The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1970, Image 1

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to hear
After an hour of discussion
and dissection, the ASUN
Senate Wednesday approved
without opposition the largest
budget in student government
history $30,000.
The budget is now subject to
approval of Peter Wirtz,
Director of Student Activities,
and Russell H. Brown, Dean of
Student Development, before it
is finally accepted by President
Joseph Soshnik.
Eighty cents per student per
Student senate may vote
on use of funds for Davis
The Student Senate will
probably decide next Wednes
day afternoon whether to use
ASUN funds to help bring
Michael Davis to campus.
Davis, the University of
Michigan graduate student who
was denied a job as a
philosophy instructor at the
University of Nebraska, said
recently he has accepted an
invitation to speak on campus
the last week of October.
However the question of
which student group will
finance the Davis speech,
estimated to cost about $200,
remained in question Wednes
day. A new student group, the
Free Speech Movement, has
said it will raise the money by
soliciting private donations if
necessary. That group would
rather that either ASUN or the
Nebraska Union Program
Council finances or at least
hlp pay for the trip.
The resolution on use of
ASUN funds was introduced at
the Wednesday Senate meeting
in an unusual way.
Whenever three per cent of
the full-time students enrolled
at NU (about 600 this -year)
sign a petition requesting that
the Senate pass a resolution,
the student Senate is bound to
at least consider that resolu
tion. Several members of the Free
Speech Movement have been
circulating the petitions the last
several days, and presented the
petitions with about 600
signatures at the Wednesday
The Committee for Un
disrupted Education (CUE)
announced Wednesday that
they have requested an ap
pearance before the Board of
Regents at which time they will
disclose "all facts" relating to
last May's student strike.
Richard Recker, CUE
treasurer, would not comment
on the nature of the facts they '
wish to present to the Regents.
Recker made the CUE an
nouncement at Wednesday's
Student Senate meeting.
In addition to requesting a
regular semester and fifteen
cents per student per summer
semester is made available to
the senate for its activities
through student fees.
Revisions to the budget
presented last week included
providing $1,000 for a proposed
Rural American Conference to
be held in the spring
Five hundred dollars was
. allocated to the Legal Rights
Committee to cover committee
expenses and the possible
The resolution requests:
"that student fees shall be ex
pended to enaible Duvis's im
mediate presence on campus to
address the academic com
munity and that an invitation
shall be extended to the Board
of Regents to appoint a
representative to reply in open
GSL begins second year
News Analysis
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The Council on Student Life
which last year attacked
racism on the campus
threatened the status quo of the
Greek system and liberated
freshmen women begins its se
cond year this week.
CSL was hailed last year as
the dream of all students
student control over student
life. But once CSL started
making policy many student
organizations complained that
It had too much power.
Despite these claims, many
questions remain concerning
how the Council will use its
The Board of Regents gave
CSL policy-making power over
student social and out-of-classroom
activities, subject to
approval by the Regents.
However, CSL produced little
policy output in its first year.
The Council, with its student
majority, spent much of Its
hearing b e f o r e the Regents,
Recker said CUE has sent their
report on last May's three-day
voluntary strike to the
Legislative Council, the
Legislative Budget Committee,
the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
and the state auditor.
CUE was organized last May
in opposition to the student
strike. CUE is not an official
campus organization but has
filed a letter of intent to be
come one.
Recker termed the report of
the special ASUN committee,
VOL 94, NO. 18
retention of an attorney, if
The Legislative Liaison
Committee, the Electoral
Commission and the ASUN of
' fice appropriations received
budget cuts. The Liaison and
Electoral Commission were
both sliced $500 and ASUN of
fices expenses lessened by
Editor Kelley, Baker of The
Nebraskan offered subscrip
tions of the campus newspaper
to the Liaison Committee at a
reduced rate in view of their cut
funds. The subscriptions are to
be sent to the members of the
Nebraska Legislature.
Proposed expenditures were
figured at $29,902.36, but for the
sake of bookkeeping, the figure
was rounded to $30,000, the
maximum allotted to ASUN
through student fees. The bulk
of the budget was divided
among salaries, $5,209.80; the
Student Economic Develop
ment Committee, $3,400; Com-.
mittee on Human Rights,
$3,775; the Time Out, $2,490;
World in Revolution $1,500, and
Rural American Conferences.
time organizing itself and stu
dying various campus pro
blems. No charges
Lancaster County Attor
ney Paul Douglas Wednes
day said he will not file
charges In connection with
the forcible entry of the
University Military and
Naval Science Building lust
The names of five or six
students had been fur
nished to Douglas last
week by the University.
Douglas said he had in
formed Gail Gade, director
of campus security, that
there was nothing in the
evidence presented him to
show that any of the in
dividuals broke into the
building or did any damage.
investigating last May's ASUN
expenditures, as "neither
surprising nor especially
. In recent weeks there has
been a heated controversy
whether student fees were used
to support last May's strike
Peter Wirtz, Student Ac
tivities Director, said Wednes
day that the state auditor's of
fice has conducted an audit of
the ASUN account in the Stu
dent Activities office. Wirtz
said he does not know the
results of the audit.
Commenting on CUE'S an
nouncement, ASUN President
Steve Tiwald said, "After in
vestigation by several groups
and committees, I believe full
disclosure of the facts has
taken place."
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HEP students
"HEP gives most of us a chance to receive some
thing we never had an opportunity to get before
an education." See story page 6.
CSL Chairman John W.
Robinson succinctly explained
the lack of policymaking: "You
have to study a problem before
you can acton it."
However, significant action
could come from CSL very
soon. CSL's Ad Hoc Committee
on Racial Discrimination,
which nearly produced cardiac
arrest in the Greek system last
semester, Is expected to finish
their report this month.
The Committee has been in
vestigating all student
organizations to determine if
the organization's membership
is open to persons of all races
and what steps the group has
taken to eliminate racial pre
judice. The Ad Hoc Committee
could recommend to CSL pro
bation or suspension for any
organization whose policies or
actions are unsatisfactory.
The Committee's Chairman
Russell Brown said recently
that the Committee has not
decided yet If it will apply
sanctions against any
He said he will be happy to
attend the Regents' meeting. "I
would like to see this matter
cleared up once and for all."
The report of the ASUN
committee, investigating strike
expenditures, did not conclude
whether student fee money was
used in ASUN-supported strike
ASUN expenditures from
May to August totaled $3,333
according to the report.
However, no effort was made
to determine if these expen
ditures were used for strike
activity. In the same period
ASUN expenditures exceeded
income by $753, according to
the report.
One of the members of the
Turn to page 3
The Council has also been
asked by President Joseph
Soshnik to study three recom
mendations of the Spelts Com
mission, which Investigated
last spring's disturbances at
the University. The Spelts
Commission pnpwifih thn CSL
will be studying for possible
action are:
The University should
change its rules on s'udent
conduct which are now too
general and pa'ernalistic. Acts
which are prohibited and max
imum penalties for violations
shcu'd be specified.
The organization of Student
Affairs should be altered to
clearly separate counseling
functions fror.i those cf factual
Investigation, prosecution, and
adjudication in situations
potentially re quiring
disciplinary action.
The possibility should be
explored cf Improving channels
of communication between
students and staff by decen
tralizing non-discinlinary stu
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