The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1970, Image 1

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Landis . . .. Tuesday a student, Wednesday supervisor
County Soil and Water Conservation
THURS., NOV. 5, 1970
Election marks new direction
for University budget, future
News Analysis
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Tuesday's election of J. J.
Exon as governor and several
new NU Regents clouds the
University's future in addition
to demonstrating the public'3
deep disenchantment with the
Although Amendment It
(that would have abolished the
Board of Regents) was soundly
defeated, apparent voter
animosity toward the
University helped defeat one
and possibly two incumbent
It is .speculated that a record
University budget recently
proposed by the Board of
Regents, last May's
disturbances on the Lincoln
campus, and the controversy
over the homophile studies
course severely hurt the two
incumbents, Dr. B. N.
Grecnbtrg of York and Richard
Adkitis of Osmond.
Greenberg, a Regent for 18
urs. was soundly defeated In
the Fourth District by Dr.
Robert J. Prokop of Wilber, a
pu'holupy resident at the NU
SVkdivul School in Omaha.
Atlkiiii. Osmond banker and
Recent for 12 years, trailed
Schuyler grain denier Kerait
Wagner by mora than 400 votes
in the Third District with 98 per
cent of the returns in.
The issues of University
spending and campus
disturbances also played a part
in Kxon's victory over Gov.
Norbert T. Tiemann, whose
policies had been often
favorable to the university.
Exon s victory is viewed as a
bucklu&h against Tiemann's
taxation and spending policies;
and the University was seen as
a symbol of Tiemann's In
creased spending. Claiming
that the Tiemann administra
tion failed to set guidelines for
budget requests, Exon sees the
University's proposed budget
for 1971-73 as being "too high,
way out of line.'
Like Exon, Prokop cam
paigned on the issues of
University spending and law
and order on the campus. Ho
accused the Regents of being a
"rubber stamp organization,"
urged full prosecution of all
students who occupied the
Military and Naval Science
Building last May and labeled
the investigation of last
spring's campus disturbances a
The University's request for
$123 million in state funds for
1971-73 has been termed
"ridiculous", by Prokop. Ho
suld the state should expand
vocational educution instead of
meetim NU's "excessive
Prokop has been charged
with conflict of interests In
running for a Regents' seat.
Prokop run from the Fourth
District and claimed Wilber as
his home, despite the fact hat
he works at the Omuha Medical
School. He will also be serving
on thu bodj' that is his
Wagner favors "basic student
part icipation" but says
students can't be allowed to
decide "what, when and where
they should be taught." He
says money is education's most
pressing problem but holds lit
tle hope that the University will
receivt all the funds it is re
questing. This year's elections also saw
the Board increased from six to
eight members.
- elect to the Lancaster
In the new Eighth District in
the Omaha area, attorney
James Moylan defeated Gene
P. Spence, an insurance ex
ecutive. Moylan believes
students should not have an
actual voting voice in academic
and non-academic matters, but
that they should have an op
portunity to be heard on such
Turn to page 8
PACE reports to
Most of the action at
Wednesday's ASUN meeting
concerned the Program of Ac
tive Commitment to Education
(PACE) proposal.
Representatives of the PACE
committee reported on the
program's progress Including
the petition drive being con
ducted among the students. The
proposal calls for a low-income
scholarship program to be
financed by an increase in stu
dent fees.
Senator Steve Fowler
presented a resolution to
allocate money from the ASUN
General Fund for use by
PACE. It requested $150 for
posters and advertising and
$250 to pay for a computer
listing of the names and ad
dresses of off-campus students.
Fowler said the list was
necessary to simplify the task
of petitioning.
A few senators disagreed.
Although supporting the PACE
idea, they thought the names
could be taken from - the
University roster of the buzs
book thus saving the money.
Proponents of the allocation
fought back by noting the ex
Law? student ivins
conservation post
Dave Landis, a University
law student, woke up
Wednesday morning as a
supervisor-elect to the Lan
caster County Soil and Water
Conservation Board.
Landis received 15,658 votes
to qualify him as one of the
three new members elected.
Fred Retzlaff led in votes for
the board with 17,588. Owen
Perry trailed Landis with
15,423, but also qualified as a
new member.
The 22-year-old law student
considers his election to the
son-partisan agency important
because "water control will be
one of the major issues in the
Landis is the only University
student elected to an office in
the state.
Davis speaks today
Michael Davis will be making his first appearance
at the University Thursday and Friday since being rejected
as a philosophy instructor by the Board of Regents.
Davis, a University of Michigan teaching fellow, will
give a speech on student power Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room. Thursday Davis
will also appear at Centennial College at 4:00 p.m., have
dinner at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity House at 5:30 p.m.
and speak at Schramm Hall at 9:30 p.m.
Davis will appear Friday at an ASUN hearing to discuss
the reasons behind the Regents' decision to reject his ap
pointment. All the University Regents have been invited
to attend the hearing.
periences of past drives. Ac
cording to Tim Kincaid, an
overwhelming amount of time
and work are necessary to
organize without the com
puter's help. Fowler added that
the list would be kept available
for use by other organizations
thereby saving time and trou
ble in the future.
The allocation, which re
quires approval by two-thirds
of senate, failed. Few nay votes
were cast but several senators
chose to abstain from the
A last-minute motion to pro
vide $200 for PACE advertising
was quickly drafted and in
troduced by Senator Roy
Baldwin. His motion passed
easily. The PACE committee is
now considering solicitation of
Pages 4, 5
Depending on the actions of
the new governor and members
of the legislature, Landis might
move into a position of con
siderable importance.
A bill passed in the last
session of the legislature, the
Natural Resource District Law,
will dissolve small conservation
agencies like the one to which
Landis was elected. If the bill
is implemented, one central,
statewide board will havw
sweeping new powers in
recreation development, pollu
tion control and resource plan
ning. Landis would be a member of
that board, to be functioning by
1972. However, there was talk
in the legislature of repealing
the bill. Governor-elect J. J.
Exon has also said he will lead
a fight lo repeal the bill.
VOL. 94, NO. 30
money to buy computer time.
In other business it was an
nounced that a public
discussion of the Micheal Davis
case will be held in tho
Nebraska Union Friday.
Although several administra
tion personal are expected,
senator Bill Arfmarv said he
doubted that any of the Regents
would attend. Those Regents
who had responded to ASUN's
invitation all reported that
previous engagements would
prevent their participation.
A bill requiring the senate to
meet at least once euch
semester on East Campus was
passed along with one setting
guidelines for ASUN expen
ditures. The Center for Educa
tional Change, an office
designed to investigate educa
tional innovation and improve
ment was approved.
Students were appointed to
joint committees which will
review the policy statement on
campus disorders and the car
rying of firearms by campus
Mike Rumbaugh, a student in
law, was appointed chief
justice of the student court.