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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1971)
Vote Rozman Hermes candidates the City of as to the reslow ennett Today is the last flay of voting for the Outstanding Professor Award. This special election sponsored by Builders awards the outstanding professor a cash prize of $500. Of the three finalists, the Daily Nebraskan has chosen to support the most qualified, the most deserving professor. Need we say any more? VOTE FROFESSOR ROZMAN. It's one way to show your concern for injustice. In other matters of voting, there currently are three university students running for the Lincoln City Council. Each of the student candidates has many original and positive iJeas. All three would be assets to Lincoln, as well University. Consequently, each candidate is worthy of University community support, from students, faculty and administrators. But to date none of the three have enough workers and supporters to win in the May 4 election. Whey don't they? That's a good question, and perhaps if enough people asked it of themselves they would soon be working on at least one of the campaigns. The University needs all the support it can get. When it doesn't have that support from "public officals, it's easy to realize what can and does happen. The university is vulnerable and needs representation at every level of government. Getting that representation is not easy. It takes time and money. The three student candidates offer that representation, as well as their time to work for you. But they don't have enough money to buy the election. So they need help. If you like Lincoln and if you want to make it a better place to live, then give the candidates some help. John Breslow Bill Hermes Wm. Bennett MICK MORIARTY, editor CONNIE WINKLER, managing editor JOHN DVORAK, news editor GENE HILLMAN, advertising manager JAMES HORNER, chairman, publications committee EDITORIAL STAFF Staff writers: Gary Saacrest, Bill Smrtherman, Jim Pedereen. Stava Strasser, Dave Brink, Marsha Bangart, Carol Goetachius, Charlie Harpstar, Mika Wilkins. Jim Carver, Marsha Kehm, Bart Backer, Dennis Snyder. Vicki Putos, Roxanne Rogers, Ann Pedersen. East campus editor: Mariana Timmerman. Sports editor: Jim Johnston. Sports witars: Steve Kadal, Warren Obr. Photographers: Mike Hayman, Gail Folda. Entertainment editor: Larry Kubert. Literary editor: AUn Boye, Artists, Linda Lake, Greg Scott. Design editor: Jim Gray. Copy editors: Tom Lsnsworth, Laura Willers. Don Russell. Night news editor: Leo Schleicher Alight newt aesjt: Rodney Wortmarv BUSINESS STAFF Coordinator: Sandra Carter, Salesmen: Steve Yates, Jane Kid well, Greg Scott, Ray Pyia, Bill Cooiey. Business assistant: Pern Baker. Distribution manager: Barry Pilger, John Waggoner, John Ingwerson. Telephones: editor: 472 2588. rews:2589 , advertising: 2590. Second class postage retet paid at Lincoln, Nebr. Subscription rates are S5 per semester Cy S8.S0 per year. Published Monday through Friday during the school year except during vacation and aum periods. Member of the Intercollegiate Press, National Educational Advertising Service. The Dairy MebrasVan is a stu -nt publicstion, independent of the University of Nebraska's administration, faculty and student govern merit. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. f&SS DCAC . . . TH SCISSORS, THE SCISSORS 1 dear editor . . . dear editor More on the budget Dear editor, Enclosed is a copy of the letter which I have sent to Gov. Exon concerning the University budget. Dear Governor Exon, The Nebraska Student Veterans Association represents student veterans' clubs at institutions of higher learning throughout Nebraska. Two of the member clubs, those at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and University of Nebraska-Omaha are directly affected by the University of Nebraska budget. As president of the Nebraska Student Veterans Association, I feel it is my duty to express the membership's deep concern over the budget recommendations. At a time when the academic excellence of many of the University's programs is in question, and at a time of inflationary cost rises, we cannot understand how the state can consider a 3.6 decrease in general fund support lor the University for next year. The Nebraska Student Veterans Association hereby respectfully requests that you reconsider your budget proposal for the University. Sincerely yours. Parker M. Brinson, President N.S.V.A. Backs Soshnik Dear Editor: Terry Cannon's slalemcnt of satisfaction over President Soshnik's resignation because of his actions during last May's disturbances indicates the Mr. Cannon has not given much thought to what might happen in the forcible clearing of a building. Undoubtedly it would have been legal for President Soshnik to have called in the police to have cleared the M&N Building at its closing time. If force had been necessary, a wrecked building would have resulted along with injuries of varying degrees to some of the policemen. This ignores the possibility of another Kent State but apparently Terry Cannon feels anything would have been justified to enforce the law against the misdemeanor of trespassing. Yours truly, Edward L. Dunlay Rest in peace Dear editor. This letter is not so much in response, but more so in defense, of the letter of condemnation directed towards myself by John Hughes in Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan. I'd like to clarify a few of the points I stated in my letter last Monday, especially to Mr. Hughes. First of all, Mr. Hughes, I declared in my letter that I really did NOT feci that laws change people's ways of thinking. I said that "laws would change the outward expression of ("or" was a misprint) the person's way of thinking,"and I meant that the person would retain his beliefs, prejudices, etc., suppressed within his own mind by these laws. So I find we agree on this point, then, Mr. Hughes. I'm truly sorry to say that I'm not under twenty years of age, but how excellent of you to draw such a concrete analogy between drinking beer and Women's Liberation, though (and I'm joking, of course). Sorry, Mr. Hughes, but I did not make the "pious statement" that "I am not a male chauvinist." I stated that "I do not CONSIDER myself a 'male chauvinist "and to me there's a world of difference between these two statements. As to my "idiotic suggestion" that a women's group or sorority retaliate by portraying men as sex objects, I implied that the reaction by the male and female, community of Lincoln, young and old. would be interesting, that's all. My letter on Monday was not, I repeat, not in defense of the fraternity Delta Upsilon.or of any fraternity for that matter, Mr. Hughes. I am a member of a fraternity (not DU) but I do not consider myself an "enemy" to Women's Liberation for that reason, and I never said I was an "enemy." I also stated (maybe you forgot, Mr. Hughes?) that I agree ("agreed" was a misprint) with a lot -of the positions held by women's lib. Scott Yahnke PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971