The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1970, Image 1
C5 1 O CO CO Ul Z Z .J o u z o r- r- 8 Z o 3 Chanel by CONNIE WINKLER Nebraskan Managing Editor Women have been so sprayed with Chanel No. 5 that they deny their own oppression, says - black feminist and attorney, Florynce Kennedy "With all the Chanel No. 5 it is important for me to cut through it and let them know they are oppressed," she told Time Out audience in the Nebraska Union Ballroom Fri day "The shit society tells women never ends. It's wall to wall and you don't know where to "What is this with all the absurd rules about setting up day care centers?" she asked. "The oppressors seem to be trying to protect you, but when you try to move they tie your ankle." Women are taught to focus on marriage and security to bite the chocolate covered bridge mix candy, she said. But, when women get married and bite the bridge mix they find the chocolate Is covering horse manure instead of mint. Myths about women that they are madonna figures, that they are bitches, that they are lesbians if they don't spray their hair, that they love their pink dust mops are all op pressing women, Kennedy said Women have to stop being Vaseline dispensers and heal ing wounds, the New York City lawyer continued' "You have to deal with those areas of society which take away your humanity." To deal with those areas she proposes women in each state run slates of candidates and r tin-.-. Iiii i. n Voters Will the University and state colleges be forced to shut down if Nebraska voters on Nov. 3 approve a proposed constitu tional amendment which would create a single Nebraska board of higher education? That is the question State Sen. Lester Harsh of McCook will ask State Attorney General Clarence Meyer Monday. Chancellor Durward B. Varner said Saturday the possibility of an immediate shutdown has been called to the University's attention by its legal counsel in a review of Amendment 14. The proposed amendment would create a nine-member board of trustees for all public higher, education in the state, abolishing the NU Board of Regents and the State College Board. Varner said the amendment, if approved, would take effect Immediately and would leave the institutions without governing boards until the new board was established. However, Amendment 14 and the Legislative bill putting the amendment on the ballot do not provide for any transition or transfer of functions, duties and appropriations. Harsh, chairman of the Legislature's Education C o m mittee, was the sponsor of the original version of LB 180 which put Amendment 14 on the ballot. Harsh said his version of the bill called for the NU Board of Regents to be the governing body for the NU system and the state's four-year colleges. dulls sense of oppression that women fight their op pression by the media. Women should run for office because, "we have to work amidst people who oppress us," she says, "Retire those pigs who won't give you the right to retire a pregnancy." She feels there are people who will someday change society violently if oppressed peoples themselves don't start changing society. Kennedy, who is director of the Media Workshop of the Consumer Information Service in New York City, contends the media is programming the population to accept their op pression "The media feels women are only interested In spots on their drinking glasses and doves In their kitchens. I don't know of a radio or broadcasting station that isn't sexist or racist." Colncidentally, before she started speaking a member of the audience gave her a letter illustrating this media op pression. The letter, which she read to the audience, accused a local radio station of referring to blacks derogatorlcally ear lier in the day. "This is a station which has obviously offended someone," she said. "Look and see if that oppressor has oppressed you" "If the radio station has people who . make racist remarks, it is just as likely sexist as it is racist," she add ed. She says women should ex amine the programming of not only this station, but all the media. Then, they should go to the media and demand equal could close University The Harsh bill was shelved during the 1969 session of the Legislature, then revived with some. changes by State Sen. Richard D. Marvel of Has tings, according to Harsh. Marvel said the legislators felt the various boards and in stitutions agreed to the terms of LB 180 when it was being considered by the 1969 Legislature. Varner said that voter ap proval of the amendment could force an immediate shutdown of the University, which would make It necessary to call a Cole expects administration to defend homophile course by JOHN DVORAK Nebraskan Staff Writer The coordinator of NU's class in homophile studies said Sun day he has "no doubts" that the administration will stand by the controversial course at special Legislative Council hearings next week in Omaha. State Sen. Terry Carpenter has called the hearings, saying he wants "specific reasons" why the University feels it is necessary to have a course about homosexuals. "I have no reason to think the administration will not de fend the course," said James K. Cole, associate professor of programming time with sports. In addition women should deal with advertisers, she says. "The way you make the media listen is declare a boycott or girlcott of their advertisers." "The women's liberation is a political attack on a com mercially pig culture," she said. And, the way to attack the culture is through the media. Locally, she also suggested w om c n demand day care centers from the A. C. Nielsen company because the Nielsen 12 I special session of the Legislature for Implementing corrective legislation. "Even such legislation would not immediately solve the pro blem of creating nine compact trustee districts and the elec tion of a board of trustees for higher education which would be necessary to provide the governing body." If the Board of Regents were abolished by the constitutional amendment there would be, in effect, no laws governing the operation of the NU system. Statae laws dealing with the psychology, who supervises the course. "They have defended it in the past. Cole has not yet been invited to the hearings, but said he was expecting an invitation. Others invited to attend the hearings include C. Peter Magrath, dean of faculties, all members of and candidates for the Board of Regents and Louis Crompton, professor of English who was instrumental in establishing the the course. The hearing on homophile studies is only part of a two day Legislative Council hearing on the general subject of a sexual psychopathic in carceration law which was ratings determine which programs are on television. Women's liberation Is just one of the causes the black at torney embraces. She also speaks on behalf of blacks and antiwar GI's. All oppressed people must hit the same pig the 125 biggest advertisers In the country and the Pentagon, she said. "If a person is lying on the ground with a car on his ankle, don't go to the library and find out how much the car weighs. Help him get it off," she said. operation of the University give operating authority to the Regents rather than University administrators. Dormitory, tuition and fee provisions in state law would also be nonoperative because the laws invest authority in the Board of Regents. Varner strongly urged the defeat of Amendment 14. "We have no quarrels with the spirit of the change," he remarked. But he emphasized that mechanical deficiencies in the proposal could be disas irons. passed by the t9 Unicameral, but declared unconstitutional. The law could be rcenactcd at the 1971 Unicmcral session. Carpenter said the hearings slated for tho Douglas County Courthouse, might nko discuss pornography. Carpenter has been an outspoken foe of the homophile course, but he asserted the Regents might be nble to offer explanations for the course which have not previously bean given. The Scottsbluff legislator said he does not favor "going into a man's bedroom to see what he's doing." But he said he wanted the people of Nebraska to know why the homophile course was okayed. The Board of Regents reviewed the course late this summer, and at that time shifted control of it from Crompton to the psychology department and Cole. It was said that at least one Regent was entirely against the course. "I think it's one of the better designed courses around," Cole said. "And much of the credit for that must go to Crompton, who has put In a great amount of time on it." The course, which has 34 students enrolled, centers mostly around speakers from various disciplines. An t hropologists, psychiatrists, Turn to page 2 Davis to release letter Michael Davis safd Sunday he plans to release early this week a letter sent to him by tho NU Board of Regents detailing reasons he was not hired as an instructor of philosophy. Davis, a University of Michigan graduate student whose appointment was blocnod by the Regents last summer, said the letter, along with his comments on it, will be releas ed through Robert Dewey, chairman of the Philosophy department. He called the content of the letter "reassuring in a way" and added that he felt the reasons he was not hired were "political in nature."