The Liason Committee Only Whetted Appetites The Faculty Liason Committee has put itself in the unenviable position of not being able to satisfy anyone, not even its committee members. During a two hour session Tuesday the committee played the role of unwilling coquette possessed of highly desired in formation that it was not permitted to divulge. The committee had studied the Regents' action concerning the case of Michael Davis, a graduate from Michigan whose appointment to the Nebraska faculty was blocked by the Board. They addressed themselves to the ques tions of whether or not academic freedom had been violated and what standards should be used in the future "to determine whether ap pointments recommended by the faculty are approved by the Board." One of the most unfortunate aspects of the entire affair is that Michael Davis has never been given the opportunity to confront the Board or respond to objections that have been raised. Indeed, these objections have never been specified, even in the Board's response to Davis request for "specific and concrete" reasons. It was the opinion of the Liason Commit tee that the Board acted in an area where reasonable men can differ but it is important to keep in mind the fact that Davis was re- , hired as a graduate instructor when his ap pointment at Nebraska was blocked less than a month before school began. Though, as Dr. Levine pointed out, Davis was rehired as a graduate assistant and not as a member of the faculty who would be presumed to eventually earn tenure. Perhaps the admini strators and faculty at Michigan are not aware of Davis' defects or this may be a case where reasonable men did differ. The Liason Committee was apprised of the Regents' reasons only when they gave their word that the confidence would be reipected. They are now in the same position as iie man who says that he has a letter from te Presi dent which tells him everything but he's not permitted to show it to anyone. Tuese men have their letters from the President but the important difference is that they "are not in complete agreement with the decision of the Regents." ... Two weeks ago the Nebraskan called upon the Board of Regents to divulge its rea sons for rejection Davis. The Nebraskan now urges the ASUN Senate in its meeting this afternoon to ask the same of the Board as should the Faculty Senate when it meets next week. The Liason Committee, in a roundabout fashion, called for the same action by the Board when it stated, "In the last analysis only the Board of Regents can make known the basis of their action. We urge them, in the interest of clarity, to reconsider their re luctance to do so." The Nebraskan urges the Board, not in the interest of clarity or prac ticality, but in the interest of truth and fair ness, to make known their reasons. THE NEBRASKAN Telephonesr CdlUir: OT-im, twain: 471 2Hf. News: 472-U9&. Second etas pi.l pid et Lincoln. Neb, Subscription rata art 15 pe semester of MM per year. Published Monday. : WdneJjy. Thursday and Friday during trie tcnoot year except during vaca tion and m periods. Men of tft Intercolleoiate Prist. National Educa tional Advertising Service. Tile ftebreskan I student publication. Independent of tytd University of Neb raska's administration, faculty and ihjdenf government. Adoresi The Nebraska 34 Nebraska Union U.tiverslty of Nebraska ' . Lincoln. Nebraska X9 .': " f i i i" t . t ! I More residential classes by JIM PEDERSEN In an attempt to improve the quality of residential and educational life for students in the University's high-rise dorms, certain faculty, ad ministrators and housing of ficials are working on a plan to hold classes in the dormitories second semester. Unfortunate ly, hesitant faculty and apathetic students may allow the plan to founder. DESPITE THESE problems, some classes will probably be held In the high-rise complexes. But the number of classes and the success of the program depends on the interest shown by both students and faculty members in the next two weeks. The proposal would, for In stance, move multi-sectional classes from Burnett Hal to Abel 4 lounge. The classes would include everything from economics to English to math to finance. Faculty and THE NEBRASKAN students should become in volved intellectually, carrying their interest beyond the hour of class. Ideally, the result would be that faculty hold of fice hours In the dorms and students rap on an Informal basis. THE LOGISTICS of ad ministering the proposal may cause students some inconve nience. The sessions would necessitate students giving up the lounges as recreation areas for two or so hours a day. It would also mean adjusting to the presence of mixed groups on the upper floors during the day in both men's and women's dorms. Such Inconveniences, however, are far outweighed by the educational stimulation. "In the words of one faculty member: "The advantages of this proposal are that it costs next to nothing, it takes the curriculum as it is, and it permits Immediate demonstration of the University's concern for the academic and residential quality of undergraduate life." IT IS IMPORTANT now that students decide whether and in what they are interested, and communicate this interest to Dean Walter Bruning. Furthermore, it la Important that faculty display an interest in this exciting experiment. All this must be done if the size of the program is to even ap proximate trie 70 classes that have been suggested, Instead of the meager twelve which now appear likely. It must happen before mid-October when Uie printing of the second semester bulletin would make further innovation impossible. STUDENTS AND FACULTY have the opportunity to make a significant improvement in the intellectual life of the University. Hopefully, both groups will take advantage of this opportunity. PAGE 4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1970