Geography class As a result of student re quests for courses pertaining to world problems, the Geo graphy Department has es- Got problem? , University Help Una 472-3311 Or 3322 i it lupni m 434-7421 54th & 0 S treat The ministers daughter. Her The gypsy taught knwmoiv 1 l I cDLcH.cLawiaces . 1 I A Dimitn Dt GtuiiwjIJ prrvntation FRANTO NFRO . n-"" m D. H. Lawrence s "IT It VIRGIN AND THE MARK BURNS FAY COMPTON MAURICE Kemwf h Htrpvr QimcaphiT MjIw Glor Prmw by Movwlab Saturday at 1i55, 3:55, 5:55 and 1:35 P.HL Sunday at 1:25, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25 and 25 fJW. OSOO JOOOtrCOO JOOOOOO J J SNEAK PREVIEW - - Saturday at 8:00 P.M. WANTED FOR ARMED ROBBERY, CAUSING AN INDIAN UPRISING, DOUBLE DEALING, & DOUBLE CROSSING REWARD ONE THOUSAND LAUGHS! Ht'i sorta of a cowboy. If s kind of wtstora. Soo both features I No extra charge 1 i "Gypsy" at 5:55 & 9:35 PJUL Snoak at t:09 PJH. J PAGE 2 studies problems tablished "The Geographical Background to World Affairs'. The course examines such problems as populations distri bution and growth, the avail ability of resources, the geo graphy of climatic hazards and the barriers to higher lev els of economic attainment in the developing world, accord ing to Brian Blouet, associate professor of geography. 3 Daari aaaa at 4:30 P JKL Tonight rt v r.ra. H a maa father taught her about God. her about Heaven. the I GYPST HONOR BLACKMAN DENHAM aih. tankCm Vitwiuh. I mm. 1 Til nmJr For student parents Day care center is free A child care center, free to the 3 to 5-year-old sons and daughters of eligible University students, will open on campus Nov. 30. It will be used as a means of financial assistance for parents of young children." said John Ritchie of the Financial Aids Office. "We have found that a big factor In the decision of parents to attend college is whether they can afford day care for their youngsters," he con tinued. "Maybe this center will help encourage more of them to attend schooL Only youngsters whose parent or parents are students at NU can attend the child care center in the basement of the United Ministries of Higher Education Building, Just southwest of the Nebraska Union. If one of the child's parents were working instead of at tending school, there would probably be enough money to afford a regular day care Geres open 24 nouns EVERY DAY For your convenience and appetite Close to Campus 17 & M sound mmy Whaa rtcardi ara cat thay art cat from lap raaardlaf s. Tap rt tha profttsianal way at raaradacina. taaad. Ant yaa caa aRm inata tha aiiddfa mm, tha Mad thial, with a taaa feck. At Warld Radio tfcara art docki aricad fraa U CO and aa. Drap la H to ara fMsUaol taand reproduction. r It tt hat Mytkiaf ta da with laaad, Warld Korfia hat It and bat It arictd right. W7 Tour SwjMrtiMMf ttofa af Ktttronts THE NEBRASKAN center m Lincoln. Ritchie said. Students who want their offspring to attend the center must apply to the Financial Aids Office In tha Administration Building. "It should be clear that this service Is only available during the hours the mother and-or father Is In class," Ritchie emphasized. For instance, if the parents had a class from 8:30 a.m. to 9:20 a.m., they would drop off the child about 1:15 a.m. and pick him up by :4S a.m. Initially the center will not be ooen at night "Judging from the number of people asking our office about the availability of a center, there should be quite a demand to place children," Ritchie said. There are numerous diy care centers around Lincoln, in cluding an exuerfmental one operating parMaliv as a class project on East Campus. Charges there are $20 per child per week for about eight QQ Q oo A LIIICGUl 1 323 "CStraat 432-3356 9:30-930Tuaa.-Wod.-rri.-Sat. 9i30-l:30 Mon.-Thtfr. CttAHA COUNCIL BLUTrS DIS MOIKZS 8K pw Cwi FRIDAY, hours of care dally. Other centers around Lincoln usually charge more. Both the Financial Aids Of fice and ASUN were thinking early last summer of establishing some sort of free child care center. The two of fices combined forces to establish the center. ASUN is helping procure equipment and supplies, such as toys, books and records, for the center. And UMHE officials are renovating a portion of their building's basement, aa Improvement that was needed even without the care center. Supervisor of the center will be Virginia Shuerman, a graduate student in Human Development and the FamEta. Her helpers will be mostly the work-study students on program. The center. as all other ac- credited day care centers in Lincoln, will be licensed by the state having met the re puirements as specified by law. Table tennis tournament A table tennis tournament, sponsored by the Union Recre ation Committee, is scheduled for Dec. 10-13 according to committee chairman Joann Tansey. All University students are eligible to enter the competi tion ,she said. Entry forms are available in the Union Pro gram Office. 4 1 S Wwt mm4wm Marl Hay NOVEMBER 13, 1970