Birch Bayh here Talks & "Last year I had a hard time finding people to help decide how to blow all our money," remarked Bob Russell, chairman of the Nebraska Union Talks and Topics com mittee. "Bat this year a real diverse group makes up the committee, freaks, dormies, and YAF people. It is an inspiration to see that students care where their money is going." The Talks and Topics com mittee presents a speaker series throughout the school year. "In the past the speaker series has been concentrated on big-name speakers who don't have that much to say," Russell said. There are a lot more speakers available who don't cost as much but may have more impact." He said a survey conducted If a That's right, college Mk. 7UP The Uncola", is offering you a super neat Uncola poster for your waU absolutely free! All you da is send your name and address to: Uncola College Offer, P.O. Box 1403 1. St. Louis, Mo. 63178. (Or have someone write it for you if you go to one of those "progressive schools J m This serai-beautiful 21 by It poster is per fect for covering unsightly sections of your wall like doors, clocks and windows. Also, this snazzy poster is actually hanging in The Louvre in Paris! That's right, The Louvre Car and Body Shop, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. Thursday Topics: last spring told the committee which speakers students preferred. The committee has encountered difficulty in get ting the speakers listed because of complications in availability and cost, but a number have been scheduled for the coming months. Senator Birch Bayh, Democrat from Indiana, will speak October I. Bayh led senate opposition to the supreme court nominations of Clement C. Haynsworth and Harold Carswell. Nebraska gubernatorial can didates Norbert Tiemann and J. J. Exon are scheduled to debate campaign issues on campus October 21 In conjunction with Black History Week, Dr Charles Hurst, president of Malcom X College in Chicago, will visit the campus in February. fee iwr wail. 1970 speakers John Holt, author of How Children Fail is slated to speak on April 22 and the author of Catch 22, Joseph Heller has - agreed to speak May 6. The group is currently stu dying the possibility of con tracting John Froines, a Chicago 7 defendant, Phillip Abbot Luce, former new left organizer now connected with the Young Americans For Freedom; Ken Kesey, author of ASUN committee to meet Tuesday A meeting of the ASUN ed ucation committee is planned for Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, according to committee chairman Cheryl Long. Paris, North Dakota. (Hours: 9 to 5, appoint ments only, closed on Wednesdays.) Along with your poster we're going to send you absolutely FREE, FREE, FREE an un-pun sticker and all kinds of 7 UP literata on more Uncola stuff that's available. (The kind you'll like!) Merchandata rangmg from really big 7UP posters to Tum-Un lamps. Youll be the envy of your room (especially if you live alone). So send for your free 7UP poster. Dont de lay! Act today! Supply is limited to the first 7 mil lion requests. Offer Expires December 31, 1970. THE NEBRASKAN with impact One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; and Kate Millett, women's liberationist and author of The Sexual Politics. "We are also working on some special projects, such as bringing in a poet to give readings and to rap with the students," said Russell. "We are trying to contact Richard Brautigan, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Robert Ely, as well as a few others. The State Department pro vides speakers to discuss foreign policy with students and the committee will try to take advantage of that too, he coninued. "We want - this year's speakers to represent both the right and the left politically, because in previous years the series has concentrated oo the left," he said. "The committee v O Dear 7 UP folk: Gimme, gimme, gimme! Thank yoa. Name. AJJre-s I City. State. Send tot UncoLi College Offer, P.O. Box 14031, St. Louis, Mo. 6317$ intends to emphasize literary matters and the arts as well as politics." Russell said there will be no sports speakers this year. "If students want to hear about sports, they can talk to Bob Devaney." "It is not our aim to entertain students. We want to bring in speakers that will interest them in humanity rather than a good laugh," Russell added. The program is worth the time and money involved if students are exposed to the speaker in an informal situa tion, he added. Russell emphasized that the committee and its meetings are open to any student who wishes to participate in choosing the speakers. The Talks and Topics committee will meet next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. .Zip. PAGE 5