The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1971, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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There's no credit for them. They're really
quite loosely organized. They're initiated strictly
by students or other interested persons. They
have nothing to do with the University of
Nebraska curriculum.
They are a chance to explore new things.
They are an education opportunity.
"They" are the Nebraska Free University
courses slated to begin Monday.
The classes range "from the highly relevant to
the highly irrelevant," according to Steve
Fowler, a student senator and head of the Free
University program.
Organized nearly four years ago, Free U is "a
place where students can experiment with a
different style education," he commented.
The curriculum is flexible enough and varied
enough to allow a maximum of student
Most of the leaders and participants are
students, although faculty members are also
involved. But persons from outside the
University can and do participate.
The course leaders are not to be confused
with lecturers or teachers in the normal use of
the word. Anyone can be a course leader,
regardless of academic background. The leader
can handle the group in a traditional way or he
sometimes becomes a "non-leader" in a
discussion or research group.
Free U doesn't operate on the semester
system. If interest dies or all the material of a
given course is covered, the class ceases. Other
times, students and leaders are so pleased with
the course that it continues, perhaps in altered
form, for many months.
About 30 courses will be offered this
sen.ester, ranging from cooking to draft
counseling. Some are action-oriented or study
groups, while others will complete specific
projects. An ASUN resource fund is available if
course leaders arrange for outside speakers and
films, But there is no tuition charge and leaders
are unpaid. Usually the group must provide any
financing necessary.
Fowler regards Free U as a means of changing
society. "It provides the opportunity for people
to share interesting ideas with other people and
to try to create an open soceity through free
As a testing ground for education, Fowler
hopes the NFU can change the structure of the
University in the direction of smaller classes
formed by student interest rather than official
curriculum committees.
University credit for NFU classes has been
proposed by both students and the Academic
Planning Committee. However no decision is
expected in the immediate future.
About 900 persons registered for Free U
courses last smemster. One change in the U's
operation this semester is the abolition of
registration. If you're interested in a course, go
to the first meeting and you're registered.
Still looking
The ASUN Free University is looking for
more course leaders and course suggestions for
the coming spring term. Interested? Call the
ASUN office, 472-2581, or write to the
Nebraska Free University in care of the
Nebraska Union.
The following courses still do not have course
leaders. If you would like to be in charge of one
or several, of if you know someone else who
might like to be, please contact the Free U.
Rock Music
Folk Dance
Foreign Languages
Applied Music
Foreign Cultures
Modern Dance
Herbert Marcuse
Camping and Hiking
Arts and Crafts
Student Power
Cheap Means of Travel
Subsistence Farming
Contemporary Drama
Mountain Climbing
Kurt Vonnegut
Motorcycle Mechanics
Multi-media Techniques
Hermann Hesse
Chicano Studies
Black Studies
Persons who want to
courses should contact
committee as soon as
through the student
lead these or other
the Free University
possible. Call them
government office:
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