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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1970)
Watching our tva&te. line Garlbageman in Uiiiversltylsiiidl by MICK MORIARTY and GARY SEACREST Nebraska Staff Writers Remember where you threw the last bottle of beer you drank? That old edition of The Nebraskan you pitched? That last form letter from the University you promptly disregarded? University garbage truck driver Jack Petet remembers. He probably had to pick it up. Petet and his partner make 84 stops a day with their giant blue-gray garbage truck pick ing up University trash- "On the average day we take about SO cubic yards of trash to the city dump Petet remark ed. "That's three trips to the dump and that's a lot of trash."' The two University employes normally work, eight and one half hours a day ' Monday through Friday, picking up trash. On Saturday they work about seven hours. But a Big; Red winning foot ball season didnt make their job any easier. During the football season they were working, five hours overtime on Sundays because of cans and bottles Big Red fans had left the day before. Petet said, that the messes produced by football fans don't make bis job that much more difficult. "But for the guys who have to keep the grounds clean,, it's a real problem." The football season is over. Will the garbage problems decrease? Petet doesn't think, so.. He points out that when he started with the University in August 1969, he only used to fill his truck up about two or two and one-half times a day. Now he fills it three times a day. Despite, recent , student, cone cent with the environment, the University garbage I r u e k driver said students and custo dians are "very messy with their garbage." Petet said the University would look much, better if peo ple pressed their garbage down in trash containers.. "Whenever the winds blowing you'll probably see: a lot of paper and. trash on the University grounds.. Most of the trash, comes from, the con tainers which are not packed well and have their lids left open," Petet said. Even when there isn't a strong, wind, most of the trash containers look like a mess, he said. Prtet's route- includes all University buildings and all campus residences, both on the city and East campus. Besides the fact that many of the containers Petet empties into Ms truck are overpacked and messy, he also has to con tend with some dangerous oc cupational hazards. Some -of them are unnecessary, too, he said. For example, he talked about the poor planning of two University's dorms, Cather and Pound. "Ifs really dangerous the way you have to Jump the curb to set at the dock on 17& Street be said. "When the streets are- slick it can- gel pretty hairy."' Petet said that another un necessary problem he has, to. contend with, involves student parking, "The cars parked over by the Selleck. dock, are the biggest headaches. They're big headaches because we have to. stop- twice a day at all of the University buildings which serve food he said. "If. people were just a little more concerned,, it would help. (Volunteers in Service To America) NEEDS: EDUCATION MAJORS BUSINESS MAJORS LAWYERS URBAN PLANNERS ARCHITECTS HEALTH SPECIALISTS LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS At! MVITATIOJI TO SERVE REPRESENTATIVES ON CAMPUS DECEMBER 7-11, 1970 UNION VISTA MOVIE: DEC. 8 & 9 7:00 p-m. - UNION v-y'A :.A Meeting set for Lincoln tenants A meeting for all tenants in Lincoln will be held Friday evening. The City-wide Tenants Association, who is sponsoring the event, encourages all oil- JUST MINUTES AWAY Where Your Good Friends Meet To Eat "FRI. & SAT. MIGHTS OPEN TIL 2:00 A.M." "OTHER NIGHTS OPEN TIL MIDNIGHT" on 27th North of Vine campus students who rent to attend. Rights, problems and organization of tenants will be investigated It will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Whittier School. Read Nebraskan Want Ads YOUi'lSCLOODS la Concert Sunday, Dec. 6 8:C3 pjn. HelJhouse Univtrilty of Nebraska at Omo Mtk mi DmIo StrMtt Tidutt $100 ft Hm i fmiN Mafflilnt lays "they p rttMt perfect lyntlwifl i st tot twytMng that? bMiiin In Awtrlcaii rtck." PAGE 4 THE NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER" 4, 1970