The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1970, Image 1

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    ASUN urges 'proper procedures
The Rozman case
an adequate
their resolution
Faculty Senate Academic
Privilege and Tenure Com
mittee feel Rozman should re
tain an attorney. However, ac
cording to Munson, Rozman is
not able to afford all the fees a
competant lawyer would de
mand. "The University community
is concerned that the case of
Dr. Rozman be conducted in
accordance with established,
proper and just procedures,"
the ASUN resolution stated.
Another NU graduate student
charged that the Regents are
trying to fire Rozman "for his
political point of view."
Ron C. Kurtenbach, an
English major from Wakefield,
said the Regents are acting
arbitrarily as they did in the
Michael Davis case which
represented "a shameful in
justice." He was speaking in favor of i
Turn to page 7
read. "
Graduate Student Betty
Munson offered that part of the
resolution in ASUN's open
discussion on the matter
She said members of the
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The ASUN Senate Wednesday
"strongly urged" the Board of
Regents to make no decision in
the case of political science
teacher Steven L. Rozman until
an open hearing is held before
the proper University com
mittee. In a 250-word resolution ap
proved without opposition, the
Senate also requested the
Board to make public the
charges they have against
Rozman and to provide him
with "competent legal counsel"
so he can defend himself
without the burden of legal ex
penses. "The University community
is concerned over the status of
Rozman's job on the faculty,"
stated the resolution, introduc
ed by Arts and Sciences- Sen.
Steve Fowler.
A Faculty Senate group, the
Academic Privilege and Tenure
Committee, is currently study
ing, what, if any, charges
should be levied against
Rozman, an untenured assis
tant professor. The 30-year-old
University of Minnesota
graduate is accused of "acting
improperly"" during the campus
protest activities against
American incursions -into
Cambodia last May.
At their November meeting,
the Regents ordered NU at
torneys to provide them with
all evidence in the c a 3 e. The
Regents meet Monday morning
in the Administration
ASUN Senators equated
Rozman's case with a person
accused of misconduct in civil
courts, where legal counsel is
automatically provided i f
defendants need it.
"The Regents should act in
the same spirit and thus insure
that Rozman will be able to
It's a long
Associate Sports Editor
Nebraska opened Its Big
Eight title drive Oct. W by
defeating Missouri The Orange
Bowl bid was still a long
way off.
But a group of confident
grade school fans in Grand
Island started their trip to the
Miami Classic just two days
later. And it was probably the
cheapest, but not the easiest,
route to the sun and fun city.
They jogged.
And although they may be
watching the Louisiana State
Nebraska clash via television
New Years night, theyll still
feel the affects of the trip.. -
Boys and girls and
teachers too at Newell
Elementary School in Grand
Island have been jogging to
Miami in an effort to meet Bob
Devaney and his Cornhuskers
at the Orange BowL
It is part of the physical
education program for classes
from the third grade through
the sixth. The children and
teachers initiated the jogging
program and the response by
ail has been tremendous.
Bowl or bust
jog for TV viewing
A distance of 440 yards was
measured around the side walk
surrounding the school
building. Tabulations have been
kept by the teachers and
youngsters for the total
distance of ground covered..
The craze has been so suc
cessful, the school has jogged
1,880'A miles since the program
was started on Oct. 12. The
distance to Miami by land is
approximately 1,700 miles.
Students were jogging with
their partners before school in
the morning and at noon,, dur
ing the physical education
class, and in the after-school
program. During the first week
alone, Newell had completed
479 miles.
Letters from the classes were
sent to Devaney wishing him
and his Cornhuskers the best of
luck in the. Orange BowL That
was even before Nebraska had
been offered an Orange Bowl
Sixteen sheets sf paper were
also sent which included every
student's name and the
distance be or she bad not.
Brace Gregersen turned in 31
JO, 1970
miles the longest distance of
any of the joggers.
Although some students
turned in as little as Vk miles,.
the program met with great
success according to physical
education director Charles
According to Sheffield, at
first a few of the children could
not jog the quarter mile around
the school, but after a few tries
every boy and girl could make
the entire distance. Many
youngsters jogged as much as
two miles per day.
But although they have
reached Miami, the group Isn't
going to quit. There are ap
parently some Tennessee or Air
Force fans who. have already '
set out for New Orleans and the
Sugar Bowl. And the Texas and
Notre Dame fans have made
preparations for a jog to DuIIus
and the Cotton BowL
But for those interested in
jogging to Miami, they'll have
to start Friday, Dec. It. Ac
cording to Newell Elementary
School statistics, it takes about
three weeks to make the
And New Years Day la just
three weeks away.
Varner on PACE:
Chancellor D. B. Varner has released the following
statement to The Nebraskan concerning ASUN's PACE pro
posal: "All too frequently college students are singled out
for a barrage of criticism by Uninformed critics. The most
common form of the charge Is that students are involved
only In being critics of society, not contributing to the
solution of the problems.
"The decision on the part of a group of student luuders
to develop a frontal attack on the problems of the financially
disadvantaged students merits special attention and special
commendation. While I do not offer an endorsement of
the program now contemplated because apparently there
are some legal questions which need to be resolved and
t recognize that there are differing views about the propriety
of this particular approuch, on the other hand I have
no reluctance to express with great enthusiasm my personal
pleasure with the spirit which motivated this undertaking.
In my Judgment this group of students has offered an
eloquent response to those who charge that there Is no
willingness on the part of students to come up with creative
solutions to some of society's difficult problems."
VOL. 94, NO. 45