The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1970, Image 1
p MM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1970 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 94, NO. 23 Lost in a YAF, ASUN, CUE, Vets face businessmen Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) president Terry Cannon had to leave the Wednesday night meeting of the International Footprinters Club early, but he drew a loud round of applause before he left. The club, composed of Lin coln businessmen and law en forcement officials, invited a panel of four University students to discuss last May's strike, the generation gap, and student reaction to law en forcement officials at their dinner meeting at Tony and Luigi's restaurant. Cannon said YAF's reaction to the strike was "determination." "We are determined not to see disruptions on this campus such as occurred at Berkley and Columbia," he said. o o mJ (few r" v - f ii BIT s. 1 V . 1 book Regarding YAF's blue button campaign, designed to exhibit student opposition to campus violence, Cannon said, "I've been told that even some radicals are wearing blue but tons. If they are opposed to violence, then think how op posed moderates and con servatives are." Cannon mentioned YAF's current national "freedom of fensive," noting that NU's chapter is seeking a court in junction against mandatory student fees "which we hope will curb the latent strength of the radical community that controls such things as student fees . . . (and) ASUN." Panel member Mike Wilson, coordinator of Nebraska Veterans for Peace, said he was "dismayed" at the amount of strike activity at the University as compared with other campuses he visited last Soldier and Caesar Davis prefers Union Michael Davis said Thursday night he will wait until after the Nov. 3 elections to come to the University campus if he is given a firm commitment that his trip will be financed by the Union Program Council (UPC). Davis said he understands that his speech, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 29, might unfavorably influence the Board of Regents elections. The Free Speech Movement (FSM) announced Wednesday they have sufficient funds to bring Davis to Lincoln. Davis, the University of Michigan graduate student whose teaching appointment was blocked by the Board of Regents, has been scheduled by FSM to speak next Thursday. spring. Citing the fact that only 14 of the students showed up for ASUN elections two weeks earlier, he said, "if some want to strike, (even though they represent a minority) then they should." Steve Tiwald, ASUN presi dent, said "what really brought together all 20,000 students (during last May's strike) was that there was a heightening of political awareness." Tiwald saw this awareness as "a very good sign. Students should take a stand, and be aware of what's going on," he said. "The strike was the best thing that could have happened to YAF and other political groups, because it gave them issues," Tiwald added. Panel member Bob Vlasak, chairman of the Committee for Undisrupted Education (CUE), said his group was "highly The action by FSM came in spite of a UPC vote Tuesday night to use student fees to finance Davis' appearance. However, the mechanics of getting a contract with Davis and providing funds would take about 30 days. Davis said he prefers to be brought to campus by the most representative group as possi ble. For this reason he said he prefers an invitation by the Union instead of coming under the auspices of the FSM. "I would be happy if the Union people and the Free What's Centennial evaluation Archives keeper Monte Walsh review . . NFU courses Sports critical of the way the student government supported the strike." Vlasak stated it takes the vote of 35 per cent of the students to recall ASUN of ficials. He noted that this was an impossible figure consider ing that only 14 per cent of the students voted in the ASUN elections. He said if it hadn't been for that impossible figure "I think we could have had a recall of Brutus invitation Speech group would reach a compromise so I wouldn't have to make the decision on when to appear." The University of Michigan graduate student said he must receive a final commitment by Monday night. Tom Lonnquist, chairman of the UPC, said he will try to schedule a special meeting with the FSM before that deadline. Davis also said he will release Sunday the Regents' letter outlining why his ap pointment was rejected as well as his response to the letter. Inside page page 3 page 4 page 10 pages 10, 11 the student government last spring." Tiwald said the word "strike" caused a lot of misapprehensions last May. "It was in fact a voluntary non violent boycott of classes," he said. "There were no picket lines." He cited support from a newly-elected student senate and a May 5 town hall meeting resolution passed by an Turn to page 9 . 5 v. t.y B I P W ;