New boutique sells gifts, clothing, etc. By BLYTHE ERICKSON Nebraskan Copy Editor Although beset with misfortunes, the two young and pretty proprieters of the new Etc. Boutique are determined to make a success of their shop. It was recently opened at J028 "P" St. "Our first shop, the Hall Tree, was cm South St.," said Janet Martin, one of the CUE to be probed Continued from page 1 special ASUN committee was ASUN Sen. Bruce Wimmer, who had earlier questioned ASUN expenditures during May. Wimmer said Wednesday he will soon release a report disclosing if student fees were used by ASUN for strike ac tivities. Near the end of the ASUN Senate meeting a motion to in vestigate the legitimacy of CUE as a campus organization was approved without opposi tion. Sen. Tim Kincaid, who in troduced the motion, noted that CUE has not filed a constitution and there is some ambiguity whether they have an account with the student activities fund. Senators Roy Baldwin, Wim mer and Kincaid were ap pointed to head the investiga tion. It is not known when they will report back to the Senate. Advisory board changes date The Arts and Sciences Ad visory Board will interview students Oct. IS, 3:30-4:30 p.m. for Arts and Sciences Grade Appeals Committee members and associate Advisory Board members. The Board has changed the interview date from Oct .13. Students can fill out applica tions and sign up for an inter view time at the ASUN office. Student Union. Interviews will be held in llopner Hall. Head Nebraskan Want Ads owners. "The shop was open there for aflxcut a year." Then they moved downtown to "N" Street in the Senate Cafe Building because "there was less overhead and we thought business would be bet. tor." But they had little op portunity to find out about downtown business. The building burned down, destroying the girls' shop. They were able to collect their insurance, but then had to find another food location with a low overhead. After deciding to try one of the warehouses under the "0" st. viaduct, they began cleaning and painting. But, they were apprehensive because the warehouse was too big to give the cczy look they were aiming for. Then they found their present location. But this was just the beginning of the hard work of taking plaster off the walls to expose the original brick, put ting up shingles, laying down the patch-work carpet, and building a partitioning wall. "Now we hear that this whole block of buildings is to be torn down in about a year to make a parking lot," said Dlanne Wing, the other proprietress. "But, we hope by then we will have established enough of a Calendar Oct. 15 Coffee House .Concert; "Bittersweet' S p.m., Nebraska Union International Luncheon: Noon UMHE American Sculpture Exhibition William King, questions and answers, 10:30 a.m.; Louise Nevelson, questions and answers, 2:30 p.m.; Sheldon Gallery Auditorium Aquaquette Tryouts: I p.m. Women's P.E. pool 1970 Fall festival of Learning) "Creative Writing." 7:30 p.m. South branch Public Library i Hyde Park: 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Vounq Republicans Meeting: Speaker, ; Charles Thone 8 p.m. Nebraska Union Young Democrats Meeting: Speaker, Dill Burrows 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Small Auditorium ASUN Legal Rights Committee: 4:30' p.m. Nebrka Union ASUN Time-Out: Institutional Racism at me University Level" 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union j PUBLIC SESSIONS TODAY 4:30 6:30 7:00 9:00 RINO THI PAMILV . . . IT'S 10 MUCH PUN AND HIALTHY, TOO I 14 AND UNDER lit ADULTS $1 KKATI KINTAL M IS vfteMe tJ mF M Go Big Red 45 RPM wtih "Nebraska Chant Hail Varsity" life X Available, at th foiUwtna U. al N Mim1 IMf. Ian4 Office; tRctrtJ teat at Brantfait Mil lar's. Alia by prepaid mail for $1.00 fram ROTO RECORDS P.O. lax 454S lincala Nfc. 41304 ' ' 11? A , 111" - . r Etc . . . Customer inspects variety of wares in the boutique imports, gift items, clothing, accessories, etc. reputation to be able to move without losing our clientele." She added that many people who come in to the boutique ask what other Lincoln shops are similar to Etc. Wing answers that there are none, though the shop is much like some of the boutiques in Georgetown. Etc. Carries imports, gift items, clothing, accessories and, as the girls say, Etc. Both Wing and Martin are pro fessional seamstresses and sew custom clothing for their customer. "Although neither of us is going to the University, our artist and our seamstresses are students," said Wing. "The shop really takes up our time, but we love it" Etc. is a unique experience for the shopper who steps into the warm and homey boutique for the first time. Today is the first day of National Macaroni Week October 15-24 CCdDflllcBgcB imngDntt sad ttHiice IIBdDyfflill (GiraDw DHdDDn(iDnonnngs nDIELLTTA TTiMJ LDLEILTTA Iloyiil Grovc-lIowrcl Shaw IlciiroMuliitlvo-180-3G 13 THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 15, 1970 THE NEBRASKAN PAGE 3