The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1970, Image 1

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    NU women
help assault
NWU rule
Nebraskan Staff Writer
A group of women at NU
have come to the aid of an 18-year-old
Nebraska Wesleyan
University coed who is fighting
what she calls "discriminatory"
housing regulations.
Linda Ishikawa, a freshman
sociology major from New
Cuts red tape
Students finding it difficult to
express their environmental
concerns might find a con
structive outlet In the Nebraska
Environmental Policy Com
mittee (NEPCO).
This University of Nebraska
student and faculty group has
been working since lust spring
primarily to insure that some
University budget Items deal
effectively with problems
related to the environment.
Committee member John
Rottcnow said NEPCO, com
peted of less than ten
members, has been effective in
cutting red tape und being able
to express Ulcus to University
oflk-iuls. Rosenow added that
NEPCO is willing to help
anybody who is finding it dif
ficult to uir his ideas about en
vironmental protection.
NEPCO was formed last
spring when a group of
agriculture students decided
thut they could help clean up
pollution and potential pollution
in the state by making con
structive proposals to the
Haven; Conn., goes before the
Wesleyan Student Court Mon
day night at 8:45 on charges
that she was late in returning
to her dormitory on several
nights and that she failed to
sign out of her living unit as
"We're against selective
discrimination," said Betty
Munson, an NU graduate stu
dent and a member of the
Women's Action Group. "And
women's hours are selective
Munson and Nacy Rozman,
another member of Women's
Action Group, will speak in
defense of Ishikawa at the
Monday night hearing.
2, 1970
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Photographer, "Say acorn!"
Squirrel, "What are you, some kind
vs. polluters
University and to the
Rosenow said the group plans
to lobby in the state legislature
for environmental reforms. He
hopes that the organization can
meet with other lobby groups
and get them interested in the.
Future NEPCO plans are to
ensure that environmental
recommendations made by the
Regents In their budget are
carried out. One of the Regents
recommendations calls for
beginning a University en
vironmental institute which
would be an administrative
focal point for environmental
Rosenow said NEPCO is
particularly interested in that
recommendation because such
an Institute would facilitate ef
forts in 'acquiring federal
grants for research and related
NEPCO Is also working to
Inform people about en
vironmental problems. Im
mediate plans for the group are
"We're just interested in
speaking out against
discrimination against women
wherever it occurs," said
Freshmen women at
Wesleyan must be in their
dormitories by 11 p.m.
weeknights, 2 a.m. Friday and
Saturday nights and midnight
Sundays. Sophomore women
have an extra hour's freedom
during the week. Upperclass
women and men students have
no hours.
"We are not arguing that a
private university has no power
to make reasonable rules and
regulations governing the con
duct of its students," Munson
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of nut?"
to sponsor a field trip for junior
high students and to introduce
constructive education pro
grams to 4-11 clubs.
Rosenow explained, "Our
first goal In the area of educa
tion is just to make people
aware of the problems hi
Nebraska. People see pollution
In the East and ignore it. We
want people in our state to
wake up to the potential
hazards of pollution."
"And In 4-II we want to
stimulate environmental
awareness and get youth ac
tively Involved, " he said.
Rosenow emphasized that
NEPCO welcomes speaking
Invitations and offers
assistance to anyone Interested
in doing something about the
Members of NEPCO who can
be contacted for assistance
are: James G. Kendrick. pro
fessor of agricultural
economics; Ed Esgleslon, Mike
Adams. Charles Itavlicek. Lynn
Webster or John Rosenow, all
affiliated with the University.
said. "What we are arguing is
that these rules and regulations
governing hours are not
reasonable and are in fact
"I've never experienced
anything like this before," said
Ishikawa, who has been in
Lincoln less than three months.
"Hours serve no purpose for
She argues that if men .
students at Wesleyan have
umlimited hours, women must
be allowed the same privilege.
"We hold that there is no
legitimate rationale for the
"" application of differing rules
concerning hours for men and
women," Munson said. "Eigh
YR's protest
University Young
Republicans have expressed
"feelings of great disap
pointment and frustration"
towards ASUN and its presi
dent, Steve Tiwald.
In a resolution passed
Thursday, the Young
Republicans stated "ASUN
President Steve Tiwald has
persisted in making public
statements in his official
capacity which we do not deem
to accurately represent the
CSL comes together
The Council on Student Life will have its first public
meeting of the semester Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska
Student appointments for CSL were annouticed on Oct.
7, but the Council has had trouble scheduling a convenient
meeting time for all its members.
The first half hour of each meeting will be kept free
for any student or other University member who wishes
to address the Council.
John W. Robinson, CSL chairman, said this Tuesday's
meeting will discuss agendas for future meetings. A proposed
standing committee to work with the Student Activities Office
and campus beautification will also be discussed according
to Robinson.
All the regularly scheduled CSL meetings this semester
will be held on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union.
CSL has general policy-making power over student social
and out-of-classroom activities, subject to approval by the
Board of Regents. The 15 member Council has eight student
Davis case meeting Friday
The ASUN ad hoc committee
to investigate the case of
Michael Davis formally Invited
all people involved In decisions
surrounding the case to an
"open discussion."
In a letter dated Oct. 29 the
committee requested the
presence of University ad
ministrators, faculty, Regents
and Michael Davis at a public
hearing Friday, 1-4 p.m., ac
cording to Bill Arfmann, the
committee's chairman.
"The format of this hearing
will bo structured in ac
cordance with your sugges
tions," the letter said.
Letters have been sent to
Chancellor D. B. Vomer; G.
Robert Ross, dean of student
teen year old women are every
bit as mature and resonsible as
18 year old men."
NU had a slightly more
liberal hours policy for women
until February of this year.
Through action by the Council
on Student Life, that policy was
Ishikawa, who admits she
stayed out later than rules
permit, is not alone in
assaulting the Wesleyan
women's hours policy.
The Student Senate at that
private liberal arts school
recently approved a resolution
against "all policies regulating
Turn to page 7
VOL. 94, NO. 28
opinions of the students of the
University of Nebraska."
The resolution claims "the
political convictions and ac
tions of the members of the
ASUN Senate are not in ac
cordance with those of the
students as a whole."
ASUN has 'followed a policy
of perpetuating" these convic
tions, according to the Young
Republicans, and as a result
"the University community has
lost confidence in Mr. Tiwald
and in ASUN."
affairs; President Joseph
Soshnik; all six Regents; Robert
E. Dewey, chairman of the
Dept. of Philosophy: the
Faculty Senate Liaison Com
mittee. Peter McGmth, dean of
faculties; Melvin George, dean
of the College of Arts and
Sciences and Michael Davis,
the Michigan State graduate
student whose appointment to
the NU faculty was refused by
the Regents, were also in
vited. The letter complies with an
ASUN resolution passed at last
week's meeting calling for "an
open hearing with all people
involved in the Davis decision."