Corahuskers preparing for strong Missouri rush by JIM JOHNSTON Associated Sports Writer Nebraska escaped non-conference play with limited in juries, but the flu bug has hit the Husker camp as they pre pare for their Big Eight open er against Missouri Saturday. Linebacker Pat Morell and fullback Dan Schneiss returned to fc practice field Tuesday arter short bouts with the flu, but were still feeling weak. Quarterback Jerry Tagge left practice early. Bowl scouts descend for Huskers Bowl scouts are keeping close watch on Big Eight fav orites Nebraska and Missouri. Four bowls will be repre sented Saturday at Memorial Stadium when the Huskers en tertain the Tigers at 1:30 p.m. Representatives from the Su gar, Orange, Cotton and Liber ty Bowls will be in the press box. The Sugar Bowl is sending three members. Coed football needs applicants Applicants are still being taken for coed flag football, the Intramuras and Recreat ion Department announced. A team must consist of eight stu dents, half gilrs and half boys. The names of team members should be turned into 121 Ne braska Hall. 1317 y St. Of IN THUXS. -Till P.M. AMK AMIRI.AMO MASTRR CHAR9M PARK SHOP ri6" to NJ $34" "A lot of guys are tired," said Nebraska coach Dod De vaney. "That's why we didn't run sprints tonight. I figured we would take it easy." But the flu isn't the only enemy Devaney is worried about. The Missouri pass rush ing attack could be another bad bug for the Huskers. "Missouri has a constant pass rush," pointed out De vaney "We've done a good job in pass protection so far this year, but we havent had as tough a job as Missouri will give us yet." Devaney denied the possibil ity that the Huskers will change their passing attack because of the constant rush. "The rush will make us lose a few of our patterns," ad mitted Devaney, "but we're still going to use most of our patterns and make some ad justments in protection." Coniliuskers' 1971 football schedule is rearranged Due to a schedule conflict, Nebraska will play seven home football games during the 1971 season. The first four games will be in Lincoln. An away game with North western (Sept. 25) has been dropped from the schedule and a home game with Utah State added. The Texas A & M game in Lincoln, originally set for Oct. 2, will be played Sept. 25. The Cornhuskers will en tertain Utah State Oct. 2. The 1972 game with Minn esota has also been switched to Lincoln. OOTS OF FAMOUS BRAND THE FINEST SELECTION BOOTS AT GREAT SAVINGS VALUES FROM 20.00 t 40.00 OUR DISCOUNT SHOP A COMPAKE . . . YC'J'Ll ALYtfAYS JAYS ON FAMOUS BRANDS AT III CiL- , f Elg D2eci believes in equal rights for women. H A Red just -for men ? "That's unenlightened, we sfct-maf. ureiy yxwe heard of Women Women ? Our Tbrker designers bh&ed (-they lead very sheltered lives.) VObrncn, we siqhed. Liberated, equal, independent, unshaded, brave and qlotioufvjomtr). Iwo says they don't decent -fo oWn an equally-funky red pen? VJhy with Their orare-dckcd-qreen'Striped purple-paisleyd qear, -they're ever bifras funky asmen. And who says they dent have the sams mmo wwijim pi u wet wombm. mnui with - . - - - - - - -- --- riqlt to a soft tip pen thatk refillable7 They carib afffencf thmaays, either. Thfyh? just as short of btead. We pointed out, Women grp some what dffehvntlher hands are usual! smaller. So how about a nct-so-biq Bi KM tityefln really qet a qrir on ? Aid thar hands ait already -full So hcW about puttinq -their pen on a necklace? ."That did it Our designers were fill chked up. So now -there's 2&iqRed -for. Mmen Who s2ys ytt can't buy a sWn?n4 q'ft-fortS? . co eni )K camihji A., ' . . w "'-"vm vriftBWUr wUMiH tT iM 1 Hum Hr Otnn JnMi mwwv utA PAGE 8 THE NEBRASKAN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1970