The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1970, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Poor men with families and
elderly men without them have
trouble finding suitable housing
in Lincoln. They often face high
costs, substandard facilities
and landlords who hesitate to
rent to them.
One of the biggest reasons for
their difficulties is University
students who must compete for
the same housing.
According to Housing Officer
Wayne Blue, the University has
apartments for about forty
married couples on the East
campus and another seventeen
near the city campus. The city
campus units are used mostly
by foreign married students.
Other married couples must
compete for space in the Lin
coln community.
The most sought-after hou
sing is that managed by the
winds' ornL
Mwrnhm'sr, EFiroes nnidl Coke
14th Street by the fountains
Lincoln Housing A u t o r i t y
(LHA). These units are
reserved for low-income
familes. Part of the rent is paid
by the federal government. To
qualify for LHA housing a
family cannot make more than
$3,600 net income per year.
Many student families are in
the program. Janice Walden,
LHA employee at Lincoln Air
Park, said of the 850 units
available in Air Park, about 400
are currently filled by students.
Doris Kunkle, manager of
LHA's downtown office,
reported that 415 of the 1075
occupied units in the city are
filled by students.
According to Kunkle, the
LHA makes
no preference to
long as a family
income re-
students as
meets the
r d
Unlversity students have
better information, according
to Home and Neighborhood
Development worker Sue Scott.
She believes that students can
find housing more easily
through the University's Hous
ing Office than the poor man
who has no central organiza
tion to locate living units.
Polish lecturer
Jerzy Hauptmann, a member
of the Polish Underground
during World War II, will speak
on "Eastern Europe after the
Brezhnev Doctrine" 2:30 p.m.,
Tuesday in the Student Union
Hauptmann, a native of
Costume Rental
Lincoln Community Playhouse
Costume Shop
Halloween Parties Special Events
Stage Productions
From 50c to $50. Costume shoo at 12th I Q (boo Vanict
Mrs. Mon, Tots, Thvrs, Friday from
Sat. 10-12, 1-4
Lincoln Action Program
(LAP) worker Maggie Malloy
feels the University should take
steps to alleviate the problems
of both students and the poor
community. If the administra
tion will not move she would
"like to see some student ac
tions to confront the University
over the issue.
Lana Balka, another LAP
here Tuesday
Poland, is now chairman of the
Dept. of Political Science at
Park College, P a r k v i 1 1 e ,
Hauptmann will also discuss
conservatism in contemporary
America 7 p.m., Tuesday at
Centennial College.
w y-i
worker, noted that single
students also contribute to
problems of the poor. Many
groups of young people have
joined together to rent houses.
Since four or five students can
afford rents easily by splitting
the cost, Balka found landlords
raising their prices.
Unfortunately, low-income
families cannot divide their
rent with anyone. So, Balka
finds many who must "double
up" with other poor families to
afford the rent.
University officials are
aware of the problem.
Comptroller Carl R. Yost,
noting that some studies have
shown Nebraska lowest in the
Big Eight in married student
housing, said that this is an
"area of need". Yost cited
costs like high interest rates
and construction expenses as
the roadblock to housing.
Yost concluded that "the
time is not good, although the
need is ever present".
Monday. Oct. It
Ail Sorority Convocation Nebraska
Concert: Miss Sophia Noel p.m.
vVesttwook Music Bidg.
170 Fall Festival
CulMtumMt 7 M
p.m. Bennett
l: 19
Commute on Academic Privilege and
Tanura 7 p.m. Nebraska Union
auditorium. .
Tuesday, Oct. SO
"Short Suite I" J. 7. p.m.
Sheldon Gallery Auditorium.
Dr. Jeriy Hauptmann: "Eastern
Europe alter me Breihnev Doctrine"
3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union auditorium.
Faculty Recital: Dennis Sclwve'der.
trumpet and Lorraine GiM, soprano
i p.m. Kimball Recital Hall.
W0 Fall Festival of Learning:
"Consumer Protection" 7:J0 p n.
Bennett Martin Library, "Drug Abuse"
7:30 p.m. Bethany Branch Lorary.