11;.".. m- em .pii" " :. V?? 'v."-A"' tow is-.?. v "1 K&X AH! dob: Telephone: editor: 472-2588, news: 2589, advertising: 2590. Second class postage rates paid at Lincoln, Neb. Subscription rates are $5 per semester or $8.50 per year Published Monday through Friday during the school year except during vacation and exam periods. Member of the Intercollegiate Press, National Educational Advertising Service. The Daily Nebraskan is astudent publication, independent of the University of Nebraska's administration, faculty and student government. Add r ass: The Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. Debbie Roach. . .'They're willing to meet us halfway." Campus commission may improve statehouse - student communications - A liaison between Nebraska's college campuses and the governor's office, long the dream of disgruntled students, will be a reality before the end of the spring semester according to a University freshman from Omaha. The liaison will be in the form of a commission representing all state colleges. Debbie Roach, campus representative for the commission, said the idea for a link between the students and the governor grew out of her reaction to last November's debate between Gov. J. J. Exon and former governor Norbert Tiemann, on the Lincoln camous. EXON'S LACK of information concerning the University prompted Roach to take action. She presented her mother, an active figure in the Douglas County Democratic campaign with the idea. The suggestion wormed its way through the Democratic ranks until it reached Exon, who has assumed the governorship. Exon contacted Roach and indicated he favored a commission of some sort be established. It was then that the idea began to take on tangible aspects. ROACH SAID she has been in contact with John Sullivan, Exon's administrative assistant, in an attempt to work outt specific plans. The Latin American studies major said she envisions the commission, formally known as the Governor's Campus Forum, as being a "market place of ideas". "THE FORUM SHOULD be a composite of students from all campuses so he wouldn't have a monolithic student opinion," she said. "Students with legitimate grievances could come to the board assured that the governor will hear their complaint." Roach cited Exon's budget cuts stating, "there is a credibility gap. . .students are willing and waiting for him to make an explanation." She indicated Exon would prefer meeting with students in an informal atmosphere, somewhere he could "listen as well as talk and explain." A STEP IN THIS direction statewide conference on higher education planned for this spring. Invitations will be dispatched to all campus organizations requesting representatives. Roach said a possibility is that a closed circuit television channel may be used to provide students from all campuses in the state a chance to phone questions to the governor. She noted that a live program would be an ideal situation but the technicalities need to be worked out. She stressed that the forum is "not an elite group" and 'interested students should contact me". "I've been pretty skeptical myself," Roach said "but we have a youthful administration and they're willing to meet us half way. Tribunal. . . Continued from page 2 disruption and Administra tion's willingness to reason didn't enter into Circo's case. Circo was placed on temporary probation for refusing to leave the - library Wednesday after normal closing hours. "I hadn't come with the intention of staying," said Circo, adding that he had come to see his close friend Ron Kurtenbach. He made the decision to stay and be placed on probation at the last minute, Circo said. Circo was given a five-minute warning by Pres. Joseph Soshnik before being placed on probation. ASUN Senate supports Rozman After an extended debate over semantics, at Wednesday's ASUN meeting produced a two-part resolution on the Rozman case. The resolution :-expresses support for Stephen Rozman in his attempt to "clarify the issues" and "achieve justice through due process" concerning the Regents decision not to re-hire him. states that ASUN denounces the Regents decision, their "disregard for due process and academic freedom", and their "refusal" to discuss the issues with students. Several senators objected to an amendment calling for censure of the Regents so the word "denounces" was accepted cs a compromise. IN AN EFFORT to learn how many senators would vote to censure the Regents, Sen. Ron Kurtenbach reintroduced his previous motion for censure. Six voted to. censure, 20 were against censure and four abstained. Sen. Bruce Wimmer's resolution that the ASUN executives appoint a committee to investigate the feasibility of divorcing the Daily Nebraskan from student fee support was approved. The committee is directed to report to the Senate by March 29. SEN. WIMMER ALSO presented a motion to have a special committee work with the ASUN Education Committee and the Arts and Sciences Advisory Board to determine the desirability of the Arts and Science language requirements. The motion will be considered next week. Also tabled was Sen. Bill Arfman's resolution that ASUN urges the University to develop procedures for recruiting minority students and develop a "full and substantive" program of ethnic studies. Sen. Ed Eggleston reported that his Legislative Liaison Committee was organizing speaking engagements in Lincoln and outstate communities. He invited all University students who would be interested in speaking to contact him or the ASUN office. THE SENATE APPROVED appointments to the Advisory Board for Scholarship and Financial Aids. Board members include Kay Giles. Keith Bystrom, Stan Olsen, Patty Kominski , Mike Nelson, Jimmie Smith and Richard Waters. In other business ASUN elected Cindy Vondrak to the vacant senate seat from Arts and Science and Rod Hernandez to the same position from Teachers College. A senate position from the College of Engineering and Architecture is available. The new representative will be selected at the Feb. 24 meeting. SPRING SEMESTER FRESHMAN ENGLISH FILM FESTIVAL Bergman's The Seventh Seal February 23 Olivier's Hamlet March 23 The Playboy of the Western World Mav 1 1 Showings at 7 pm and 9 pm Series Ticket only $ 1 .00 Tickets available in English Department Office, Andrews 203 Live Music night TONIGHT! prices on pitchers YAL GOT Powell's Jewelers A trusted name for value and quality. See the wide selection of the new 3-set rings at Powell's. 1309"O"Sr. Next door to Wallgreens Ph. 477-5527 is em Si E nmin The crowning glory! A brilliant dia mond solitaire, atop its 14 Karat gold setting. Choose yours from a wide range of prices. Use one of our convenient payment plans Illustration enlarged 1329 "0" St. Student accounts invited THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18197-1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN RAGE 3