;4 dear editor .0 V ,i - ; t Work for new course Dear editor, On March 9th, The Daily Nebraskan printed a news story concerning a new course entitled "Women in Contemporary Society," to be formally sponsored by the College of Home Economics and to be offered on City Campus next September. The basic purpose and content of this course is misconstrued in that article and I wish to offer several points of clarification. Whereas we have intentions of introducing individual women who have contributed to academic fields, the course is primarily concerned with the academic orientation of these fields themselves. There is an extremely serious and growing concern that many academic disciplines inculate "masculine" or "feminine" values into what should be objective scholarship. Consider the immense importance bilologjcal determinism and where must one acknowledge cultural conditioning of male-female roles? Why is so comparatively little attention given to Women's Suffrage Movement, which should have considerable hictrtrie-al sienificance in a democratic framework? Why are Freudian psychological concepts being denounced and disregarded in terms of female psychology and yet still being taught? Are there any cultural connections to such behavioral characteristics as aggression and such political acts as war? How do types of family structures and religious political institutions relate to role acquisition in small children? What are the economic realities of employing women as a major labor -force in a society? Can sociologists accurately call black ghettos matriachies? What are the effects of a patriarchial religion on a culture? Therefore this course would hopefully be a "survey" or "introductory" course to an entire area of studies. Thus we are now in the process of uTging such departments as sociology, psychology, anthropology, English, economics, law, history and biology to cross list this particular course. Furthermore, we should think that each department would acknowledge the necessity to either revise or introduce their own complete courses in this subject matter. In conclusion, I should like to stress that this course is not then a rhetorical "Women's Liberation" attempt. It is a serious and scholarly pursuit to alleviate neglect and bias toward women (and ultimately our entire concept of cultural-sexual roles) in acadcmia itself. Sincerely, Patricia A. Kaminski Chairwomen, Co-ordinating Committee for Women in Contemporary Society Union vs. Hayes Dear editor, At the last Union Board meeting, Dean McGrath suggested that one way to open communications at the University was to invite members of the administration and faculty to talk with students about areas of controversy on our campus. So acting on the advice of the good Dean, Professor Hayes, Chairman of Educational Administration, was invited to yesterday's open meeting concerning the Hubbard firing. But Professor Hayes declines the invitation to appear. If his reasons for getting rid of Hubbard are so good, why didn't he want to talk them over with us? In the final analysis, students are the raison d'etre for this institution. We believe that Professor Hayes has acted in a manner that is "highly inappropriate" for a faculty member. Perhaps he too should suffer the tortures of the Regents' "due process." We believe Professor Hubbard is a good teacher. We also believe the suggestion of listening to both sides is a good one. So why doesn't Professor Hayes climb out of his basement and talk with us? Is he afraid of us? After all, we're only students. Sincerely, Ray Bamdad Brian Keefe Students and budget Dear editor, I read the letter from Dan L. Cuda to Governor Exon and the Governor's reply (Daily Nebraskan, March 8) with deep interest and concern. It is a real morale builder to know that when the chips are down there are students and student organizations that will give their support to the University and its hopes for a better future. On the other hand it is a real morale breaker to read an answer from the Governor that ignores two of the most important - factors relating to the budget requirements; the increased enrollment between 1963 and 1971 and the degraded value of the dollar due to inflation. In the academic year 1963-1964 the first semester enrollment was 11,466 full time students while in 1970-'71 this figure stands at 34,895 including UNO and the Medical Campus. In the present (1969-'71) biennium our enrollment is about 277 percent greater than in the 1963-65 biennium. Over this same time period, one dollar has depreciated to about 80c. This means that, in terms of 1963-'65 dollars, the 1969-71 budget is only about 208 percent greater than that in 1963-'65. In view of these figures, is it any wonder that we have dropped to the academic bottom of the Big 8? The University is not being destroyed by excessive spending as Governor Lxon fears, but through lack of adequate spending as Governor Exon fears, but through lack of adequate funding to support higher education. As those of us who have seen top-rated universities know, we have never traveled in a luxurious Cadillac at Nebraska, but alarmingly the old Ford Station Wagon that we have been using has lost a few fenders, doors and even seats along the way. If it is not now given the maintenance and repairs that it needs and deserves, it will soon end up in the junkyard. Sincerely yours, Dr. William A. Scheller Professor, Chemical Engineering 71 n ear iviom an In an effort to gain support for the University and an adequate budget, Lynn Webster, ASUN Legislative Liaison Committee co-chairman urges every student who is concerned about the future of his education to send a letter to his parents or outstate acquaintances. This letter should impress upon them the immediate need for them to register their opinions with their State Senators. The following represents few points which your letter might contain. Dear Mom and Dad, I have been informed that if Gov. Exon's proposed budget is approved by our Legislature, my tuition will be raised S70 a semester. In addition, the University will be raising dorm rates. Because of the proposed cutbacks, I understand that the University will have to limit enrollment. This will make some sort of selection process necessary, and may jeopardize the enrollment prospects for some students. It is quite clear that the Governor is trying to cut back state expenses, however, in all good faith to the Governor, 1 do not believe the educational standards of this institution can be either maintained or improved by depriving this University of much needed state support. This is the only major University in Nebraska. I'd like to see it grow, and provide Nebraskans with the best educational opportunities that it can. Please show your concern for Nebraska and Nebraskans by writing today to our State Senator, to inquire into his position on this matter and to express your concern. Sincerely, Your son daughter n ran n? aT Telephones: editor: 472-2588, news: 25S9. advertising: 2590. Sacond ?lass postage ratat paid at Lincoln, Nab. Subscription ratat ara $5 par semester or $8.50 par year. Published Monday through f rtday during tha school yaar except during vacation and exam periods. Member of the Intercollegiate Press, National Educational Advertising Service. The Daily Nebraskan is a student publication, independent of the University of Nebfk'i administration, faculty and student government. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebreska 68508. ho wore t ctaik . is no vrs. V1 I can - ii ii' i. i recalj TV Txne , Hf I Welt a let mote -tan jt NoW re rrtotfe t o Hi2nvyM try 5lvr ff TM tveryi op kg 0 npajL tzye isje dDad vf sk f C KJNO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1971 PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN