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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1970)
Brownson 's elbow causes Utiie by JIM JOHNSTON Associate Sports Editor Nebraska quarterback Van Brownson, sidelined earlier in the season with a sore elbow, went through Tuesday's drills with his right elbow wrapped up again. Brownson injured the elbow during the first quarter of the Colorado game, but didn't notice the affects until after the game. "It became sore Sunday morning," offered Brownson. "The longer I waited for treat ment the stiffer it became." Nebraska team trainers . described the injury as similar 00 Stop in jTj after the game Or any time . WW We re 5121 O St. ltiister Doiajufc Introducing tks fastest ladies'shavcr intrmvho'e with world. You know those timid littlo ladylike 'i shavers? Woll, forgot them. Because the I big, all- now Lady Norelco 20L is her. And it's the world's fastest ladies' ii I shaver. , I It has the biggest shaving head of f J ail the ladies' shavers. jj The largest active cutting area. And I an extrutthin shaving head to shave ' f extra close and smooth. - Which means you can shave your f ' logs and u ndoraims 40 to 50 taster than with any other ladies shaver in the world. The new Lady Norelco is a j- beautiful poppy red. . f and it comes in a shiny black ; case. And that makes it the f " - t fustost. prettiest ladies' shaver ,f ' in (ho whole wide world. V f ft I J.sVI I I I nz new icuy iwretw tQ hWfc I - , v , . : . . . J --r - nn r-m m iiiiW to the one earlier in the season, but scoffed at the possibilities of it being as serious. "It's just a bump," explained trainer Paul Schneider. "He could throw anytime he wants, but there's just no need to ir ritate the elbow. He'll be ready for the game Saturday and besides, he doesn't need to practice throwing the ball anyway." Brownson didn't wear an elbow pad in the Colorado game as he has done all season. As the Husker trainers worked on getting Brownson in shape for Saturday's date with the Cyclones at Ames, Iowa, always open km Km PaiDa Cetwarattea, 100 Cent Ond Stteel coach Bob Devaney con centrated on stopping the ISU passing game. Iowa State's Otto Stowe, who holds nearly every Cyclone reception record, could present some serious problems. "We hope we can cover him and also hurry the passer so he doesn't have as much time to throw as he would like," Devaney said Tuesday. Notre Dame As Nebraskans debate the post-season bowl situation, the real answers could come from South Bend, Ind. That's the home of the Notre Dame Irish, the number two rated team in the nation. The calendar may dictate whether the Irish go to the Orange Bowl or to the Cotton Bowl for a rematch against No. 1 Texas. Irish Coach Ara Parseghian told the Chicago Football Writers chapter Tuesday that Notre Dame: "Conceivably could play again in the Cotton Bowl; conceivably in another bowl game; or conceivably not play in any bowl game." Parseghian hinted strongly "V I - ' ' v. I New Tots. NY I00l i 'Vi Devaney doesn't plan any drastic changes in the pass coverage against Stowe, but admitted, "He forces you to get help for the guy who is cover, ing him when you can." Iowa State, which also has two fine quarterbacks, is ex pected to go with Dean Carlson because of his better passing abilities over George Amundson. holds key to that ii his team finishes near the top in The Associated Press national poll Notre Dame of ficials would "look favorably" upon a bowl game. But the Notre Dame coach realizes that the NCAA permits bowl invitations to be extended as of Saturday, Nov. 21. "We would make a decision prior to the big game between Arkansas and Texas," he of fered. The Irish finish their 10-game season at Southern California Nov. 28 and the Trojans could be prime for the upset which could knock the Irish from the No. 2 spot. It appears that the Dec. 5 game between Texas and No. 7 Arkansas will determine the Southwest Conference cham pion and the representative in the Cotton Bowl game. Reports have indicated that Notre Dame already is com mitted to the Orange Bowl and Nebraskan Want Ads PO SALS 1SJ Cadillac Sedan, power brakes, power steering, air conditioning, 1140. Its Cadillac Hears $400. good condition. ms Huntington. Phone 464 20 or 4M4S41. Deluxe it Javelin, marvelous carat new car condition, ana owner. Army officer left for overseas pott. Call Omaha 34S 44 after S.M p m. weekdays, all day Saturday and Sunday. One Iowa Slat football ticket. Phone BiMploytneid) Part-time. Male busboys car hops 11:00 m.-l 00 p.m.t J 00 p.m. -10 00 p.m. female waitress 11:00 a.m.-I:00 p.m. Kings Food Host 4W-4521. Ask tar Gerry Cole. Neat appearing person to work during noon hour 11:00 to 1:00 Monday through Friday. Apply In person. McDonald Drive In. IS North 17th. Part-time work available tor ambitious coltooe student. For information write CMR. . O. Do KV1, IndUnepoliv Indiana 4220. Wanted Girl to share apartment 141.15. Ctal. y4M. with girl. Would Kke to buy used guitar tor under J0. Miscall. ALL ADS MUST C PK8PAIO. . per word and I J day minimum. OVERSEAS TEACHING OPPORTUNI TIES, Ununited teaching opportunity are availaoi tor professors, tnstructors. and tor prospective teachers in any fieid. anywhere In the world. Encellent pay. For appticaHon Information pleas send ivet to: Teach Oversees. P. a ae IX Needles. California VIMS. Pleat Indicate In what country you wnJi ta toa.h. Sewing and iterations. Call Pat Moor msis. THE NEBRASKAN Kdltort 47M5J. Busmess: 7MS. News: TMSfo. lacsvid claaa post paid Lincoln, Neo. Subscription rates ar tS par semester or !. per year. Pubilshad Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday during the school year cpt during vaca tions and exam periods. Member f In mtercoileglal Press. National Educa tional Advertising Servtc. The Nebraskan It a student publication. Independent f tn University at Nag. raska's administration, faculty and student government. Address: The Nebraskan 14 Nebraska Union University at Nebraska Lincoln. Nebraska met concern But Devaney Isn't overlook ing the ISU running game, either. "After the success Col orado had in running against us, I expect Iowa State to try to run more than they have been," he admitted. "And with the success Col orado had on the reverse, I would imagine everyone we play will be coming up with a reverse to use against us." bow! bids a likely showdown with No. 4 Nebraska. However, with Texas and Notre Dame headed for a possible one-two finish in the poll, Irish partisans may clamor for Notre Dame to seek revenge and the national title in the Cotton Bowl. The Longhorns defeated Notre Dame in the Dallas classic 21 17 last year. Never expect 'less than the best Always choose Keepsake Choose Wisely Choose Keepsake Guaranteed, registered and protected against lost. Hiaiacu osae to Its WCOOIN NIN to PAGE 6 THE NEBRASKAN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1970