i l vuhert The A ll'Night Once-In-A-Lifetime Atomic Movie Orgy sounds like something dirty, but it might just be the best movie in town this week-end. This collection of film memorabilia lasts for seven hours and will be shown in the Student Union Ballroom on Friday and Saturday starting at 6 p.m. The Orgy consists of film clips of such old-time shows as the Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy, Mighty Mouse, the Happy Tooth, Howdy Doody, and other bits of old television programs, commercials and cartoons. Admission is $1.00 or approximately 14 cents an hour . It seems strange that this might be the best entertainment this weekend in a town Lincoln's size, but after looking at the movies showing at the Lincoln theaters, the reasons for this assessment become apparent. At the Stuart is Patton, which is on its second time around in Lincoln. It was great the first time but why bring it back? Cold Turkey is at the Varsity and has to do (hack-hack) with an entire Interview with McGovern highlights NETV schedule Senator George McGovern, Democratic candidate for President in 1972, will be seen Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 9:30 p.m. in a special interview program on the Nebraska Educational Television Network. The South Dakota senator will be the guest of interviewer Elizabeth Drew on "Thirty Minutes With..." In announcing his candidacy, McGovern pledged to push for a program designed to shift the economy from military to civilian production and priorities. Want FOR SaLE Large 19" Zenith portable T.V. Excellent condition. $150.00 or best offer. 477-6061, 826 Harper. 1960 Karman Ghia, 61 Engine, new snow tires, new paint. See Bernd 405 Harper Hall. FOR RENT 1 or 2 bedroom apts., 2 baths, furnished or unfurnished, shag carpet, dishwasher. Crescent Gardens. 2222 Vine St. 475-1277. AGORA-open soon-but we are still subletting store space. 435-6576, 432-6350. Beautiful new apts. $165. 5140 So. 48th. Over 1000 sq. ft. Fully carpeted and draped. Two bedrooms, two baths, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, central air. 488-1530. Iowa town giving up smoking. The Nebraska has scheduled The Traveling Executioner which sounds, just ducky. Wild Country, a Walt Disney Productions film, is at the State. Without a doubt the Disney company makes the best family movies around, but the amount of entertainment a college-age movie-goer will find in this movie is questionable. Finally we come to the Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde of celluloid, Love Story, which is showing at the Cooper-Lincoln. This movie should probably be seen by everyone, not because it is good or bad, but simply so that you can make up your own mind as to whether you like it or not. But once you have seen Love Story, I doubt if you will see it again. If you didn't like it you would be a fool to see it again, and if you did like it you probably didn't like it well enough to pay $2.50 to see it again. It is unfortunate that the Lincoln theaters do not have better quality films, especially when one considers that shows like The Great White Hope and Cromwell are playing at movie theaters 50 miles away in Omaha. Other programs of interest this week to NETV viewers include: --"Your Unicameral," tonight at 8 p.m. features interviews about timely topics with state senators. George Round, University of Nebraska director of public relations, is program host. -"NET Playhouse," Friday, Feb. 19 at 9 p.m. continues a current series on "The Movie Crazy Years." Warner Brothers studio is the topic of the program. Film excerpts of famous films are shown. Ads HELP WANTED SOCIAL WORK POSITION in new county agency open now. Requires MSW. Apply 475-4997 week days. MISCELLANEOUS Need a date? Call Eleanor, 475-2427 or GeGe, 475-2785 after six. Encounter group. Professionally led Gestalt-Marathon. UMHE March 5-7. Call Marillyn Caldwell 434-5131 evenings. Sewing and alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799-2615. WATCH & CLOCK REPAIR' CAMPUS BOOKSTORE' 13TH & R' PIZZA DELIVERY. Pizza King. 489-6541. 5520 South St. Repetitive by TIM SINDELAR LaufV Nyro is capable of producing slick pop songs that are picked up by groups like the Fifth Dimension and Blood, Sweat and Tears. Christmas and the Beads of Sweat reveals another side to Nyro. This album consists of several fragile, poetic impressions of life, whose beauty and maturity are a far cry from Stoned Soul Picnic. Unfortunately, some of the beauty of several songs is masked by a very repetitive style and other flaws. "Upstairs by a Chinese Lamp" and "Blackpatch" are both very nice and in my opinion the best cuts of the album, solely because they are simple and unpretentious in comparison to two of the longer tracks, "Map to the Treasure" and "Beads of Sweat." "Upstairs by a Chinese uitt Py it '4 I Vi X J M m M ; Nyro The ' mmL: ."ms Evil Tobacco Caf ' JfiEti fj ' The 4.006 Good Citizens "WE'LL BET of Eagle Rock replied: $25,ooo,oocn hcough) YOU'RE 0N!"1 NO TOWN W IN AMERICA A Np3 r l V GIVE up aM6 SMOKING S MfaL DiCKVAN DYKE XOm IIJRKEY S s-bs? - bob newha1 style spoils Lamp" is a quite gentle pastel print of a song. Enjoyable listening. On the other hand, after hearing the album once, there appears to be a definite predictability to it, so that by the time you hear "Beads of Sweat," you are saying to yourself, here come the loud, fast riffs, right after that soft, mellow beginning. "Map to the Treasure" and "Brown Earth" are also particularly guilty, and while each is a somewhat lovely song in itself, the repetition of technique spoils much of this. "Been on a Train" manages to retain much of the softness and tenderness that it begins with, bringing in only some of the harshness of its theme, death by overdose. Nyro paints a subtle, yet evocative, scene that has considerably more effect than some of the songs of the same Nyro album type ("Airplane of Snow", etc.). In a similar manner, "Christmas in my Soul" is one of the most appealing protest -type songs around. The theme is quite simple-"all God's love is out of style on Christmas" with "all God's sons" from Panthers to Indians awaiting trial. "When I was a Ereeport and You Were the Main Drag" sounds very much like some of Nyro's older songs and "Up on the Roof" is several years old, and one of the few songs Nyro has recorded that she didn't write herself. This song sparkles and stands out as being easy to listen to. Christmas and the Beads of Sweat is well done for the most part. It's a good album to sit down and listen to some afternoon, but not to expect too much of. It's nice, that's all. Free U cyclists schedule meeting The People's Bicycle Club will meet at United Ministries in Higher Education Thursday evening at 7:30. The Free University course will discuss bicycling trips and camp-outs and everyone is invited, according to Gary Wolff, course leader. YAFers invited to talk at Hyde Park Members of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) have been invited to speak at the Thursday ternoon Hyde Park session i ihe lounge of the Nebraska Union. Anyone may come and discuss any issue at the open forums, according to the chairman of the Union Hyde Park Committee. PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1971