The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1970, Page PAGE 12, Image 12
in 11 8 Sheldon shows Stones9 film "Sympathy for the Devil," the first film to be made in England by Jean-Luc Godard and the first film to feature the Rolling Stones, is being shown at Sheldon Art Gallery. Concerned with people and groups involed in the modern social tangle, it moves from scenes of the Rolling Stones painstakingly working out the recording of their LP "Beg gar's Banquet" to Black Power activities in a used car dump, where white girls are taken out to be shot, whilst a background voice quotes from Eldridge Cleaver and Stokely Carmichael. In a pornographic bookshop, Iain Quarrier paces the floor reading from 'Mein Kampf as a small child slaps the faces oi two Jews. Anne GUITARS Yamaha Ventura Ovation Lincoln's Largest Selection plus comb equipment by Kuttom, Ampeg, Shuro, Liidwig, Sonor 144 S 432-7305 Wiazemski, representing the voice of liberal democracy, wanders about in a summer field answeiing a barrage of complex questions asked by a reporter. Recurring scenes of the Rolling Stones show the gradual deelopment of a recording session as the music of "Beggar's Banquet" comes together. Cast and production crew constantly appear together and, in the final scene, where Anne Wiazemski's body is draped over a crane bstween the emblem flags of Black Power, it is the Director himself who runs into the scene to spray her white shift With plastic 'blood. Despite these reminders that "Sympathy for the Devil" is Christiano's Original Pizzerrta of Nebraska All authentic Italian cooking Open 4-12 p.m. daily Closed Tuesdays Delivery charge 50c minimum Call us 423-8975 17th & South Streets Sisters and Brothers! GAY COFFEE HOUSE Sunday, Dec. 6. 7:30 p.m. EntertainmentFoodFree for information call: 435 7942, 477-6190, or 489-3051 I i S CHRESTMAS? 1 Layne's I Natural Sheepskin Rugs AO Colors SALE!!! 20 . 30 CALL AFTER 4:00 PM. 475-5806 1730 STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA just a film, ne feels disturb ingly involved, and Godard leaves us in little doubt that, film though it may be, we are all in it. Friday is the last day that "Sympathy For The Devil" may be seen at Sheldon Gallery at 7 and 9 p.m. Admission is $1.50. "A wacky, wildly funny, touching plea for the civil rights of the American lndlan."-The Kirkus Reviews o o a novel by CLAIR HUFFAKER New s Warier Ires, relent starriif ANTHONY (WINN 2 Z Z3 i ( . : g V ,' J I (cfrihniftfe-s 2 HVaanrtl (SUB) Sana : fm fll i Bessie was the first -Janis did it last - on "CHEAP THRILLS" "KOSMIC BLUES" Listen to these forever on Columbia Records JANIS JOPL1N THeSTOWOfmeBWCESl lightnin Hopkins IEADM UYKG MI MOONiYOTIS 5MNN I If! NW York KSSK SMITHBUKKAWHiTE . . mcMUno MCroWartCoinhtOMbltBKie OtlsSpann IsHieBhics HKludrnt Th Hfd Wy Country Boy & Mt Northern Stomp Out Inlh (WkBMl UplMm .. T3ewu?Smtf McMnf " Down Hearted Bluet Kmoi On A Run. Cult Cent BhmTMi I Nobody BwwuHlOe I NM4 little SufM in My Bon VOL H ROBERT JOHNSON KINO OF THE DELTA BUNGS SINGERS inchidlnf t I Bolieve III DuMMv Broom r m A SMad y Roilla' Mm LevolaV&in Bi KHiii i mi i" ii "y u iif OIXKAWKITB ecumeai HAHI 1MONDOWM MNCMMAMMMMKUCt KUNTOM BESSIE SMITH ANY virOMAN"S BLUES N. liiiK hut Wu (in i Owwi AndCHit , I M. . Bk 1 m Gann k M U vrO fo Be "mim now available at BlIIIIHIMIinilllHUMMIIUIUUnniUHMIilllUIIIIIIHIIIIUIIMIIIIIllHlllllllllllllllHIMIllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllI! PAGE 12 i ..,.,.,5 THE NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1970