Finalists vie for Queen title Finalists for the title cf 1970 Homecoming Queen have been announced by Tassels and Corn Cobs. The 10 contenders for the crown to be awarded Friday evening are: Jane Andrews, Rita Becker, Linda June Brown, Barbara Callahan, An nette Hudson, Martha Lynne Liggett, Dru Mort, Janet Smayda, Barbara Ann White, and Pam Whitted. Voting for Homecoming Queen will be Wednesday. It will be by college between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Students in the College of Agriculture and Home Continued from page 1 made a commitment. Last summer about $26,000 was given voluntarily from their salaries. Paul Olson, an English professor, had two reasons for helping to raise the money. First, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution calling for the fund drive and he thought it should be carried out. The se cond, and most important reason was that Olson, who is chairman of the Human Rights Committee, has strong feeling about the university 's commit ment to poor students. In projects like Tri-Univerjf-ty he has worked with many low-income people. "I know how bad'.y the institution is serving these groups." Olson said that helping these in Ncbraskan FOR SALE NEW MOBILE HOMES l6s Compfet 14. SO 10 cwmp JS.Wi. uw 11.000 discount. park nxr. air VI 500. Bob CarrcH Home bM, 155 Cornrwoker H9tay. Prt time work avaiUeia lor ambitkws cotleoa hdnt. For Inform) on wrtfa CMR, P. O. Box HOT. IrKttjnasoJK. Indiana i2ft. Housaparvnl couckr to 10 attar and Voutrts with rtrratian. Soft nwnines & fcttKta. trc during o. rtcciv Zodiac Ceramic Medallion Ctter (itklt krw with aid' bi$ red with it Specify Birth Dote $2 KarMIIBex I013S Lincoln, Neir. 63501 sst ' v tl Banditat Ane-mun SL"- v' collection ot belts you've M V Just gotta get into. Wide and & v. , . 1 wild. Leathers and suedes with ; - -t- Vh ' "" '"jnA'qL th ruggedest hardware around" Y'l;, --' Yv V Vk rvf Lots of it Belts, from $6. ' tCV- f000' Jj Matching watchstraps. from $5. W' VMX(k-- Catch Saivatort Banditrx It you can. 1 i 440 Inqlawaa Aa.. 3. t. AHawNt, Caj. 30313 A ar Smart Economics will vote at the East Union, Arts and Sciences s'udents will vote at the Nebraska Union, Engineering and Architecture students at Ferguson Hall, and Teachers' college students at the Teachers College building. Graduate and Professional students and College of Business Administration s'udents will vote at Love Library. After 6 p.m. all students may vote at the Union. The polls close at 8 p.m. The queen will be announced at intermission of the Homecoming Dance Friday night in the Union. Music will University sets PACE dividuals should be done simply as a matter of "justice" since our society has not provided many of them equal op portunities. In Olson's view, the solution of social problems is something that students and faculty should cooperate in achieving. In a very "establishment sort of thing" like PACE, he emphasized, every student and f aculty member should be able to work together. Dean for Student Affairs Russ Brown agreed. He noted that low income students find money a "constant source of worry." Any emergency, he said, no matter how small, may cause a severe hardship even if it only requires a few dollars. Brown has found that even Waul Ads recm, board salary. Apply weekdays Good Ivb?. bookwar variety or t'. FlaxtMa hour. 4B-I77I. Waatatf Would rii to buy wscd guitar lor wider Mtscattamw ALL AOS MUST BE PREPAID). S -09 par word and I -39 a day minimum. Sawino; and alterations. Can Pat Moor FREE RENT In return tor nanoVman. 432 1771. work as be provided by The Shadows of Knight. Other homecoming activities this week include a free folk concert featuring the Sand County musical group from Kansas City in the Crib at 8 p.m. Wednesday and a pep rally at the Union at 6 p.m. Friday. Saturday's homecoming ac tivities consist of the dedication of the Lynn Broyhill Memorial fountain at 11 a.m., a luncheon honoring former Chancellor Clifford Hardin at 11:30 a.m. in the Union, and the Nebraska Kansas State football game at 1:30 p.m. t ...... .KiJamI nt.A the minimum necessary to cover his expenses he may still be slighted in education. He has discovered that heavy job demands, especially on freshmen, take time that should be used for improve ment of study skills. Outside work also takes the student out of extra-curricular activities which Brown believes are a "vital part of a college education." He claimed the state has not provided any sizable increases in aid recently, particularly in relation to the increasing de mand. "It's hard to know what is the long range answer," Brown said, but he added that PACE would provide a base for addi tional commitments to poor students. tftaadav lad;s "Iran" TevsaVr "Captoi Marvel Ctd.- Nn Wfdadoy "1 f an- far tveryeee 7(r-t:30 p-m. Taersoey 5 Draws friday TAC- Study Kar Kegs For Sole! Clip! Savt Staty SctoeVIe f Tfcis wcth t the me MSs.' published by NFU Underground Magazine The first accomplishment of the Free University course, Underground Magazine, will be realized Tuesday when Volume 1 of "MSs." is published. Tne coordinator of the course, Tom Hafemeister, said the magazine has materialized through the efforts of the members of the course, with the assistance of the English department mimeograph and ASUN supplied paper and stencils. Hafemeister said the group meets in the basement of Dirt Cheap, "making it a truly underground magazine." The 25 cent, 3 0-page magazine consists of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction works. Five poems in the magazine are by sixth and seventh graders. "MSs." will be available beginning Tuesday in Dirt Geography majors to meet A meeting for all geography majors will ba in 223 Burnett Hall, Wednesday, from 3-4 p.m. The group will elect a departmental respresentative rnd will consider student goals. ;RI. NOV. 13-8 PaM IN PERSON ALL SCATS RESERVED PRICES: S3M44.M43.M PURCHASE TICKETS PERSMIXO OXOFFICE 1 MOON TIL PM. AT BRANDIES. TREASURE CITY. RICHMAa COR OMAN MILLER PAfNC, DOWNTOWN A 6ATE0AT. WIONTSOM CKV-W AMD DURIM9 STORK HOURS Sawaawwawwir IS V Cheap, etc., in the Union and on Campus from course members. Proceeds from the sales will go to the production of the next magazise- Hafemeister also said tLai the group is interested in sub missions from anyone on just about anything, with length as no real restriction, within reason. The submissions should be sent to Rod McCullough, 946 "D" Street. The next issue of "MSs." is planned for Christmas time. Another nnitoite save" on your drycleaning, shirts and flat laundry Just identify yourself as a University of Nebraska stu dent and enjoy our regular 10 store discount plus an extra 10 student discount. DRVCLEANiNft LAUNBtftlNe THIS OFFER GOOD AT BOTH 48th A BALDWIN AND 16th ft N Sanitone PAGE 8 THE NEBRASKAN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1970