William Galbraith: elfare The abuses in the Food Stamp Program are increasing and little can be done to prevent them, according to William F. Galbraith, an assistant to U.S. Secretary of Viricultiire C lifford Hardin. "Galbraith. the Deputy Under Secretary of Agriculture for Congressional Relations. aid that all but 30 counties in the U.S. have established programs. Two years ago less than half of all the U.S. counties had food stamp programs. But with the increased number of participants has also come more people who take 3uy. sell, trade, consign tapes and records 210So. 11th a a AW A Jv w A A A r,a. asara ft "JiSJ First Time Ever Emily Bronte's defiant young lovers live again in a new and different look at an immortal classic. I ,'5 ALL NEW y- ANNA CALDER-MARSHALL as Cathy ,n EMILY HARRY ANDREWS- HUGH GRIFFITH - IAN OGILVY- JUDY CORNWELL tcnwnplM Br WK TlUf f-fiv It VW Br fVHY BONT pf?jrd Br SAV'JtL 1 W Oiracuo or roeiM f utst coio Br NOW SHOWING needs revision advantage of the stamps. Fspecially in urban areas, Galbraith noted, instances of counterfeiting stamps are not uncommon. ANOTHER MISUSE of the stamps involves the exchange of stamps for cash at approximately 50 percent of their actual value. "We've seen people with Cadillacs and mink stoles driving away with groceries purchased by tood stamps." he said. The only action that can be taken is through arrest and conviction of offenders, which is not really a solution. He noted that these abuses are directly related to nrnMems of crime in the our country. -Th. Ivst solution is the enactment of President Nixon's minimum income program." said Galbraith. a native Nebraskan in town for Masters Week. Welfare as it exists today- April 2-3 INU coliseum 8:00 P.M. Tickets: ONLY $2.00 2.50 At the Door Tommy Tickets Avaibble At Union : 9:30 am to 7:30 pm TIMOTHY DALTON as Heathctifl BRONTE'S tuB I4IH "0" encourages persons not to work. However, recipients of minimum income could work and not lose all of their support from the federal government. "OUR DEPARTMENT is trying to show urban congressmen the relationship between the problems of the cities and rural out-migration. Opportunity must be created in rural areas to reverse this trend." (ialhraith remarked. Rural problems in the U.S. are not receiving Congress' primary consideration because 70 percent of the people in the U.S. live in cities of 50.000 inhabitants or more. Senators and representatives from urban areas have more pressing concerns with the needs of their own constituents rather than those of the farmers, he said. The Agriculture Department has commonly been referred to as "The People's Department" because it influences every home in America every day of the year. "FEW PEOPLE REALIZE that 90 percent of the department's total man hours are directed towards concerns of the general public while only 10 percent is devoted to farmers alone. This work involves primarily consumer protection through meat inspection, insect and pesticide control, and the food stamp program," he said. Because criticism has been leveled at the bureaucratic maze in the various federal departments. President Nixon SAY. . . of S Mail Orders Only Accepted Now mm mum . (t$fifci:f!t - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - :illlllltllllliillillli"lll,llallllllllll"llllllllll- E itu efi Z 56 00 PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Z 2 $5.00 P.O. BOX 61126 LINCOLN, NEBR. Z Z $4.00 Z Endoied ii . 'J nY 0'drr Z Z for. icott for the ffj.!: 3!d performonce Z Nome S Addresv. Z City 22 fne'. r-"'. stamped, teit iMrnwd envetop for prompt return of tckK Galbraith on welfare . . enactment of President program. has proposed reorganization of both the cabinet and the department structures. According to Galbraith this is primaiiiy a system of keeping books, while trying to avoid repetition and inefficiency. Currently there are two federal agencies involved with APR 3 IT eBVB .Zone. -Slate. p . "The best solution is the Nixon's minimum income providing aid to create better housing. The Federal Housing Authority (FHA), under the Department of Housing and Urban Development, controls housing in cities with a population of 50,000 or more. GALBRAITH NOTED that another FHA, the Farmer's Home Administration, governed by the Department of Agriculture, provides assistance to rural areas and communities not considered urban. Although the functions of the Farmer's Home Administration are not completely involved with home improvement, Galbraith considered the combination of the home loan functions of these agencies to be in the interest of more responsible and efficient government. He noted that changes in this direction are currently beginning, although the legislative processes necessary are slow. "Reorganization could continue within various departments until the end of this century," he said. 12:30 p.m. - Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship; Union 2:30 p.m. - Dean's Search Committee; Union 3 p.m. - Miss U. of N. Committee; Union 5:30 p.m. - I ngineering Toastmasters; Union 6 p.m. - Special Services "I utoring; Union 6 p.m. K os met Klub Fxcc; I Inion : I 5 p.m. i:30 p.m. Union 6.30 p.m. U nion 6:30 p.m. Union 7 p.m. Red Cross; Union Pi L ambda Theta; builders I kcc.; Kosmet Klub; Alpha Kappa Psi; Union 7 p.m. Builders: Union 7:30 p.m. Wildlife- Club; Union 8 p.m. Council on Student l ife; Union 8 p.m. Kappa Alpha Psi; Union 8 p.m. - Students International Meditation Society; Union ( p.m. - ASUN Fducation Committee; Union WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1971 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 2