The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1970, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
On Review by JIM GRAY Nebraska!! Copy Editor As part of a much-neglected art form, and most likely part of a dying genre, "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" is one of the few spectacular movie musicals trickling out of Hollywood today. First of all, it is a Streisand musical, which by definition is spectacular. While clearly not in the budget range of the more lauded "Hello Dolly" or even "Funny Girl," "Clear Day" is hardly a budget production. This, in itself is no mortal sin. But when a movie has little else going for it, that movie is in BIG trouble. The lavish set tings, ornate costumes and tricky camera-play are, of course worth seeing. But are they enough alone? In this case, the answer is maybe. This is not to say that quality of characterization is lacking throughout. At least they give' it a marvelous try, considering the circumstances. The Streisand role is that of Daisy Gamble, a kooky, mod, 22-yearrold student with special "extra-sensory" powers in cluding; among other goodies, the ability to make plants grow "fast -p like I mean really fast" (now there's a line! ). After: being accidentally hypnotised in a psychology INebraskan Employment TYPING In my horn. Neat, accurate work. Reasonable rate. Phone: 4M-4S50. Wanted Need a new wardrobe? Sewing and alter ations. Call Pat Moore. 7V-26I5. ALL AOS MUST BB PRBPAID. t .OS per word and .50 a day minimum. Looking for wrecked cycle. Call 477-4737. Miscellaneous Part-time writers for college Interest magatlne. In-depth articles, etc. Ken Gray. 4M-4W4. Ttxme tor Congress. Volunteer workers at once. Call Dave 45-14)4 mornings. E3 ftlister Longhairs arise! Tlu ClipiHT BatlM-r liop luis nwnkfu.-dl We now spi lolie in the longer luiiistOts (luit we'll still ive the short ones . . . for you KOTC people). Apixnnttnents it you want em. 432-3412, 119 N. 12. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER a clear day you can class, Daisy comes under the surveillance of non-believer Dr. Marc Chabot (Yves Montand) who delves into her little cerebrum to find (surprise of surprises) that within her dwells the spirit of a- long-dead English noble-woman, Melinda Tantrees. As if this ridiculous Lernerian plot weren't enough to bog down any actor or ac tress from the Burtons on down, it gets worse. Chabot finds, much to his surprise, that he has fallen in love with Melinda, but not Daisy. All of this, of course, troubles Chabot deeply. And so he does what any normal, sane psychology professor would do. He gives the problem to his class. Next surprise comes from the students and the city newspapers, who pick, up the story and bring attention to the Doctor's study almost losing his position for him. To make matters worse, in the meantime Daisy, from whom the secret double-identity has been hidden finds out that she is Melinda. Even worse, she finds that Chabot, with whom she is madly in love, does not love her. WHEW! Luckily, even this pile of Lernerian trash can't stop heavyweight Barbra Streisand. 'Want Ads Lorle. you make the sun shine. Boogadle. Come to Boulder's Finest 3-2 Nightspot. Ing Hot Snow from Hollywood. PAC 3-5:30 p.m. After the game Saturday Every night at S p.m. The SKUNK CREEK INN. Now appear- OVERSEAS TEACHING OPPORTUNI TIES. Unlimited teaching opportunities are available for professors, Instructors, and for prospective teachers In any field, anywhere In the world. Excellent pay. For application Information please send $5.00 to: Teach Overseas, P. O. Box VI 3, Needles, California 92363. Please Indicate In what country you wish to teach. Stop in after the game Or any time . . . We're always open 5121 O St. Dosaut 28, 1970 There's no question that it's Streisand's show all the way. (No other female in the cast has more than ten lines.) Rug gedly, she plugs her way through this dialogue coaches' nightmare with some semblance of quality. Her transitions from Daisy to Melinda and back again are all but miraculous and, of course, the only songs worth remembering are hers. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the male portion of the cast. Montand as Chabot is horrible. If the part were somewhat believable to begin Sculptures damaged Damage done to two statues in the Sheldon Sculpture garden this week-end was "probably not intentional", according to University Security Forco Detective Robert Edmunds. Sheldon Director Norman Geske would not estimate the amount of damage, saying that it would have to be determined by insurance companies. He said the works were valued at $12,000 and $15,000. Neither of the two works can be repaired, Geske said. Edmunds said that two children were seen running from the Garden early Sunday afternoon. It is possible that they were playing on one of the statues when it bent under their combined weight, he added. The other sculpture was damaged Saturday in an ap parently unrelated incident. "Someone may have thought Combo Equipment Best Buys 144 S. 9th 432-7303 1 If it hat and hat It THE NEBRASKAN head set see Streisand with, the results may have been somewhat different. However, as stands, Yves' performance rates with that of a cardboard cutout of Bozo the Clown. Without a doubt, his transitions from dialogue into song are the worst ever to be perpetrated on the viewing public, and. his singing voice has to be heard to be believed. If you liked Jack Nicholson in "Easy Rider," whatever you do, don't see "Clear Day." Cast as Daisy's step-brother, Nicholson is shoved into a third-rate role, in which he does little more than stand the statue was stronger than U actually was and put too much weight on it," Edmund said. "Thought we thought the damage was from intentional vandalism at first, we don't now." SAVE 5c MOVEMENT BOOKS Paperback books for sale on: dralt, make copies on Vietnam war. Middle Bast, non-vle. XEROX machine lence. population growth and other provided by related topics. ASUN Nebraskans for Peace north .id. "7 North 13th union basement 475-1400 Coed sound ho!pt kt yaw Head flato. $ Kabortt do tlgned a system that glvet you all the sound you II nood or want. And system that any hood can afford. The Roberts Modal ISSO hat the feoturei of a large stereo tape reerderplayer, and tho luxurious simplicity of an I track stereo cartridge. anything ta da with sound, World priced right. WUKLU KAUIU around and look like he's in the way. Equally bad are most of the minor male characters, especially Larry Blyden as Daisy's fiance, who was, to put it simply, bland. The only halfway decent male characterization is that of Bob Newhart as the squirming University president. With only five or six lines in the whole movie, he is almost worth the movie admission himself. In a musical comedy (even a "modern" musical comedy like "Clear Day") the most impor tant thing to remember is that it must flow evenly throughout. Unlike "Hello Dolly" or "Fun ny Girl" either one, Streisand lets the pace slow in the middle of the movie and the show comes to a screeching halt. All in all, "Clear Day" is worth seeing, if only for the sets, costumes and cinematic techniques and, of course, Striesand herself. But don't expect much more. r Radio hat it 1131 "O" Sum) Hwn 431 JJ JO J 10 . Wd O 10 1 10 Man -Tkvii. PAGE 7