The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1971, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
iek. Rockets bombard Electoral Commission Rick and the Rockets, known for their rock music of the 1950's have played before many University audiences. But now the Rockets have formed the Rocket Grease and Freedom Party for the ASUN elections and are turning their energies to student government politics in some interesting ways. Last Friday members of the Rockets played before a new audience-the ASUN Electoral Commission. The Rockets, who some say are running a joke campaign, asked the Electoral Commission to disqualify all ASUN presidential candidates, except the group's candidate Kent "Rick"' Apthorpe. on the grounds the candidates violated election rules by starting their campaigns too soon. THE ROCKETS contended that the tour presidential candidates b being interviewed in the March 14 ""Courier" violated election 24 CANS JUST $2.99 See US!! LINCOLN'S FA VORITEm DISCOUNT STORE Most Complete Sowini of Antique BottMt' 18 & M STREET OPEN TIL 1 AM FRI-SAT OTHER NITES TIL MtDNITE PI JbA I I Multiple Choice Question Axe You Interested in a New Way of: (A) Living (B) Loving (C) Sleeping (D) Two of these (E) All of these? SEE WATERBFDS AT J PAGE 2 rules that state informal campaigning cannot start until March 21. To further buttress their argument," the Rockets' complaint noted the election rules state: "Each candidate is responsible for actions taken in his behalf." pthorpe was the only ASUN presidential candidate not interviewed by the ' Courier". " which is published by the Committee for Undisrupted Education. The publication said Apthorpe was unavailable for comment However, the iectoral Commission refused the Rockets' request. The Commission's statement concerning the complaint read: "AFTER LENGTHY deliberation and the better mierests ot the student rouy taken into consideration the Electoral Commission voted to retain th candidates a they were previously filed " Electoral Commissioner Dave Bingham noted the question of freedom ot the pTess involved in the Rockets" complaint He said newspaper articles (except ads) do not fall under the Commission's control '"unless it is proven the pnss is owned and operated by candidates. . for campaign purposes " Noting that Apthorpe was the only candidate not interviewed, some members of the Commission charged thaJ the Rockets complaint was motivated because oi political reasons APTHORPE RESPONDED to the Electoral Commissions decision by saying his group would take their complaint to the Student Court. Two other presidential candidates appeared before the ill A "8No. mtn, Commission Friday to air grievances. Tim Kincaid complained that the election rule allowing executive candidates of the same party to pool their money discriminates against candidates, like himself, who are running alone. Under current ASUN election rules Kincaid can only spend $50 while executive candidates of the same party can spend their money collectivelv as long as the total expenditure does not exceed $50 per candidate KINCAID ASKED the ASUN candidates Five parties have been organized for the April ASUN elections. The five parties are Candidates lor the Advancement of Individual Rights (CAIR), Moderate Party, (MOD). Rocket Grease and Ereedom Party, (Grease. University Coalition UC and United University Party OH-Pi Here is the most up-to-date list of candidates with party affiliations as provided by the ASUN Electoral Commission PRESIDENT: Kent "Rick Apthorpe (Grease). Steve Fowler (UC). Timothy J Kincaid, Gary Schleiee: (UUP). Doug Voegler. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Jackie Barret UUP), Michei Coyle (UC), Tim "Sticks Hart in (Grease) SECOND PRESIDENT: Rod (UC). Tim 'Kid (Grease). VICE Hcrnande? n Sindelar ARTS & SCIENCES SENATORS: (9 will be elected):Ed Anson UUP), Roy Baldwin (UC). Patty Banker (UUP), Bruce Blazek (CAIR). Doug Beckwith (UC), Matt Bosley, Ralph Bradley (UC). Bob Brehm (CAIR). Mary THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Commission to establish a more equitable system concerning campaign spending. However, the Electoral Commission refused to change the rules on campaigning spending. The Commission noted that no ASUN senators, including Kincaid, had raised .iny objections to the rules on campaign spending when the Senate approved the election rules three weeks ago Gary Schlciger, presidential candidate of the United University Party, asked the Commission to prohibit the Cannon (MOD), Randall Carlson. Steve Chnstensen, Kent Davy (CREASE ) (I UP), Jim i ckles. Jim Gray, Lynne Grimes. Jav Hall. Erank Halpine (UUP), kirk D. Hemphill. Douglas C. Hint? (GREASE) (UUP), Patti Humlicek ,'UO, Patti Kaminski (UC), Sandv lowder, Ann Pederson (IX ; Bam Pilger (I'O, Richard Pillc (UC). Gary Schleiger (I I P. Gary Shafer, Tim Sindelar UUP), Shelley SUM UC Linda Vescio (ll-P. Cindy ondrax. AGRICULTURE SENATORS (3 will be elected i: Van Bonnesen (UC), James Ocvei. Phil Lamb(UC). John Miyoshi Don G. Timm. HOME ECONOMIC SENATORS C will be elected). Kristin Eveland, Cindy Follis TEACHERS COLLEGE SENATORS ( 8 will be elected): Sara Ashby (UC), Judy Bader (UC), Jacki BaiTet (UUP), Randy Brown (UUP), Sylvia Russell Cardwell (MOD), Bill Grundman. John Haskins (UC), Steven H. Heldt, Nola Kinneman (UUP), Tom Krepel (UC), Joe L. Olson (UUP) (GREASE), Paula Peter (UC), Donnie Rohr, Joann Tansey (UC), Doris Todd. E NGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE SENATORS (4 will be elected): Ray R. Bamdad (UUP), Bill Behmer CT Michael Berns(UC), John 1 . Brice. Kyle U. Davy (UUP), (GREASE), Michael J. Hays (UC). Jim Schriner, Bill Schwartzkopf, Ken Wiseman (UUP). GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SENATORS (5 will lie elected): Bill Hoppner, Steve Hutchins, Marry Liggett, Louis Robinson (UUP). BUSINESS ADMINISTRA TION SENATORS (4 will be elected): Jonette Beaver(UC) oooooooooo 2 A GO GOo c 0 o beer czi uquosS g r STORE o ji Campus Prices Q q and Q 0 Friendly Service O O OPEN 2 Q Mon-Wed til 10 P.M. J Q Thun . Srt til Midnight O O Klfi'S DOLLAR 27th and VINE O OOODOOOOCC? Daily Nebraskan from endorsing ASUN candidates because of the newspaper's use of student fees. "I don't like paying money for a paper that will endorse another candidate than myself," he said. However, the Commission told Schleiger that it had no control over the Daily Nebraskan and that he should take his complaint t.t the Publications Board, which does control the newspaper Schleiger said he would follow the I ommission s advu v Jame L. Branigan Sieve Gustafson. Roper Howard. Richard Lerne-. Kirk Say it (UC) Done Severs, Ron Sindelar UTP (GRFASI i John Theisen tlO. Ricli Veed (MOD. ARTS ii SCIENCES ADVISORY BORD: U will be elected from each group English: Sandv lowder; languages: Bob Russell (UO; Natural Sciences and Math: Matt Roslcv Greg Brass. Kar" Knighi, sciai Sciences an Philosophy Rita, Becker. Todd H outfit, Susie Stuau (UC); School of Eine Arts Leslie Marcheilo UC. Pam Whitted: Sciiool of Journalism Jim Gray, Laura Wilier (UC TEACHERS COLLEGE ADVISORY BOARD C will be elected trom each group) Elementary Education: Nancv O'Conner. Bill Lock (UC), Secondary Education: Kav Giles (UC), Terry Kubicek (UC); Special Education: Karen Hutt (UC) AGRICULTURE COLLEGE ADVISORY BOARD ( 1 will be elected from each group): Agriculture Economics: Stan Walker, Agriculture Education & Ag Journalism; Ag Honors, General Ag. & Undeclared: George Sund Jr., Dave Rasmusscn; Animal Science A. Pre Vet: Gary Kubicek; Bio Chem, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology; Crop Science, General Agronomy, Soil Science: Roy Rogers; Dairy Production, Dairy Products, Food Technology, Poultry Science: Clyde Ahlschwede, Dean Batie; Mechanized Agriculture. HOME ECONOMICS ADVISORY BOARD: ( I will be elected from each group): Family Economics and Management: Suzanne Geis, Joan Tinley; Food and Nutrition: Moya Brugman, Sally Houser, Lynn Jay, Kathi Stefani (UC); Home Economics Education: Linda Ficken, Holly J a cob sen, Kay Mumm, Ann Paulson, Shari Sadie, Charlotte VeigeL, Mary Lynn Walkington; Human Development &. Family: Sharon McNally, Cheri Orr, Kay Palmer UC); Textiles, Clothing A. Design: Linda Debuse, Suzanne Von Seggren. Cathy Smith, Joan Wehrbein; Home Economics & Journalism: Jane Cummins (UC). pKELP ( UNE V34723312 MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1971