The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1970, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
President says: Nebraska 'best Nixon state in America' by GARY SEACREST Nebraska! Staff Writer Omaha President Richard Nixon, making a campaign whistle stop for Republican candidates in Nebraska Thurs day, called the Cbrnhusker state "the best Nixon state in America." And the partisan, f 1 ag-waving, hand-clapping crowd at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum, eager to show that the President's statement was true, gave him repeated standing ovations. Besides praising the top Nebraska Republican can didates, Nixon told the crowd of 10,000 that America's youth "have been getting a bad rap." Informal rap session with off duty cops 7:3 pjrm. Student Union Ballroom All Invited, Sponsored by Chrintwna in Actum Engagement ring $273 Wedding ring $10O PAGE 2 He said television reports give the impression that radicals who resort to violence are a majority of American youtlu "The radicals are not a ma jority and they will not be the future leaders of our country," continued the President. "Let's keep our fatih in young Americans. And yon young Americans, don't lose your faith in America." It was speculated that one of the main reasons for Nixon's stop in. Omaha was to help the campaign of First Con gressional District candidate Charles Thone. However, Nixon only briefly mentioned Thone and instead singled out Sen. Engagement ring $300 Wedding ring $13 Engagement ring $2SO Wedding ring $103 fimfti, "Tin Engagement ring $223 Wedding ring $30 rvmanns SorW ImmW Simea IMS lit! "0 WSSt Roman Hruska and Gov. Norbert Tiemann for lavish praise. "There has not been a man in the Senate more strong, more courageous, and more depen dable than Roman Hruska," noted the President. "And with his colleague Carl Curtis they make a great team." Nixon added, "If there is one man in the Senate or House who should be known as 'Mr. Law Enforcement', it is Roman Hruska." Claiming that Tiemann has brought new ideas into state government, Nixon said other state governors consider Tiemann as one of the nation's best state chief executives. Nixon, a noted football fan, also singled out Nebraska's Big Red. "I'm somewhat of a foot ball nut," he said. "But I understand that I have a lot of company here." .Nixon admitted (hut while &ooooroooK o o o o o id O o o o o o o o o o o 20 OFF en Sylvania Blue Dot Flashcubes (with Ihii coupon only) CAMPUS BOOKSTORE 0OOOOOOOO3 Engagement ring $70O Wedding ring $120 THE NEBRASKAN 0 he was in Texas recently he said Texas had the number one football team and during a visit to Ohio he said Ohio State was number one. "While I'm in Nebraska, Nebraska is number one," he said to the delight of the capacity Ak-Sar-Ben crowd. The President never criticiz ed the Democrats in 0 m a h a Thursday as he has done dur ing recent campaign stops. Instead he reminded the au dience of his administration's record on crime, inflation, and the Vietnam War and told them he needs Nebraska Republicans to help his programs in Congress. Nixon stressed his efforts toward disengaging America from Vietnam. "We're bringing the war to an end," remarked Nixon. "Our objective is to have a full generation of peace for Americans." He pointed to increased troop withdrawals and lower war casualties as proof that his ad ministration is achieving his goal of peace. In a prepared statement the President continued his praise for Hruska and Tiemann. "Senator Hruska has been a clear, courageous, creative voice in our attack against the crime and violence which is threatening our nation," said the President. "He has worked diligently to help stop inflation and the large government CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Morning worship! 8:30 and 10,30 A.M. Collogo clout 9:15 A.M. For riM call 413-7151 or 4W-V14. Pooct or War in Hm Middlo lost? Hor and Quo iff o Yitshak Rabia Itrotll Ambassador to U.S. Contonmcd Room, Nebraska Union) Thursday, Now. 5, 2:00 PM. A N ETC HE Convocation I M "OSS" 5SsT i r ! rsr riffs FRIDAY, spending that feeds it And Senator Hruska is- helping our nation move through a difficult transition from a wartime to a peacetime economy." The President concluded by saying, "With men like Roman Hruska in the Senate, the voice of the people will continue to be heard and respected at the highest levels in Washington." Nixon stated that the new federalism and his ad ministration's emphasis on rural development will demand the highest kind of dedication and ability from the nation's governors. "As a proven leader in these fields. Governor Tiemann will be, able to make these initiatives succeed, here in Nebraska and across the nation as well." Nixon received no heckling Thursday from the crowd and there were only a few anti Nixon placards in the Coliseum. "Nixon is spiffy" was one of the typical signs that greeted the President. Why would they rope a ribbon? The University won top boys' honors at the North Dakota State University Bison Stam pede Rodeo at Fargo Saturday and Sunday. Individual winners were John Sennett, first in calf roping and third in steer wrestling and ribbon roping; Greg Phif er, tied for second in bare back riding; and Bill Graff, fifth in calf roping and sixth in ribbon roping. Sennett won the All-around cowboy award for the second consecutive year. Other team members included Randy Ra dant, Steve Dean and Tom Frazer. GET A DATE ... PLAN A SKATING PARTY ... ITS FUN! Mora's your ikltli far turn, ralaaatio and osor tiso, too! t PUBLIC SfSSfQNS IUNIMV ltillM 1.0O--i-Ol0 10 PM w a a h o vv i m AND :; Pftt wt ItNT ANB SNARPM SKATO MMH MOMtMa OCTOBER 30, 1970