the newspaper's use of student fees. "I don't think we should subject 21,000 students to a bunch of filth-at least I think it's filth-against their own will when they don't want to pay for it," Carpenter remarked. However, the Legislature's Budget Committee did not heed the Scottsbluff senator's advice. Instead the Committee amended the bill to provide only for a paid professional adviser for the newspaper. The bill is now awaiting legislative action. - m PAGE 7 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31. 1971