--WS-. rr.V V ,r-.V'"-v.V- -.-.".Ji ' --'-"-'-' ;' , WISH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 91970 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 94, NO. 31 1 1 h JLili nil v) - , t . 4 t W r i Miss Black Collegiate Carol Jenkins was chosen the New Miss Black Collegiate Ne braska Saturday at the Afro - American Collegiate Society sponsored pageant. Talent contestants in cluded Denise Downs (left) and Geraldine Bowden. A skit enti tled "Boom, Boom" brought a great deal of surprise to some faces. ate r 1 i A .. V . .,.J photos by Dan Ladcly Women against Women's Liberation may soon hit the all-male Cor nhusker Marching Band if the NU Women's Action Group has its way. When the 175-man Marching Band performs during halftimes at football games the only woman on the field is "Sunshine Girl" D 1 a n n e Tangeman of Omaha. Women are not allowed to play in the Marching Band. However, Toni V. Hilliard of the NU Women's Action Group said Sunday that she will lodge a formal complaint against Marching Band Director Jack R. Snider for sexual discrimination with the Faculty Senate's Women's Rights Committee. The Committee is charged with investigating the status of women on campus and proposing measures to correct any existing patterns of discrimination. "I'm certain," Hilliard said, ' "that as soon as this comes to the attention of the proper authorities there will be a quick about-face in the Marching Band's discrimination against women." Asked recently if he was discriminating against women, Snider replied, "I'm not discriminating against anyone." Snider explained that the Marching Band began as a ROTC band with no women and "we have continued the tradi tion." He added, "It is func tionally better to have only men in the band." The Marching Band Director noted that his organization would have to be "quite dif ferent" if women were includ PACE to society as The Program of Actlva Commitment to Education (PACE) will benefit not only the low Income students but also society as a whole, ac cording to David Levine. Levine, chairman of the NU psychology department, ex plained that everyone In the society will benefit if poor peo ple are allowed to reach their full potential. He said, "The notion Is that opportunities in this country should be open to everybody." The truth, he added, is that certain opportunities ar very difficult to take advantage without money. According to Levine, PACE Is really a conservative pro posal because it does not call band band ed. He said there would be ad ded expenses for chaperons during trips and different uniforms, if women joined the Marching Band. Kansas State, Oklahoma State and Missouri of the Big Eight Conference currently have women in their marching bands. Another reason for barring women, according to Snider, is that the Marching Band is "very physical and the weather Is often bad." Snider explained that the Marching Band is part of the regular band program in whfch participants earn one hour's credit. "We have 60 to 65 girls in the band and they help us. (the Marching Band) a lot, but they don't march," Snider remarked. Although the Marching Band has no women musicians, women do participate in other NU bands. Hilliard is sharply critical of Snider. "As far as sexual stereotypes go, Mr. Snider is a perfect example this man can say that women are in capable of marching with in struments because the work is too 'physical' and there is 'bad weather' ", she said. "His narrow view does not permit him to see as far as the nearest high school's marching band. Was he watching at Band Day as both women and men from all over the state march ed together?" "The Women's Action Group," she said, "calls upon those responsible people in the Unfversity to change this policy of sexual discrimination in the marching band." benefit a ivhole for putting everyone through school. It is, he noted, designed to help only "the talented poor people." "PACE is a good idea," he claimed, "if we accept the lda of equal opportunity." "The only argument is whether the s!ate or the students should provide the necessary funds." He would rather have low income scholarships provided wfth tax money. Ibwever, Levine believes that students and faculty represent a "select group" who will understand the problems , and potential con tributions of the poor. The faculty has already Turn to page t 1 i