The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1970, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    A view of the oasis
It has been suggested that Nebraska might become
an economic oasis for out-of-state students if the State
Supreme Court upholds a recent District Court decision
overthrowing the University's policy for determining resident
tuition status.
Currently it is impossible for a person to obtain resident
status for tuition purposes while he is studying at a state
school. The decision, if upheld, would allow a student 20
years old or over to establish residency after living in
the state for four months.
Since four otfetr states, Minnesota, Oregon, Tennessee
and Washington, allow non-residents to establish residency
while attending school, Nebraska would hardly become an
oasis. There is really no desert
NU Director of Admissions John Aronson said recently
that a student would have to show his intent of staying
in Nebraska after graduation to qualify for resident status.
But, this would be almost impossible.
It could also be argued that students whose parents
live in Nebraska and are thus classified as residents do
not have to show an intent of making Nebraska their
permanent home.
Aronson later clarified probable requisites for resident
classification. The first requirement would be that the non
resident student be over 20, since a minor's legal residence
remains with his parents.
The student would have to live In Nebraska for four
months after his twentieth birthday, pay taxes in Nebraska,
vote in Nebraska and otherwise be a true legal resident.
Though the Lincoln Star estimated recently that the
ruling might cost the University as much as $2.5 million
per year, University business manager Miles Tommeraasen
has estimated the figure at closer to $1 million. Even
this estimate seems a bit high.
The ruling would affect mainly graduate and professional
students at the University. Even if all the 1,500 to 1,700
students affected applied for and got resident status, the
figure would be closer to $800 or $900 thousand per year.
But, this . is still a great deal of money and at a
time when University funds are likely to be cut, every
little bit helps.
It Is evident that if the current law Is overturned,
the legislature will lose no time in establishing a new
one of some type.
But, even if the current system Is retained, this might
be a good time to re-examine the structure of resident
and non-resident tuition, with an eye toward fairness for
those true Nebraska citizens classified as non-residents.
Bill Smitherman
News Editor
A minute of glory
The University Corn Cobs are sponsoring an effort to
send a float from Nebraska to the Orange Bowl Parade
New Year's Eve.
It is estimated that the float will cost $10,000 and
no statewide organizations have been willing to put up
the money. On the surface, the Corn Cob drive seems
to be a good idea.
Corn Cob Gary Kuklin said Nebraska must have a
float in the parade because "it will embarrass the state"
if we don't The float would also serve as a tribute to
Nebraska's unbeaten football team, he said.
But, lets consider what the Corn Cobs will really be
buying If they reach their goat The result will be a
minute or so of national television time where the state
will be mentioned, nothing more.
Nebraska will not be embarrassed by the lack of this
minute. Indeed, it is doubtful that anyone will notice. The
parade will have no lack of floats without Nebraska.
In order to send the float, $6,000 must be collected
by Wednesday of next week. If this goal isn't met, the
money that is collected will be sent to funds for the
dependents of the Marshall and Wichita State University
plane crash tragedies.
It seems that a contribution to- these funds, honoring
fallen athletes, would be a more fitting tribute to an unbeaten
football team than a one-day float. That might still even
get Nebraska some TV time, if such things matter.
A contribution to the University funds would help more
than 100 children and many widows. A float would really
help no one.
Telephone: Editor: 42-75M, Bunnell: 4H-23M, New! 472-25W. Second clM
posUa paid at Lincoln. Neb.
Subscription rate are U per semester or M.M per year. Published Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the school year except during vaca
tions and exam period. Member of the Intercollegiate Press, National Eduoo
tlonal Advertising Service.
the NeoresHen is a student publication, Independent of the University of Nab
raska't administration, faculty and student government.
Address: The Nebraskan
M Nebraska Union
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska 4S0
dltorial Staff
Editor: Kelley Baker i Managing Editor: Connie Winkler New Editor: Bill
Smitherment Sports Editors: Jim Johnston and Roger Rlfe Nebraskan Staff
Writer: Oery Seacresti John Dvorak, Mick Morlarty, Marsha Bangert, Dave
Brink, Steve Stressor, Pat McTee, Carol Ooettchio. Monte Gerlech, Charie
Harptteri Photographer: Howard Rosenberg, Mike Maymeni Entertainment
Editor: Fred Elsnhnrti Literary Editor: Alan Boyei News Assistant: Andrea
Ihompiom Copy Editors: Laura Pertsch, Jim Cray, Warren Obr, Blyme
Eritkson; Night News Editor: Tom Lensworthi Night New Assistant: Leo
An American gift
Dear Editor,
Mr. Larry Cooper has in
dicated that he opposes giving
money to individuals through
the PACE program on the
grounds that "loans" are
preferable to "gifts" (witness
the bad experience with
"foreign aid!"). I observe that
Mr. Cooper Is attending a land
grant college and an
agricultural school.
The same Nebraskan which
quotes Mr. Cooper also includes
two articles about Native
American people on this cam
pus. We might all recall that
the "land-grant" which formed
the basic grant to the educa
tional institution which Mr.
Cooper now attends, that tiie
land which my ancestors
farmed and which his ancestors
must have farmed if they
farmed at all, that the land on
which the agricultural experi
ment stations are located, is
American people at the point of
a gun.
I see no prospect that white
America will treat what It has
stolen from Native American
people as a loan. Wounded
- Knee ended that hope In 1893.
Now the average age of death
for Indian people In Nebraska
is about 40 years (in some
places, well under forty). The
dropout rates for Indian
children are ?0tf; college at
tendance Is almost nonexis
tent And In Blake's phrase,
"Babes are reduced 1 1
Desperation can change
people's manners and
courtesies to one another
almost as much as can greed;
we should hope that America's
' i
suicide is always a terrible thing . .
Indian people will gain back
their "gifts" to us in a manner
somewhat gentler than the
manner of our greedy and
starving ancestors.
But the responsiveness of the
University, the schools, and of
those who hold power in our
society is not very great I do
not know that a revolution is
around the corner or that our
present lnsensitlvity to social
need will lead to greater
polarization in our society. I do
know that despair prescribes
desperate courses.
Some Native Americans
whom I know are beginning to
feel that they want their loan
back; that is the significance of
the request to the University of
Nebraska to grant free tuition
to Indian Students. It is also the
significance of the sit-in on
Mount Crazy Horse (Mount
Paul A. Olson
Response to critics
Dear Editor:
Several weeks ago, I came
out with my alternative pro
posal, taking the best points of
both PACE and of STOPACE.
Since that time there has been
considerable discussion, and
before things go any further,
there are several arguments I
would like to respond to.
One argument Is that "there
are already too many
registration forms to fill out,
and the addition easily could be
lost or Ignored." This is a very
weak and superficial argument
to me. I believe that the cost of
implementing tills proposal
-would be slgnificlently less that
Another argument is that my
proposal, to put PACE on a
voluntary base, would have to
be explained every year to in
coming freshmen. I do not
believe that this is at aU bad.
Out of a continuous, yearly
dialogue exists the possibility
that a better program will
evolve. Under PACE, there is
no provision to explain PACE
to incoming freshmen. In time
students would be paying for a
program which they had no
part in, and the reasons for the
tuition hike would be lost or
Then it Is argued that my
proposal is "inadequate" and
would not raise significant
funds. Those who preach this
line are showing a gross lack of
faith in the generosity of their
fellow man. This is quite out of
place with the lofty, idealistic
terms PACE people like to talk
Finally some object because
they say my alternative is
'charity' while PACE is a
"true commitment" Both pro-
Sams are cases of those hay
g the means for higher
education giving to those who
have-not the means for higher
education. Call it what you will.
Terminology is unimpor
tant Next Wednesday, December
9, 1970, at 4:00 p.m. in the
Union, the ASUN will consider
and hopefully vote on this pro
posal. I am urging all in
terested students to get in
touch with their ASUN senator
and Inform him of your views.
Also I ask that all members of
ASUN study carefully aU sides
of the Issues so that vote, If
taken, may be made rationally
nd intelligently.
Doug Voegkr
Dear Editor: