Intramural f ' W Ina Anderson by ROGER RIFE Associate Sports Editor The men's intramural, women's recreation and faculty recreation departments have combined to form a new Intramural and Recreaiton Department for all students and faculty on campus. The new department will be headed by intramural and recreation directors Ray Chat field and Kermit McMurry. Nancy Sonner and Ina Anderson were recently added to the staff. Sonner and Anderson want more student participation in the new recreation program. M-52 FIELD MUSETTE WATCH CAP 100 Wool Lincoln Army & Western Store Corner 11th fir N Sr. Lincoln WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER departments unite "The recreation program will be successful only if the students make it successful" explained Anderson. "We're here as a central source. We want students to participate in the program and to make suggestions onwbat activities they would like added to the program." Thus far, coed flag-football, volleyball and basketball have been added to the program by student suggestions. Anderson, who has been a women's physical education instructor at Nebraska for six years, feels that there is a problem with facilities. "Sports activities have become too fragmented. There are sports going on in the men's physical Calendar Wednesday, Oct. 21 Tiemann-Exon Debate 7;30 p.m. Ne braska Union. ASUN 4 p.m. Nebraska Union. Homecoming Interviews 5 p.m. Ne braska Union. Women's Action Group 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union. Young Americans for Freedom 9 p.m. Nebraska Union. . Phi Beta Kappa Dinner: speaker Gary Hergenrader. 6: IS p.m. Nebraska Union, 1970 Fall Festival of Learning: "Con versational Spanish" 7:30 p.m. Ben nett Martin. American Sculpture Exhibition Sheldon Gallery. JACKET BAG T 21, 1970 f education building and women's physical education building as well as the Coliseum, field house and University High gym all at the same time," Anderson said. Anderson believes the solu tion to the problem is f a i r 1 y simple. "If the University had one big recreation building," she said, "we would be able to have all the activities under one roof." However, Anderson admits that getting a recreation building constructed is no easy matter. "The students have to prove there is a need for the building by participating in the recreation program," Anderson explained. Nancy Sonner Never expect less than the best Always choose Keepsake Choose Wisely Choose Keepsake Guaranteed, registered and protected against loss. AROLINI ! alio prom xoo WIODINO RINCI 7 MAN RIN9 ta THE NEBRASKAIM 8IJeIIeibibes KfeigftiBsir! international HOUSE qf PANCAKES Enjoy one of these Big Value Specials: Mendey Marvelous! Delicious Italian Spa ghetti and Meatballs, covered with aromatic Italian sauce. Crisp salad and Italian Bread. All you caneat... , e amy Tuesday Tremendous! Wednesday Ulanderful! Thursday Thrilling! Friday Fantastic! I Our Own Unique Butter- I L milk Pancakes, all you can ( f I Tasty English Fish t 1 Chips with crisp salad. II I ' All you can eat... CI The Biggest Hamburger in I Comhuskerland, a tull I j I thud pound of beef, served ( on a grilled sesame bun... 1 jj Char-Broiled Ground Sir- V II loin dinner. Choice ground I v beef broiled to perfection ( ft and served with trench II fries and crisp salad... 1 U just$1.9Ql Bring your family this week to The Internationa! House of Pancakes, Home of the Cornhusker-sized dinner! PARENTS' MO AX IMA R faf VftMMCf rlM'tl" jf 15th &Q street Home of the Cornhusker-sized dinner. PAGE 7