The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1970, Image 1

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FRI., OCT. 16, 1970
VOL. 94, NO. 19
K ft :
Two swinging coeds out on a limb.
Time out for
social issues
Speakers from across the
country and award-warning
films from the. Fifth National
Student Film Festival highlight
the ASUN Time Out program
Friday and Saturday.
The films are to be shown
Friday at 7 and 9 p.m. and
Saturday at 3 p.m. All showings
are in the Sheldon Art Gallery
Auditorium and cost is 50
"The Education Revolutfon"
Is the topic of a speech by
Larry Magid, director of the
Center for Educational Reform
in Washington D.C. Magid, who
has also served as coordinator
of the Center for Participant
Education (Berkeley's student
run experimental college), Is
scheduled to speak in the
Nebraska Union Ballroom Fri
day at 10:30 a.m.
A panel discussion on
"Women A Local Emphasis"
Is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. in
the Union Small Auditorium.
Florynce Kennedy, black
feminist and New York civil
rights attorney. Is moderator.
Michael Llerhen, director of
the National Student Associa
tion Legal Rights program, will
speak on "Students and the
Law" in the Union Ballroom at
1:30 p.m. Friday.
Florynce Kennedy will speak
on "Institutional Oppression of
Women" in the Union at 3:30
p.m. Friday.
A discussion of "Ecology as a
Local Issue" is scheduled for
1:30 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom Saturday.
At 3:30 p.m. Saturday there
will be a panel discussion of
people involved with the
poverty problem in Lincoln and
Nebraska. The discussion will
be in the Union Ballroom.
Devaney: no
Miami offer
Nebraska head football
coach Bob Devaney Thurs- 1
port in an Omaha news
paper that the University
of Miami was seeking him
as a coach.
"There's nothing to it
what-so-ever," Devaney
said Thursday night "I
don't know where they're
getting their Information,
but I haven't been con
tacted by the University of
Miami and I won't be. I'm
not even interested. This is
strictly a fantasy as far as
I'm concerned."
According to former Lin
coln sportswrlter Norrls
Anderson, who writes the
Miami Confidential column
in Football News, Miami Is
interested in hiring De
vaney at about $100,000 a
YAF plans legal action
against mandatory fees
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Legal action against the
policy of mandatory student
fees at the University is being
planned by the NU chapter of
the Young Americans for
Freedom (YAF).
Terry Cannon, YAF president
said Thursday his chapter
plans to seek an injunction to
put a freeze on all student fees
at the University. He said any
YAF legal action would pro
bably not come until after the
November elections.
"We have a good chance to
win the suit, since there are
precedent cases," remarked
The planned YAF legal ac
tion is intended to establish
"voluntary fees and to end the
abuse of student fees for
political purposes by a small
minority of radicals," ac
cording to a YAF statement.
"The project is being carried
out In Lincoln as part of a na
tional offensive by YAF."
Cannon said he got the idea
for the suit from the national
YAF office.
The proposed YAF action
could greatly affect such cam
pus organizations as the
Nebraska Union, student
government, and The
Nebraskan. Through fees,
students annually pay $18 to the
Union, $2.50 to The Nebraskan
and $.80 to ASUN.
"We feel students fees are
extravagent and are not used
for the best purposes of
students," noted Cannon. "In
light of recent proposed tuition
hikes at the University the
elimination of student fees
could help many students stay
in school by reducing their
YAF would like to see volun
tary student fees be established
according to Cannon. Under
this plan students would pay
just for the services they want.
A recent court decision in
New York concerning man
datory student fees may set a
precedent for all state
The independence of the stu
dent government at the New
York State University at
Albany was declared illegal,
and its operation effectively
shut down in a Sept. 17 by New
York Supreme Court decision.
The decision was the outcome
of a suit brought by two Albany
State students over the student
government's expenditures for
"political" matters such as
transportation to Washington
for the Vietnam Moratorium,
creation of a free school, and a
black cultural weekend.
The decision enjoined the
University from permitting the
student government from
making further expenditures
until the University's Board of
Trustees had reviewed and ap
proved the budget.
The New York decision was
widely regarded as a
landmark. The decision makes
it possible for any student in
any state supported school to
move for a restraining order
against his own student
government if the government
funds itself through mandatory
student fees.
Thone Nixon Republican
A self-proclaimed "Nixon
Republican" promised to "see
that President Nixon's pro
grams get a fair hearing in the
House of Representatives" if he
. Is elected to Congress in
Charles Thone is the
Republican candidate for
Nebraska's first congressional
district. Thone spoke to about
35 people at a Young
Republicans meeting in the
Nebraska Union Thursday
He gave assurance that being
a staunch Nixon supporter
would not make him "a rubber
stamp congressman" as far as
the ffrst district was concerned.
"But let's face it," said Thone.
"Republicans just are not going
to control the House next
term." Thone believes this
make3 It imperative that
Republican congressmen try to
force the House to give max
imum consideration to the
President's proposals.
In Thone'8 opinion world
peace Is the priority issue of the
time. Ho supports the President
on Vietnam. "He inherited a
lousy, rotten war," said Thone.
"He's doing the only sensible,
practical thing he can do to get
us out of It."
Domestically, "a congress
man from this state has
to be very sympathetic to
agriculture. It Is the industry in
Nebraska" according to
On broader national issues,
Tlwne supports Nixon doctrine
on the issues of drug abuse,
ecology and the volunteer
On the super-sonic transport:
"I have kind of a pioneer spirit.
As long as it's not too god-awful
expensive I'm for it."
On dirtct election of tlo
President: "I'm definitely
against It. (The electoral col
lege system) goes to the very
heart of the federal system in
America." Thone added mat he
was for smaller-scale electoral
Vice president Agnew is
nothing new to Thone. "He's
lust dning what left-wingers
nave been doing for years," he
said. "Except he takes tho
Republican side on Issues.
McGovern and those people
have been splitting the country
just as much as he has."
Thone said he was "ex
tremely liberal" in his attitudes
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