The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1970, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
Tiemann topples Profile of defeat by JIM GRAY Nebraskan Copy Editor A solitary bulb in the Pepsi machine filled the room with an eerie, greenish light. Reflecting off the walls, the light revealed the room was filled with desks, couches, and mimeograph machines. The walls were heavily laden with campaign paraphrenalia posters, crepe paper, balloons and smiling pic tures. The only thing conspicuously absent from the room was people. Tiemann Headquarters had seen livelier days. Only a week earlier the Headquarters had been the bustling center of campaign activities. Bursting with people, the room had been alive with typing, sorting and schedul ing. But now the room was dead. University sophomore Tom , Terpstra, the sole occupant of the Headquarters Monday afternoon, explained the silence, saying "Everything's done. If It hasn't been doue now, It won't do any good." Tuesday, action increased. Some voters were shuttled to the polls. Even so, when the 8 p.m. poll-closing came, the College Night at the Royal Grove Honoring: Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iloval Grovc-lloward room was abandoned and silent Dearly, the action was elsewhere. At the Republican "victory" party, held at the plush Villager Motel, things were starting to happen. The over-confident crowd, spangled with buttons, pins and stickers, stood chatting cheerfully. Conversation flowed readily, as did the liquid refreshments, but stuck to subjects of football and fami ly. About nine o'clock the first substantial returns trickled and conversation began to change. With first returns in dicating large leads for Exon, there were at least a few startled Republicans. "I just don't understand why this is happening," said Lincoln housewife Sara Boatman. Prime topic of conversation was the difference of rural and urban vote outcomes. MI don't believe they can judge the outcome of any election by sampling 40 precincts, all of them in Douglas County, grumbkd one bald-beaded GOP supporter. None the less, conversation remained light on the whole, with only a few visible signs of nervousness appearing in the crowd. By eleven o'clock, things Shaw Representative 189-3643 were getting sweaty. Tiemann had fallen well behind, with an increasingly larger portion of the rural vote having come in. Hardly any conversation but political was anywhere to be found. Comments turned to the Governor's opponent, J. J. Ex on. One businessman accused Exon of playing a "double game" straddling both sides of the fence. Another said he didn't believe Exon could carry out his new programs and lower taxes at the same time. One young Republican answered that it could be done, but Exon would have to sell raffle tickets. Another sug gested legalizing gambling and putting a tax on it. By the time midnight rolled around, Exon was leading 58 per cent to Tiemana's 38, and It was painfully apparent that a rally was not to be expected. .Conversation turned to the past four years and Tiemann's suc cess as governor. Student films There were 347 entries rep resenting 84 schools in the Fifth National Student Film Festival, making the festival the largest student film com petition of any kind. Satire, political statement, and observation of the human condition characterizes the majority of this year's en tries. "Showdown" is a satire on Peckinpah-type western movie violence. "Selective YWCA to discuss elimination of racism A plan of action to "elimin ate racism wherever it exists by whatever means neces sary" will be discussed at a student YWCA meeting, Thurs day, said Mary Dean, NU-Y treasurer. Harry Canon, director of the University counseling service, will speak about white racism at the 4:30 meeting, open to all students, in the Nebraska Union. Combating racism is a prior ity established last spring by the National YWCA conven tion. Dean said. The governor arrived at 12:45 and gave a brief concession speech. Fighting back tears, Tiemann said he had sent a telegram to Exon, congratulating him and wishing him luck in the next four years. He continued to say that the course of progress had "already been charted" for the state and that it couldnt be stopped, no matter who was governor. Assuring the crowd that Nebraskans are the best people in the world, Tiemann broke away and made his exit Almost as quickly the party collapsed, start Friday Service System" is the filming of a young man shooting him self in the foot to avoid the draft "Natural Habitat", "Si lent Majority", and "42nd Street Movie" are glimpses of people at work and play. Fourteen films will be shown in the small auditorium of the Union on November 6, 7 and 8 at 7 and 9 p.m. and the East Campus Union at 2 p.m. on November 8. The program will last about an hour and a half. This priority calls for an ex amination of Y and NU pro grams to determine whether they're racist or are working against racism, the treasurer continued. The focus will center on the NU hiring policies and finan cial aids programs since these programs greatly affect stu dents, Dean said. "The whole university gains from contact with minorities and that helps us understand people better," she added. "One of the big problems is to get something specific go ing on racism and people can do their part through the Y". PAGE 2 THE NEBRASKAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1970